I'm Simone Matthews, and my vision & heartfelt mission is to help people access their untapped potentials through natures intelligence.
We dive deep into all things mystical— crystals, star alchemy, plant spirit medicine, lightrients & lightrition. Through ancient wisdom we unlock the keys to personal healing & transformation. We find ourselves. We find each other. We evolve & Flourish!
We are all LOVE here at UniversalLifeTools.
All Heart & all Soul.
Join Us ♡
CONNECT with Simone— together lets evolve a Beautiful New World. Connect online or live event.
LEARN with Simone— when we heal ourselves, we heal the World. Heal our world, we heal ourselves.
NEWSLETTER— receive weekly nourishing posts with oodles of inspiration and Heart & Soul.

In the spirit of the age-old adage it takes a village to raise a child— I believe it takes community to birth a new human love story. ~ Simone M. Matthews
In the spirit of the age-old adage it takes a village to raise a child— I believe it takes community to birth a new human love story.
~ Simone M. Matthews