Giving back is an important part of our philosophy at UniversalLifeTools— paying forward the flow of LOVE in the co-creation of our World more Beautiful. Since 2012 we have shared a percentage of all sales toward projects/initiatives imbued with making our planet a more vibrant, connected & regenerative place.
Please find below a listing of some of the global projects/initiatives we have contributed to over the years.
Our last giving back project with Eden Reforestation came to end in September 2023... watch this space for an exciting new venture we are supporting coming very soon!
2021 to 2023 — Eden Reforestation Projects
2021 to 2023 we supported Eden Reforestation Projects— with every purchase through our Online Store we planted 10 TREES to replenish native forests & alleviate extreme poverty through our 'employ to plant' environmental partnership. Over 2.5 years we planted 9,547 Trees
2016 to 2021 — Buy1, Give1
2017 to early 2021 we supported a variety or projects through Buy1Give1 - B1G1. Every sale through our store gave back to others through life-saving water, food, health-care & education. Over 4+ years, we made 220,009 giving impacts in the world.
2012 to 2021— Shealla-Dreaming
The publication of Shealla-Dreaming was made possible through the LOVE & support of our Sponsors. I feel humbled that so many altruistic angels believed in my dream, believed in the wisdoms of Shealla-Dreaming and found it within their hearts and souls to sponsor the publication of my book.
All the monies raised by our Gold, Silver & Rainbow Sponsors is recycled back into organisations that support conscious evolution. As each book is sold, our sponsorship 'LOVE money' is gifted to a range of different ventures... revolving the cycle of conscious LOVE money.... through the power of our Hearts.
Sharing with you below (please scan further down this page) many of the projects/organisations we have supported through our book sale proceeds—
- Free to Shine
- Love is the Answer
- Refugees of Mae Sot
2014 to 2021 — Free to Shine
Free To Shine is a nonprofit humanitarian organisation based in Australia, which prevents and responds to trafficking against children in Cambodia. Free To Shine work in partnership with local communities in Cambodia to create long-term scholarships for girls at risk, and university scholarships for survivors of sex trafficking.
Human trafficking occurs in 161 different countries. An estimated 20.9 million people globally are currently in forced labour, 4.5 million of which are victims of forced sexual exploitation, 945,000 of which are children. Profits from forced commercial sexual exploitation are calculated at US$ 27.8 billion per year. The Asia-Pacific region accounts for 56% of the global total of trafficked persons. Trafficked children are subject to rape, torture, forced abortions, starvation and threats to family members. It is a complete violation of their right to protection, and a childhood where they can grow up in a family environment and have access to education.
Nicky Mih, the CEO of Free to Shine conveys the following vision: 'Free to Shine envisions a world where every girl is free from the horrors and tortures of sex slavery and every girl has the opportunity to an education and be FREE to SHINE. The approach and philosophy is not to rescue and fix (there are many organisations directly working toward these aims as it relates to human trafficking), but rather the aim of this organisation is to provide educational opportunities through to University scholarships to survivors such that they can become teachers, social workers, health care professionals, counsellors and lawyers with the education and means to both prevent and respond to trafficking and to bring about change within their communities and country'.
Shealla-Dreaming sale proceeds are gifted to 'Free to Shine' every month. The monies support the enrollment of a young girl in the Free to Shine Scholarship education program. Message from Nicky Mih (CEO of Free to Shine): "Thank you so very much for your monthly contributions. It has enabled us to enrol a young girl into our program and support her in her Primary, HighSchool and possibly Tertiary education".
2010 to 2013 — Love is the Answer
Loveistheanswer was the first registered charity that we committed to gift our Shealla-Dreaming sale proceeds.
‘Love is the Answer’ assists HIV/AIDS orphaned children and caregivers of orphaned children in Africa in areas of poverty relief and education - by supporting grass roots community initiatives of benefit to the children that are self directed, lead towards self-sufficiency and sustainability.
Below is a summary of LOVE created so far from the gifting of Shealla-Dreaming sale proceeds... I feel so much LOVE in my heart and gratitude for the LOVE that has been brought into the lives of those in need.
Pads for Girls Project: So, today, 'Love is the Answer' (LITA) purchased two new treadle sewing machines for a 'Pads For Girls' project we are going to start on Nov 17th with 10 orphaned teen girls in the CCDO community! The funds to buy the machines and fabric, and to pay for the teacher's salary for one month were donated by our amazing Australian friend, Simone Matthews, founder of - Simone has written a book 'Shealla-Dreaming' and now published it with the help of sponsors.
As the books sells, Simone is 'giving back' sponsorship funds to various charities. She picked LITA as the first she wants to support and because of her generosity 10 girls in eastern Uganda will now learn the life skill of sewing (and be able to pass on that knowledge..) while they also come up with a fantastic, sustainable (washable, re-useable) solution, themselves, that will address their need for feminine hygiene products.. which will all result in their ability to be in class with confidence, all the school days of every month, and everywhere, in fact. More on all this, including Simone and her book, as the sewing course begins! Thank you so much for making this possible Simone.. Blessings in Love
Pads for Girls Project: Inspiring update on the Pads for Girls Project in Buyobo ~ All 10 girls in the project have attended sewing training classes for the past 21 days and successfully learned how to use a treadle sewing machine! Each of the girls has also sewed for themselves a number of washable, re-useable, pads and liners! Before we call the project complete, I'm going to pick up another 4 meters of fabric and each teen will sew an additional 2 liners per pad for themselves..
Joy and confidence are running high as every girl owns their amazing accomplishment!
Deepest heartfelt thanks to our dear friend Simone at who has sponsored this entire course by 'giving back' a portion of proceeds from the sales of her book 'Shealla-Dreaming - Blessings in Love -
Uganda School: This month we made a donation to "Love is the Answer' toward the building of a School in Uganda.. to support the education of orphaned children. A private donor has offered to match all funds donated in the month of February $ for $ up to $35,000... thus there is a potential to raise a total of $70,000 toward the school.
Mosquito Net Fund:
This month we made a donation to "Love is the Answer' Mosquito Net fund. Mosquito nets save children’s lives. Sleeping under a treated net helps provide protection from the bite of the disease spreading malaria mosquito that flies at night under cover of darkness in tropical areas around the world, such as Uganda in East Africa.
2012 to 2013 — Refugees of Mae Sot
A garbage dump outside of Mae Sot, Thailand is home to a group of Burmese people who have been displaced by armed conflicts in Burma. They are unable to return to their country where many of their villages have been destroyed, and are unable to gain legal refugee status in Thailand; thus, their options are very limited. Those living in the Mae Sot dump, even the children, earn a meager living by picking recyclable plastic from piles of garbage.
The sole mission of 'Eyes to Burma' is to assist this group of approximately four hundred refugees. We provide the most basic essentials, including food, clean water, clothing, and shelter when the incomes of the dump’s residents fall short. We provide medicine to prevent diseases caused by poor sanitation, and we offer transportation to medical facilities in emergencies. The community at the garbage dump maintains itself at a subsistence level; our role is to assist when such aid is needed.
Please read a message from the founder of the Eyes to Burma Charity - Fred Stockwell - about his work and future projects.
We have donated to support the charitable work of Fred in order to provide essential items to these people caught within a political system. Our heart and prayers are with you for a timely resolution for the highest good of all. My family and I recently attended a photographic exhibition & fundraiser by Jacques Maudy highlighting the plight of the people of Mae Sot and the amazing work of Fred Stockwell & graciously supporting the fundraising evening.