Stage II – 999 Attunement

What is the 999 Attunement

The 9th September 2007 marks the commencement of the ‘999 Attunement’, which continues through to the 27 September 2007.

After completion of the 777 Activation on the 7 September 2007, humanity is then given the opportunity during the Stage II – 999 Attunement period to raise all our awakened aspects to our highest level of vibration (referred to as Attunement).  When we resonate at our highest level of vibration we have the potential to fulfill our highest soul purpose individually and as a collective consciousness.

To read more about Stage I – 777 Activation click here >


What happens during the 999 Attunement period

From the 9 September 2007 until the 27 September 2007, Light Beings from the Pleiades and Sirius (under the direction of the Galactic Federation) are orchestrating a mass Atttunement of Earth and humanity.  Over this time frame The Wave of Love from the Galactic Centre will shift to an even higher intensity.

This high frequency wave will have the capacity of bringing all life up to our highest level of vibration.  In other words, we have the opportunity to individually hold the highest frequencies of light that our energetic and physical body’s can contain.


What to do during the 999 Attunement period

The Light Beings assisting our ascension as we approach 2012, have given clear instructions on how to connect with the energy available to us during the 999 Attunement period.

  1. 999 Daily Attunement
    When you subscribe to the 999 Daily Attunements (subscription below is free), each day over the 999 Attunement period, commencing 9 September 2007, each participant will receive a daily attunement email.

    To sign up for free to receive the 999 Daily Attunement emails click here >

  2. 999 Daily Attunement emails
    The daily 999 Attunement emails will contain a Sacred Symbol to facilitate the days Attunement, and a short meditation/mantra to activate the Symbol.  Additional information will also be provided discussing what energetic centre/level is being attuned, and the benefits of raising the vibration of this particular centre/level.

    The daily 999 Attunements will be posted on the Universal Life Tools website for all to follow should you miss a day, lose an email or join us late.

    To view the Stage II – 999 daily Attunements at  Universal Life Tools click here >

    Refer to Frequently Asked Questions to find out what to do if you miss a day, or join us late for the Stage II – 999 Attunements.  Click here >

  3. How to do the 999 Daily Attunements
    Allocate a time each day to perform your 999 Daily Attunement, morning or night is best.  You may wish to do the the Attunement whilst watching your computer screen, or others maybe guided to print out their Sacred Symbol and retreat to their personal altar or sacred space.  The instructions for what to do with your daily Sacred Symbol will be explained in the daily email.  The short meditation will be easy to perform and everyone will be able to do it (regardless of your previous experience with meditation or spiritual knowledge).

  4. Journalling
    Whilst not an integral part of Stage II, it is suggested that you may like to journal your dreams, visions and experiences during the 999 Attunement period.  This may help you to connect with changes that are occurring and acknowledging the divine magnificent soul that you truly are.

  5. Allow
    What this means is, during the 999 Attunement period just allow yourself to flow with the energy and do not fight, put up road blocks or prevent the experience from happening.  If blocks occur this is simply the ego masquerading as the soul, so gently release the ego and allow.

  6. Do not quit your job?
    This means do not make any major changes in your life during both the Activation and Attunement stages.  As we are awakening and re-remembering, our current life’s choices may appear to be quite superficial or not in line with your higher purpose.  It is important that you allow time for the dust to settle, and to evaluate where you need to go from a fully integrated perspective.  Stage III will help you to integrate theses changes in your life, and assist you on your awakened path.

Please note: The Sacred Symbols and mantras/meditations of the Stage II – 999 daily  Attunements have been channelled and produced with the purpose of helping people to focus with INTENT on the energy available to us, and hence aid shifting at the highest possible soul level individually and hence collectively.  However, partaking in Stage II  is not the only means of connecting in with The Wave of Love energy. It is important that souls do what intuitively feels right in connecting with the energy available to us all at this time.


What can we expect to happen during the 999 Attunement

What happens to us individually during the 999 Attunement period will depend on where we are in our own journey, and our individual levels of vibration as we enter the 999 Attunement period.

The frequency or resonance of The Wave of Love will be quite intense during this period.   The Light Beings have assured us that the channelled Sacred Symbols and mantras/meditations will help each individual soul to connect in with The Wave of Love at a level based on their current vibratory rate.

What this means is, no one is going to receive too much energy !  When you connect in using the Sacred Symbol, you will receive the required energy unique to your individual vibratory rate and you will then raise up to a level which is comfortable for you to balance & integrate with on every level of your being.

The 999 Attunement and The Wave of Love emanating from the Galactic Centre is being overseen by the Galactic Federation, a group of  Light Beings that are pure Love & Unity.   This is a peaceful shift into an enlightened way of BEing, it need not be a painful experience for any of us.  We are being guided and Loved through out this entire journey.


Possible Loving Experiences

The following is a list of possible experiences that arise as you connect with heart, and succumb to The Wave of Love on a daily basis during 999 Attunement:

  • Re-remembering on a deep level who you are;
  • Clear vision of your life purpose, and what needs to be done in order for you to resonate and fulfil your highest soul potential;
  • Basking in Self-Love and a Blissful way of purely Being LOVE;
  • Profound understanding and connection with Universal Laws, and how to apply these in your life to Consciously Create your experiences;
  • Developing exceptional skills of creative manifestation;
  • Deep connection with the Earth, nurturing her to health and finding environmental solutions;
  • Loving yourself – nurturing the physical body as a container for your spirit, emotionally balanced in LOVE, and connecting with the LOVE of Source.
  • Amazing levels of physical vitality, renewed health and divine balance of the Body, Mind & Spirit;
  • Releasing old issues, and feeling lighter & less encumbered
  • Increase/bringing forward your gifts/talents – for some this experience maybe very profound;
  • Improved dream recall and using dreams for wisdom & guidance.
  • Strong and insightful connection with your guides, higher-self, angels and all Light Beings assisting you here in your journey on Earth.

Possible Discomforts

Whilst this is a peaceful shift, it maybe possible for some (particularly sensitives, or those just beginning their journey of awakening/attuning) that the following may occur:

  • Headaches, migraines or a feeling of ‘cotton wool’ head;
  • Occasional nausea;
  • Physical aches & pains;
  • Insomnia &/or more vivid dreams;
  • Initial lethargy & fatigue;
  • Increase in thirst;
  • Emotionally up and down, cry very easily, becoming very feeling of everything around you;
  • Questioning who you are, what you are here for, what is my purpose;
  • Feeling disillusioned with your current life;
  • Increase in psychic phenomenon, and unsure how to work with this.


How to minimise any discomforts during the 999 Attunement period

The following are a list of recommendations to maximise your soul experience during the Attunement period and to help minimise any discomforts.  Of course how you approach this list is entirely up to you.  For some this list maybe just too hard to manage….that is fine, just love yourself and do your best, that is all spirit asks.

  • Try to get as much rest as possible, to allow integration of energies
  • Drink plenty of water to assist with detox on every level
  • Eat wholesome food, in season and organic where possible
  • Avoid drugs, and minimise consumption of alcohol & cigarette smoke
  • Minimise stimulants such as coffee, tea, and all other caffeine products
  • Schedule time for relaxation, and heaps of self-love (eg massages, hot baths etc..)
  • Connect with nature – as much as possible feel your feet on the Earth on a daily basis, experience the Sun’s rays on your body, on rising deeply breathe in the new day and swim in the ocean (or take a salt bath) on regular occasions.

If physical, emotional or spiritual issues are coming to the fore and you are having difficulty with dealing with the symptoms, please love yourself enough to seek the assistance from a qualified health practitioner.  Trust your intuition, and you will be guided to the right person.

Both Crystal Light Healing ™ Practioners and Essence of Angels ® Practitioners are qualified in both distance and one-on-one healings, and are experienced in helping you to break free of your self-imposed limitations during this shift.  No matter where you live in the world, these practitioners can connect in with your energy and help release or integrate the changes as they are occurring.

To find a Crystal Light Healing ™ Practitioner or Essence of Angels ® Practitioner click here >


What happens after the 999 Attunement period ends

After completion of the 999 Attunement, the ‘Sontara’ portal will close, but we will retain our connection with The Wave of Love, as we will be vibrating at a higher Attunement level.

As all our energetic centres are awakened from the 777 Activation, and brought up to our highest level of vibration from the 999 Attunement, we no longer need the Sontara portal open to facilitate our connection with The Wave of Love. 

Earth & Humanity will all be awakened to The Wave of Love connection, which will play a vital key in our expansion of our full awakening process leading into 2012.

Stage III – Towards 2012 will be the third part of the Activation/Attunement process.  Stage III will provide the key things humanity can do from 28 September 2007 onwards to make the transition into 2012, The Golden Age, a loving, joyous event.

For more information on the ‘Stage III – Towards 2012’  click here >


About the Sacred Symbols

The Sacred Symbols and the daily mantras/meditations have been channelled and re-produced with the intention of helping people to focus with INTENT on The Wave of Love energy available to us.    When using our intent to connect in with The Wave of Love, we have the potential to shift at the highest possible soul level individually and collectively.

The Sacred Symbols are a gift from a Council of Sirian & Pleiadian Light Beings, under the direction of the Galactic Federation.

The symbols are based on Sacred Geometry used extensively throughout the Ancient Mystery Schools of Atlantis, Lemuria, Egypt and the Mayan Civilisation.   The Wise Ones of the Mystery Schools mastered the ancient craft of using Sacred Geometry and Crystals – thus being able to alchemically blend the elements for transformation and transmutation.

These ancient wisdoms have been brought into the present through a modern day mystery school – The Universal Life Tools Metaphysical School of Healing.   The school offers two primary streams of study:  Crystal Light Healing ™  &  Essence of Angels ®.

The workshops are designed for people of all ages and levels of experience, with Essence of Angels ® becoming available as an on-line e-course in August 2007.

If you would like to learn more about how you too can use Sacred Geometry, Crystals and Essences for healing  & ascension work as your progress into 2012, then click here >.