Venus Retrograde in Aries – March-April 2017


Venus Retrograde in Aries – March-April 2017

On March 4/5, 2017, our planet Venus – The Goddess – moves retrograde in Aries for the next 6 weeks.  Sharing with you a little insight into the energy of Venus and how to work with this deeply insightful retrograde transit over the next couple of months as Venus then moves direct on the April 14/15, 2017.

Venus – The Goddess

VENUS represents the Divine Feminine archetype, the embodiment of love, beauty, sensuality, passion & desire.  As an archetype I am referring to both Men & Women and how we emotionally, & psychologically integrate, manifest and express the Divine Feminine within our daily lives.

Venus is often experienced as the great attractor – both how we attract things into our lives and our attractions to things in our lives. By things I am referring to relationships, resources, possessions, & money.

Venus is the ruler of both Libra & Taurus, so depending on the placement of planets in these signs (including the Sun, Moon & Ascendant),  this will greatly influence how Venus will influence your life over the next couple of months.

Libra is an Air sign and expresses our desires for harmony, beauty, justice, peaceful and intimate relationships.  Taurus is an Earth sign and is pleasure-loving, tactile, stimulates our senses and places importance on wealth/assets to indulge in luxurious experiences.   Combined, Venus (through Libra & Taurus) influences what we value in our lives, where/how we place our energy in matters of the heart and the way we give and receive love.

The how/manner in which we experience love is influenced by Venus.   The placement of Venus in our chart guides our sense of style, fashion and our own individual take on art & beauty.  It drives the way we flirt, seduce, make love and how we use our ‘femininity’ to influence/attract others (aka get what we want).  Venus seeks pleasure, beauty & financial prosperity all woven together in a package that tastes, smells & feels absolutely delicious !

We express Venus in our lives through the 7 Goddess Archetypes (refer CLHSAW) with each Archetype embodying is own wisdom, challenges and growth potentials:

  • The Princess/Maiden
  • The Priestess/Healer
  • The Mother/Nurturer
  • The Lover/Seducer
  • The Visionary
  • The Warrior/Warrioress
  • The Sage/Wise Woman

During my ‘The Soul of Wealth‘ program that starts during this Venus Retrograde I will be focussing on embodying the archetypes of the Divine Feminine in your life and experience the wealth of the beauty, love & joy that comes from SoulFull living.

Venus Retrograde

On March 4/5, VENUS moves RETROGRADE (Rx) in our skies – appears to be moving backwards.  Of course Venus doesn’t actually moving backwards per se,  it only has the appearance of moving backwards from our position here on Earth (you may wish to read my Article on Retrograde Planets to understand this phenomenon a little better).

Venus moves into retrograde every 18 months or so, and then stays that way for about 6 weeks.  Venus is one of our inner-planets (alongside Mercury, Earth & Mars).   Venus is retrograde the least amount of time than both Mercury & Mars… thus during its retrograde transmit is influence is often strongly felt.

When a planet is Retrograde it’s energy becomes more inward.  During this inward phase, we have the opportunity to review or reflect our ‘inner-self’ as it relates to the past.  The past maybe this life, or could even relate to a previous incarnation of the Soul. Whilst a retrograde planet can have a bad rap of creating chaos within our lives, in actual fact these ‘challenges’ produce wonderful opportunities for growth.   As the pot is ‘stirred up’ and what is unconscious comes to the surface… it represents a wonderful opportunity for healing, shifting old energy and being greater degrees of joy and self-love.

When VENUS transits RETROGRADE, you may find that the world takes on a different hue.  What you previously experienced as beautiful, seductive and tantalisingly sexy, now tends to be seen through different eyes.  

This is not bad, but rather a primal urge to move deeply into the recessess of the Goddess and uncover a more transcendent LOVE & beauty than you have ever experienced before.   Venus Retrograde makes way for the for the flourishing of a deeply primal ancient feminine energy that is enduring and deeply transformative.

Here are a few key areas that maybe under the microscope for your this March/April Venus Retrograde:

  • RELATIONSHIPS/ROMANCE – All relationships, partnerships & dalliances will be in review.   What may have previously been swept under carpet will now find its way to rise to the surface full-throttle.   If in a new romance these past months, your ‘beer-goggles’ will have fallen off and maybe you find that lustful sparkle has been lost.  If in a committed/long-term relationship those niggling idiosyncrasies of your partner (hey, we all have them) may suddenly seem intolerable and if you are thinking about marriage/divorce then you may have doubts on both fronts.   On an interesting note, you may find you ‘fall in love’ during a Venus Retrograde as you attract into your life that which you value the most and has deepest value and meaning to you.  Remember, when faced with being ‘right’ or being ‘kind’ choose kindness.   If you know in your heart that it is time to leave, then as Venus moves direct choose to move on from a place of LOVE, compassion & empathy.
  • OLD RELATIONSHIPS / EX’s – Stuff from the past seems to revisit during Venus Retrograde… like an ex suddenly showing up on your doorstep, your current relationship is now ‘seen’ as being a repeat pattern of your past or go into fear mode about repeating the mistakes of the past in affairs of the heart.  Advice ?  Take a chill-pill (well a cup of chamomile tea will do) and just sit this retrograde window out.  Fear will only create more of what you don’t want… so instead use this time of conscious reflection to make heart-felt choices for your future once Venus moves direct.
  • MOTHER / WOMEN IN YOUR LIFE – You maybe drawn to scrutinise or re-evaluate all the relationships you have in your life regarding women – your Mother, daughter, friends, colleagues and women in power/authority.    Friendships may end as you see behind the ‘veil’ and choose a different path.   You also may see where your values may have gone askew and how what means the most to you in your relationships with women has been lost as you have failed to invest your heart, time & energy in what matters most.  It is never too late to rekindle the flame… but maybe take it slow and use Venus direct to give you a little momentum.   Work on that plan for a reunion, a girls weekend away or sit down and have a heart-to-heart with a significant woman in your life and put the past to rest.
  • SENSUALITY/SEX/PLEASURE – If you have slipped into old patterns (such as the glamour of overindulging in food, sex, alcohol), then Venus Retrograde it is a time to also examine your relationship with substances and lifestyle choices.  Conversely… you maybe drawn to reflect on when did you stop allowing yourself to experience the full breadth of sensual living.   When did you last stand in the rain, take a candle-lit bubble bath (+ lover) dance under the moon, make love all afternoon, eat mangoes naked, or take the time to prepare a special meal just for you because you are worth it !  Are you so caught up in the trap of time, hurrying and having to get things done that you have lost the simple pleasure of simply BEing and giving pleasure to you.
  • FINANCES & POSSESSIONS Our values come under the microscope during Venus Retrograde.   You may see areas in your life where you are wasteful or too flippant with your attitude around money.  Time to maybe reassess your weekly budget and seek a solution to pay off your debt faster or even consolidate.  Maybe time to call in debts from others and spend time cleaning up the garage ready for that big garage sale in a couple of months.  Remember, quality not quantity. 
  • BEAUTIFUL YOU Finally, your relationship with YOU maybe under the radar during this Venus Retrograde.  Do you value yourself ?  Do you LOVE yourself ?  Do you give yourself pleasure ?  Deeper feelings of deception, rejection, betrayal, sorrow, regret & shame maybe all consuming during Venus Retrograde.  All these feelings/emotions when trapped within your shadow shield your ability to both give & receive love… and they keep you hurt, the keep you small, they keep you afraid and ultimately they take away your freedom & keep you from being happy.  Time to let them go.  Time to move on.   Let Venus Retro show you have incredibly amazing the REAL YOU is on the inside and you are worthy… all you need to is open you Heart.

As a general rule, during a Venus Retrograde it is recommended to not make any final major relationship changes (such as an engagement, marriage, divorce or quitting a job)… but instead to objectively explore your emotions and feelings as they come up and then to move forward consciously when Venus goes direct.   This is only a suggestion of course (and as an Indigo Ray child I always break the rules)…  but if you are considering a life-changing decision… then maybe 6 to 8 weeks is worth the wait ! 

In addition, it is also probably not the best time to invest in any major asset, holiday or experience of the heart.   What may look/feel like a deliciously brilliant/delightful opportunity during Venus Retrograde may not look as shiny or a glamorous in the months ahead and that hit to the credit card is going to hurt !

One further note… Venus is Retrograding through Aries (and in the last week moves into Pisces). 
Aries is FIRE, it is independant, passionate and pioneer of change.   Be wary of being too impulsive and acting upon all the ‘insights, feelings, emotions’ that you are swimming in during Venus in Aries Retrograde.   The retrograde period is a time to feel, reflect & review (it is not a time to act)… so patience will be virtue to be embraced during the retrograde

Venus will move direct again on April 14/15 in the later degrees of Pisces (26.54 degrees), moving once more back into Aries on the April 28/29, 2017. 

The Moon, Alcyone, Galactic Centre & Alpheratz

Sharing a few other energetic dalliances to add into the mix during this Venus Retrograde.

Looking at a snapshot of the heavens at the moment Venus moves Retrograde on the 4 March 2017, 7.09pm AEST  (click on the image to the right to enlarge) – Venus is being influence by the MOON + ALCYONE and the Fixed Star ALPHERATZ then just before Venus turns direct the GALACTIC CENTRE + SATURN play a staring role too.

Moon + Alcyone

Intuitively I have always felt the kinship of the energy of Venus to the Moon & Alcyone

The Moon relates to our inner-world, our feelings, our emotions, the part that is often unseen to the world.  It rules intuition, nurturing, our creative expression and our feminine/yin qualities.

Alcyone (the brightest star in the Pleiades) is the 6 Dimensional Portal of our Galaxy and is the higher-octave Archetype of the Divine Feminine through our Sacral Chakra. Alcyone rules how we strive to weave the Divine Feminine within our lives and how we express all facets of love – love for ourselves, love for community, love for Earth, love for family, eros love and ultimately transcendental love.  You can learn more about all facets of Alcyone through my CLHSAW The future of Humanity eCourse or you can learn about Alcyone & your SET (Soul Evolutionary Triangle on your Natal Chart) in my Aetheric Healing™ eCourse.

With the Moon & Alcyone conjuncting (sitting at less than 1 degree apart) at the exact time that Venus moves Retrograde (and in the 8th house of sex, joint money & possessions, healing, personal sacrifices, alimony, losses, birth/death) – this is amplifying Venus Retrogrades influence on our lives.    After last months Lunar Eclipse & Solar Eclipse energies, I feel that big changes in affairs of the HEART are in store for us as we are pushed to reassess the very foundations & value systems that our lives have been built upon.

Fixed Star Alpheratz

As Venus moves retrograde (at 13.09 degrees Aries) it is conjuncting the fixed star Alpheratz (at 13.05 degrees Aries).  

Alpheratz is part of the Andromeda Constellation (the Chained Woman). It spans over 30 degrees of the Zodiac in the Sign Aries and Taurus, and contains 9 named fixed stars.  It is a double star and sits on the chained womens head.

Alpheratz is related energetically to Venus & Jupiter – its seeks harmony, freedom, love, wealth & independence. 

With Venus conjuncting Alpheratz during the first 7 days of Venus Retrograde I feel there will a strong pull within the collective towards women’s affairs, women’s rights and nurturing/caring/speaking up for those within our communities that do not/cannot have a voice.    Interesting a few days after Venus moves Retrograde conjunction Alpheratz, we celebrate ‘International Women’s Day‘ on the 8 March and the theme is #beboldforchange  

I feel women/people are being stirred from their apathetic approach to life ‘how can little me possibly change things’ type attitude.   Peoples ‘lights’ are turning on ‘en-masse’ and we are seeing a collective resurgence in sacred-activism.  A standing up to our freedoms, human rights, gender rights, civil rights, women’s rights (and male rights for that matter), refugee rights AND our rights to live as FREE HUMAN beings and not being enslaved by the oppressive agendas of governments and those who try to inflict power/control over us.  

We may see another huge Women’s (Rights) March or another big show of global solidarity during this Venus Retrograde… with Alpheratz adding her spark of passion/influence to the eclectic mix of energies.

Over the coming weeks/months the stage is being set in the Aetheric for the flourishing of a deeply primal ancient feminine energy that is collaborative, powerful yet gentle and oozes with sensuality, pleasure and sacred purpose…. a time to embody the Art of Cherishing.

Galactic Centre + Saturn

Since last months Solar Eclipse, the Galactic Centre & Saturn have been conjuncting (at less than 1 degree apart) and this aspect will continue for the next couple of months.

To refresh your memory, the Galactic Centre is the central black/white hole of our Milky Way Galaxy – or as I refer to in Crystal Light Healing, the 8th Dimensional Portal of the Cosmic Gateway (Cosmic Heart), that is a mirror reflection of the 1st Dimensional Portal of the Earth Gateway (Earths Heart). And Saturn is the bringer of wisdom, our deep exploration of our karmic-ancestral beliefs & imprintings and the awakening to wisdom of the Soul.  

When Saturn conjuncts the Galactic Centre we are bringing an end to the old stories of our lives, our world, our human experience and simply setting ourselves FREE.  In particular, with Galactic Centre + Saturn in the 3rd house (at the exact time Venus moves Retrograde), we are being drawn to deeply review, write down and get crystal clear about our Value systems and WHAT WE DO WANT in our lives.   Is spending time frittering away hours on social media really in your best interest ?  Getting out into the world and spending time with real people, volunteering, working with community and investing time/energy/conversation with those you love the most will not only bring you the greatest amount of fulfillment, but in the long run you are changing the foundations upon which our modern day world is built.

You may wish to join me for my The Soul of Wealth – Soul Session Webinars, where I support you every step of the way in being the change in your own lives.



xx Simone



























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