We Flourish Together—
After studying Naturopathy & Herbal Medicine in the 1990s, I created UniversalLifeTools.com to help people discover vibrant & enduring health & vitality.
Health comes from the old english word 'hale', which means wholeness. Such that my deepest desire is to help others feel nourished, encouraged, accepted & discover they are part of something much bigger than themselves.
This is the sacred sacrament of Health, our connection with Wholeness and our sense of belonging through Common-Unity.
Inviting you to connect with me & my sharings— whether you join one of my ONLINE Courses, connect deeper within my FLOURISH Membership Community, or join my free Newsletter— I look forward to journeying with you.
Official Bio
Simone M. Matthews— Naturopath, Medical Herbalist, best selling Author, International Speaker, Teacher and founder of her Health Education Wisdom School— UniversalLifeTools.com
Simone’s work guides people to tap into the inherent wisdom of the body to heal, transform & evolve. To ultimately discover we are part of something much great than ourselves, an intimately connected intelligent biology with nature & the greater cosmos.
Simone is the creator of her Wisdom Schools— Crystal Light Healing®, Essence of Angels®, Aetheric Healing™ & Lightrition™ International Certification Courses— world first programs that awaken & guide people into stepping into the life they were born to live. These vibrant & leading-edge curations empower people to access their untapped potentials.
Flourish is Simone's latest engaging creation— an online community for awakening & flourishing the beautiful & divinely wild forces within. Membership is open to intuitives, healers & heartpreneurs who yearn to live life with purpose & on purpose— whilst Flourishing the more Beautiful World our Hearts know is possible.
Simone has been featured as a leading expert in Evolutionary Nutrition of Lightrition & Lightrients, Plant Spirit Medicine & Mineral-Spirit Alchemy. She is a much sought-after international speaker, keynote presenter & retreat facilitator. And has been a guest speaker on TV & radio, including regular contributions to publications both in Australia and Internationally.
Between work & travel, you will find Simone in her home town of Noosa, Australia- swimming in the ocean, hiking in the hinterland, preparing enheartened Lightrition meals for family & friends, or curled up under a tree with a good book... yes the old-fashioned paper kind!

Official Bio
Simone M. Matthews— Naturopath, Medical Herbalist, best selling Author, International Speaker, Teacher and founder of her Health Education Wisdom School— UniversalLifeTools.com
Simone’s work guides people to tap into the inherent wisdom of the body to heal, transform & evolve. To ultimately discover we are part of something much great than ourselves, an intimately connected intelligent biology with nature & the greater cosmos.
Simone is the creator of her Wisdom Schools— Crystal Light Healing®, Essence of Angels®, Aetheric Healing™ & Lightrition™ International Certification Courses— world first programs that awaken & guide people into stepping into the life they were born to live. These vibrant & leading-edge curations empower people to access their untapped potentials.
Flourish is Simone's latest engaging creation— an online community for awakening & flourishing the beautiful & divinely wild forces within. Membership is open to intuitives, healers & heartpreneurs who yearn to live life with purpose & on purpose— whilst Flourishing the more Beautiful World our Hearts know is possible.
Simone has been featured as a leading expert in Evolutionary Nutrition of Lightrition & Lightrients, Plant Spirit Medicine & Mineral-Spirit Alchemy. She is a much sought-after international speaker, keynote presenter & retreat facilitator. And has been a guest speaker on TV & radio, including regular contributions to publications both in Australia and Internationally.
Between work & travel, you will find Simone in her home town of Noosa, Australia- swimming in the ocean, hiking in the hinterland, preparing enheartened Lightrition meals for family & friends, or curled up under a tree with a good book... yes the old-fashioned paper kind!
A little more about me!
Nov 27, 1967 (Sydney, Australia)
Hello World
Born with my Sun in Sagittarius, Moon in Virgo & Leo rising.
Combined with my 777 in numerology (birth date, maiden & married name), I am drawn to philosophy, life's deeper mysteries & teaching/sharing of wisdoms.
Planet Earth, here I AM!
Early 70's
Flower Power
Fairy's, herbs, flowers, animals & anything outdoors rock my world.
Playing with the garden Elementals, flying with my imaginary friend and chatting all night long with the spirit realm. It must have been hard to parent a child who wouldn't sleep!
Here's me with my childhood puppy 'Pandora'... oh I loved her so.
Early 70's
Cooking up a Storm
I loved to cook with my Mum - Thursday was grocery shopping day, followed by Friday cooking day.
Not sure why the sad face, but my guess is we had finished our cooking for the day & I was throwing a bit of a tanty as I wanted to cook some more.
To this day I LOVE LOVE LOVE preparing food for family & friends. And I LOVE travel & learning about cultures through food.
Sing, Sing a Song ????
I will let you in on a secret childhood dream of mine... I wanted to be a singer.
I even cut a demo with my Dad (ok, it was my Dad's demo & my voice was soft background harmony)... but it gave me the taste.
A little too shy & quite unsure of myself, singing was not meant to be my vocation in this lifetime. Maybe when I am an Octogenarian I will audition for the Voice.. watch this space!
To Teach or not to Teach
I thought I wanted to be a Teacher until I started school - I cried almost everyday of my first year. The irony? As an adult I started my own Wisdom School & became a Teacher!
I yearned to fit in, but being Claircognisant & deeply Clairsentient (without the knowledge of why I felt so different to everyone else), meant I chose to shut myself down.
I very much missed my joyful times of Spirit.Here I am (in the middle) celebrating my 5th Birthday with two of my besties in my first year of school.
1980 to 1984 (Brisbane, Australia)
Prim & Proper
An Anglican all-girls High School education. Oh the stories, escapades & mis-adventures. Will share over a vino if you're game!
I remember those awkward teenage years with such fondness... NOT.
Here I am at 12 years of age at the end of my Primary Schooling... my hair was down to my booty.
And here I am at 13 years of age. I had this vision of a funky 'Pixie Cut', a celebration of being a teenager & breaking free. But ended up with something, well, way too conservative for this vibrant 13 year old, as my Mum cut my hair styled on Lady Diana. Grateful, oh so grateful that hair grows back !
My world as I knew it was shattered by a 'Weinstein-esque' player. Putting on a brave face to the world & hiding my shame... an eating disorder hid my deepest core wounds.
I also have no photos of this time of my life, interesting!
Serious Moonlight
Completed my English exam in half the alotted time as I had a date with David Bowie on his Serious Moonlight Tour. My first ever concert, in the mosh pit, swooning over the sexiest man alive.
Little did I know at the time that my future husband (& may I add THE most sexiest man I now know) was standing right beside me all night... I just had to wait another 14 years to officially meet him!
1985 to 1988
Smells like Teen Spirit...
Completed a Bachelor of Commerce degree at the University of Queensland.
I was frustrated with the teachings finding the material archaically theoretical and providing little room for creativity, lateral thinking & envisioning. But I LOVED the social life and being wild, young & free.
I fell in LOVE with a boy- my first true love. And had my heart broken by said boy. Over time the pain dissipates, but the memories stay with you for a lifetime. First Love.
Sydney - 1989
Corporate Ladder
With post-grad Chartered Quals under my wings, ventured into the big wide world of breaking the glass ceiling in Banking & Finance. A range of different roles found me starting my own Business Process Re-Engineering Consultancy & much later Operations Manager for a Merchant Bank.
But why am I soooo unhappy? My life looked picture perfect from the outside, yet on the inside I feel trapped. I craved FREEDOM.
I wanted my connection with Spirit back. I no longer wanted to keep up this charade of pretending to be happy. My deepest desire was to live the reality of my Spirit Dreaming. But where do I start ?
Here's me in my business attire, HUGE hair (love the eighties), big padded shoulders (love the eighties even more), black eye-liner (Madonna influence) and scarlet-red power suit matched with bright ruby-red lippy.
1992 to 1997-ish
I take thee to be my...
not for a lifetime husband.
Sharing some personally reflective wisdoms:- True LOVE is never possessive, controlling, manipulative or down right abusive.
- The source of happiness is never found in another, it always starts with YOU.
- You can't change others, you can only change yourself / your perceptions.
- Marry yourself first... it makes all other relationships that little bit sweeter & absolutely delicious icing on your cake.
- Believe you are worthy of great LOVE.
- A marriage doesn't make you complete.
- A marriage is not a destination but a work-in-progess. An opportunity to travel in your own individual lanes, just side-by-side. To hold each others hands when the road gets steep, full of pot-holes or you hit a 'wrong way, turn back sign'. And to experience the joy of helping your beloved to thrive & flourish in their own extra-ordinarily unique way.
Living in the Light with Shakti
I felt like I am living someone else's life... and worst still I felt the deepest of shame. On paper it appeared I had everything, but in my heart it felt as if I had nothing.
Late one afternoon, I skipped out on work early to secretly attended a talk by Shakti Gawain - best selling author of numerous books, including Creative Visualisation & Living in the Light.
I remember arriving to the talk in my business suit (with my big hair & padded shoulders) and slinking into a seat up the back of the room in the hope that no one would see me.
I marveled at hearing Shakti’s stories of her world travels, her visions for humanity and how each of us has the power to be the change. It was as if I was the only person in the room that night and Shakti was speaking direct to me, to my heart, my soul.
My spirit was rising up and wanting to scream YES YES YES, lets do this together Shakti !
But instead, I stayed quiet. Who was I to think that I could be a leading visionary of this change, let alone a writer like Shakti (after all my dyslexia had always been a stumbling block).
1993 onwards
Dear Goddess
Shakti had rocked my world in such a huge way, I dove heart-deep into a new doorway - discovery of the Sacred Feminine.
Clarissa Pinkola Estés and her book Women Who Run With the Wolves is my favourite of all times. A copy sits pride of place on my bedside table to this day. 'It is worse to stay where one does not belong at all than to wander about lost for a while and looking for the psychic and soulful kinship one requires'.
Naomi Wolf The Beauty Myth had me take a deeper look at my relationships... I need to rise up, own my sensuality & love myself - 'We do not have to spend money and go hungry and struggle and study to become sensual; we always were. We need not believe we must somehow earn good erotic care; we always deserved it'.
And in later years I loved so many of the writings by Gloria Steinem
Dear Goddess:
I pray for the courage
To walk naked
At any age.
To wear red and purple,
To be unladylike,
Scandalous and
To the very end. -
Late-ish 1994
Lost & Found
A near-death experience changed the course of my life. Overnight I left my old life behind- my career, worldly possessions & husband (well that last one took me a number of years). Passionately & bravely I dove heart-first into healing me, whilst studying to be a Naturopath, Herbalist & Energy Healer.
I knew ALL of this from when I was a young child of course (it was a deep Soul-knowing ever since I can remember), I just spent the last 27 years skirting around the truth. Hmmm... could Saturn Return possibly have had a hand in this experience ?
My daily channeling & journalling becomes the most rich & rewarding everyday experience. To think that I purposely blocked my connection with Spirit since I was a young child... what was I thinking?
Brisbane - 1995
Glimmer of Radiance
She's back! My inner-child begins to gleam radiantly once more as I re-connect with my work as a Holistic Medicine Woman. I feel alive. Thank you to those who believed in me (you know who you are)... for holding my hand, allowing me to see clients in your Healing Centre's & holding a vision of what was possible. I LOVE you.
The name 'UniversalLifeTools' came to me in a dream one night and I awoke to that weird feeling of déjà vu... like I had worked this name before. But I let the words & energies drift in the aethers of Creatives. I wasn't ready!
I continued my channelling & journalling everyday... ancient wisdoms flowing in lucid dreams & travelling in the astral.
Greatest LOVE of all...
I am studying, supporting clients with their health & well-being, facilitating group meditations and THRIVING.
Whilst my marriage had ended, I found I already had the greatest LOVE of all, it was within ME all the time. Once again, I knew & felt all of this as a young child, I just got a littl' lost along the way.
Still toying with the name UniversalLifeTools for my holistic work. It felt good, it felt right. But it still felt too big for me... who was I to take on such an awe-inspiring vision?
19 December 1997
Greatest LOVE of all... Take 2
Today, 14 years after our first non-meeting at the David Bowie Concert, across a crowded room our Heart's met... and as they say the rest is history. Way too many synchronicities to mention here... but lets just say our lives were destined to inter-twine. We just needed to find LOVE within ourselves first, in order to experience our LOVE together.
This photo was taken a few months after we met. We went camping on Fraser Island - this was one of the best holidays of my life ♡
S&S - Shaun & Simone ♡
Steppin' up
Revealing a little more of myself to the world... it's scary being vulnerable... but it's the place where miracles are birthed. I have established my own holistic healing centre 'Indigo Natural Therapies' - working with clients & teaching sacred wisdom.
Thank you to ALL of my beloved clients for pushing me out into the world with your LOVE & inspiring me to follow my Heart & Teach.
I chose the name 'Indigo' as I am an Indigo Ray child. The numerology was '111', so a lovely venture into new horizons of possibilities. UniversalLifeTools is still deeply etched in my Heart... but again, way too bigger a role for me... am I good enough ?
Greatest LOVE of all... Take 3
What a year was 1999... I put it all down to that Prince song!
Shaun & I gave birth to our first child - Callum - another Great LOVE. After a bliss-filled pregnancy, it was a challenging birth... we are grateful our beautiful boy decided to stay.
Later in the year we secretly ran off to Byron Bay & eloped. Orange dress, flowers in my hair & no shoes... hippy child through & through.
Juggling being a Mum, working a part-time corporate job, supporting fabulous clients in their health & wellbeing & finalising my Natural Therapy studies. I am not quite sure how I managed to juggle so many things...it really was too much at times, hindsight is a wonderful thing.
Sharing of Wisdom
I completed my Natural Therapy Studies at the Brisbane ACNM - Australian College of Natural Medicine (now known as Endeavor).
ACNM subsequently employed me as a Tutor, Patient Clinic Supervisor & onCall Lecturer. I LOVED this job of sharing wisdom & empowering students with their studies.
However beachy living was pulling on my Heart strings... should we make the move ?
Here is a photo of us one evening after a long day at work.... so much LOVE shining even though our sleep deprivation... Callum was just like me, didn't sleep !
Noosa - Early 2001
Sea Change
Not long after placing our Sea Change intentions, the Universe aligned & we relocated our lives to the Sunshine Coast, Noosa.
Ancient Land, deep heart callings... we found home. This turned out to be the best decision ever for our health, wellbeing, wonderful schooling & a community that is so loving & inclusive.
We're so happy here, couldn't imagine living anywhere else! Within the first year of relocating I gave birth to our second child. Here is a photo of me on the beach in labour... I was in such a state of rapture I took off all my clothes & bathed in the shallows during contractions. Our darling was born later that night, a gentle water birth.
March 2001
Butterfly Spirit Wisdom
I officially graduated as Dux in my Naturopathic & Herbalism studies, being honoured 9 of the 10 awards on graduation night.
Here is a photo of me receiving one of my awards on grad night... I was also joyously in the early stages of pregnancy at the time.
On my drive back to Noosa the next day, a swarm of thousands of Monarch Butterflies carpeted the sky. It was one of the most mesmerising experiences of my life.
As a back story, Butterfly is my Animal Spirit Totem Medicine, representing transition & evolution 🦋
Late 2001
Greatest LOVE of all... Take 4
Our lives were blessed with a gorgeous baby girl. After deep generational healing (following my first traumatic birth), we gave birth to Indigo in a warm bath, essences & candlelight- a blessed water birth.
She snuggled to my breast, gave a smile (ok it was wind, but I still consider it a smile) & fell fast asleep in my arms.
2002 to 2003
One toe in at a time
I continue to support my clients with their Health & Wellbeing, with my babies close by during my work. How blessed (thought at times it was challenging) to pour my love into my babies hearts & still pursue my own loves beyond motherhood.
I am back facilitating group meditations & the channelings are coming through faster than ever. I have started to dip my toes into the teaching pond... I am scared. Do we really ever know enough that enables us to wear the title of Teacher?
Crash-n-Burn, Resurrection
Life is full. Amazingly bountiful. But I know I am holding back.
I know with full Heart I must take my teaching to the next level. But I am hiding, keeping myself small. What if I fail? That and the fact I am unable to sleep most of the year & feeling on the verge of being psychotic as I cannot turn my Spirit world conversations off.
Burnt out & in need of rest, I escaped (crashed) with my family to Byron Bay for some reflection time. I needed play, earthing & much more laughter in my life.
What transpired on the Harmonic Concordance (8/9 Nov) was an out of body experience that had me tripping the light fantastic through the Dimensions of our Galaxy. From this moment forward, UniversalLifeTools was no longer an option, it was my Soul's destiny. It was time to fly. Butterfly be free!
One giant leap
Its official... Crystal Light Healing® is birthed. Whilst I had been teaching aspects of Crystalline Healing Wisdom for many years direct from my channelings, I had now taken the giant leap of teaching this program as an Internationally
Accredited Practitioner course.
I am both ecstatic & petrified at the same time. This is all real. This is EXACTLY what I saw/knew as a young child.
This is a pic of our first ever graduate certificate. Our graphics were basic back then, but still filled with infinite LOVE.
Another Giant Leap
Essences - plant, shell, flowers or crystal essences are one of my loves. I had been making my own Essences for many years for my healing work with clients & for my family.
Then something magical happened on the 8/9 Nov Harmonic Concordance. During my Astral experience I had been given an Instruction Manual to make a range of Essence of Angels® Sacred Liquid Light Template Essences.
After many years in the making, Essence of Angels® was officially released in 2006 as both an Internationally Accredited Practitioner Course AND a range of Essences available to the public.
2006 onwards
Giving Back
Included as an essential part of our UniversalLifeTools business structure was the art of giving back & making an impact in the world.
In the early years we sponsored events, expos & community gatherings
In later years we stepped our giving up a notch... more about that further down this timeline.
Paying it forward generates the deepest level of happiness & fulfillment in life.
2006 onwards
You've Gotta Friend
Since the early years of our UniversalLifeTools Wisdom School there have been people who have crossed our path that changed our lives in divine ways.
Three beautiful ladies - Natasha, Ali & Jazzy supported our office work, event facilitation, expo displays, making our products and anything / everything to help grow our vision.
And my darling daughter Indigo also helped out at the majority of my weekend workshops. At the tender age of 12, she was even my sole support staff member at my Perth Workshops in 2013— let's just say that attending the Harry Styles concert before we flew home was a HUGE inducement!
I know deep in my heart that without theses ladies love, support & eternal grace, we certainly would not be where we are today. Thank you, I LOVE you.
A Universal Star is Born
On the 19 March 2007 our UniversalLifeTools website is officially launched (replacing my SimoneMMatthews website).
There is no more hiding now... the wisdom is out there weaving it's magical tapestry in the world. I am just the conduit of a force much greater than me, a Graceful Breath of LOVE.
This was my initial logo, a loving start to something miraculous in my life.
Wave of Love
I released the Wave of Love movie Meditation on YouTube in 2007 & the video went viral over 500,000 views! The soundtrack for this movie was created by my brother Owen - his synesthesia gifts certainly took the energy of the meditation to the next level.
Here's me featured in the local paper:
Over 21 days I facilitated a FREE day teaching & meditation by Tele-Seminar, connecting with 1000's of people globally in ONE LOVE.
From there I created free downloadable templates, audio meditations & cards. LOVE WAVES for all!
Something that I have learnt along the way is that failure & rejection are amazing teachers!
I have 'failed' sooo many times over the years (I have put failed in commas, as this is a relative word if ever there was one).
Here is one of my failures, a rejection letter that I have proudly kept. I love this letter, as it reminds me of the importance of never losing sight of my greatest desires & dreams. Just because other people cannot see them, doesn't mean they aren't real & will never happen.
Post-script here... I renamed the book Shealla-Dreaming (working title was Essence of Angels), it was published in 2012 and went on to be a best seller.
Early 2008
Awaken to Joy
On January 1, 2008 I spoke at the Woodford Folk Festival (an International Festival held over 5 days, programmed featuring local, national and international guests - 2000+ performers and 400+
events). To welcome in the New Year I shared with my audience Crystalline Wisdom & awakening to a New Earth. I found this gig so joyful, I spoke at this Fest for 5 years running (2008 to 2012), each time on New Years day!
Another profound moment of awakening during 2008 - I was asked to guide a group of 200+ people in a crystal meditation ceremony at the 'The J' (a large community venue).
We made a huge crystal circle together (this could have been chaotic having so many people physically build a giant circle with crystals... but it wasn't)... and the energy we collectively created was beyond words. As we each held our Rays of Light-beingness it felt as if the roof lifted off the venue.
I soooo wish I had a photo... but here's an article in the lead up to the festival.
This was the start of big things... my Heart knew it was time to share Crystalline Wisdom with the world on a grander scale. I heard the call, stepped up, and began touring around Australia speaking/facilitating breakout sessions at expos, conferences, festivals & retreats.
Gratitude, I am the Student
I offer for the first time Crystal Light Healing® as an Internationally Accredited TEACHERS course.
I am now the student in the hands of all our graduate Teachers... who are exponentially creating greatness with this modality.
Suzi Joy Coombes was one of our first 2008 Teacher graduates. We have worked together many times over the years & she brings a profound depth to Crystal Light Healing® and her ancient voice sound toning stirs my soul & soothes my heart.
And Jan Kindred also attended our inaugural 2008 Teacher course, being guided from a dream to travel from Canada to Australia. Jan has been so generous of heart over her years with our school... here is a glorious picture of Jan giving Gregg Braden a copy of my book Shealla-Dreaming in 2012.
Late 2008
Sacred Ancient Wisdom
I launched my Crystal Light Healing® Sacred Ancient Wisdom - Future of Humanity Course (at the time of launch the course was named Crystal Light Healing® Level IV).
So much LOVE in our womb like space, as we ventured deep through the Ancient Mystery Schools.
A deeply mystical experience too... as we sounded our drums, bowls & chimes during a closing ceremony sound bath, we were joined by a deep ancient sound chant from the spirit realm. I still sometimes hear these same ancient tones in my sleep to this day.
Creatives rock my world
Technology in the world was changing rapidly and I needed to step up in a big way.
UniversalLifeTools had grown exponentially... ... but I was floundering on the tech side of things... actually I felt like I was drowning.
Then out of thin air, these two magical women stepped into my life Rebecca & Kyrona of Inspired-Insight.com and they both rocked my world for the better.
Whilst Kyrona has gone on her own personal adventure with her Lightwork, Rebecca continued to pour her love into the tech side of UniversalLifeTools up until the end of 2019. When the student is ready, the Teacher appears !
Utopia Retreat
With the gorgeous Suzi Joy Coombes, we co-facilitated (with a team of amazing volunteers) a series of three Utopia Retreats- 2009 to 2011.
We had speakers fly in from around the world, joining with ravishingly enlightening Australia presenters and glorious attendees that put the art in Heart.
I learnt so much about myself during these Retreats, thankyou to everyone that supported our work. And thank you to my Si-Star Suzi for holding such a vibrant torch of sacred light.
He, She, We
I have been a facilitator & co-facilitator of so many events over the years that there are way too many to list on this time-line.
But I feel guided to mention just one that had a very special place in my Heart - 'He, She, We' - a series of events that I facilitated with a dear friend of mine Washuntara based in the US/Australia.
He, She, We was a deep dive into the raw primal energy of the Masculine & Feminine and a rising up, an intertwining that weaved a symphony of enlightened unification. If was a profound workshop for relationship with self & others.
2009 to 2012
Planes, Trains & Automobiles
I am travelling & teaching Crystal Light Healing® & Essence of Angels® both within Australia & Internationally.
Our school is growing. I am speaking at expos, conferences, festivals. And I am co-facilitating Healing Retreats for deeper healing & connections.
But best of all... we are empowering people to see just how radiantly beautiful they really are. To let go of the past, forgive, heal their relationships, make peace with the present, see a brighter future & be the change NOW.
Early 2012
Wisdom of Archangels
Our Essence of Angels® Practitioners had requested this for many years, so with joyous hearts we launched our Essence of Angels® International TEACHER Accreditation Course. It took us 6 years to launch this program, but it was worth the wait.
Such an amazing first group, the ah-ha moments coming thick & fast... I can still remember this course as if it was just yesterday.
To this day, whenever I teach Essence of Angels®, I still refer back to memories from this inaugural teaching experience... how divine !
August 2012
After a good decade in the making, I released my first book 'Shealla-Dreaming' - a journey of awakening to the Sacred Keys of Creation. Sharing with you my booklaunch gallery of photos... such JOY!
Upon my books release, study groups around the world began to form, sharing, discussing & applying the ancient teachings.
Shealla-Dreaming was made possible due to many altruistic Angels who sponsored our book. With proceeds of our book sales we paid forward these LOVE monies to various projects & charities around the globe.
Here are photos from two of my favourite authors (that I featured in my book) - Gregg Braden & Bruce Lipton. LOVE these 'brothers' dearly, their authenticity, their intellect & their vision of a world more beautiful.
July 2014
Only in the world of a Sagittarian
With my Sun in Sag, I have a bit of a reputation for putting my foot in things on the odd occasion... at least it gives people a laugh 🙂
As an example, within a few weeks of Shaun & I meeting in Dec 1997, he gave me a book on spiritual laws which he personally inscribed with a loving note.
Then some 17 years later, Deepak Chopra was visiting the Sunshine Coast and we both thought what a lovely idea to attend his seminar and he can personally sign our spiritual laws book.
At the end of the event, we met with Deepak and told him our love story of meeting & how much this spiritual laws book that he had written meant to the both of us. Deepak was giving us VERY strange glances the whole time & didn't say much at all... but he did sign the book which was most gracious.
Upon our return home, whilst Shaun & I were reminiscing about the book... we looked at the front cover more closely. Whilst for all these years I thought our spiritual laws book was written by Deepak Chopra, it was in fact written by Dan Millman.
I felt sooo silly. Deepak must have thought I was quite insane. Interestingly I don't think he has returned to the Sunshine Coast since.
By way of note, both authors have written books on spiritual laws... and YES the covers look quite similar too. And yes I do in fact own Deepaks book too!
2014 to 2016
Spirited Travellers
My family and I travelled around the world on our 'Spirited Travellers World Tour' - facilitating free public talks, workshops and Practitioner & Teacher courses through our Wisdom School. We also climbed mountains, traversed lakes, & visited sacred sites to release Quartz Crystals into Earth's Grid Portals. After a full 12 months of planning during 2014, what an adventure of a lifetime to fulfill this dream.
During our tour we covered over 40,000 km by road around North America then we travelled to Mexico, UK, Ireland & many other places in Europe. On our return journey we stayed with family in Cambodia & finally returned back to Australia in early 2016.
This trip would never have been possible without the love, support, visioning & belief of our UniversalLifeTools.com community. To everyone who helped... fed us, clothed us, gave us a warm bed in their home, supported our events, hugged us when we needed it the most, wiped away our tears, showered us with love, gifted their time for promotion or even stepped up to being amazingly generous Event Hosts... we LOVE you!
To this day we still receive stories of how peoples lives changed by attending one of Spirited-Travellers tour events. This is what life is about, being there for one another, helping each other to shine... and paying it forward ♡
2016 - 2017
Darkness & Silver linings
On our return to Australia in 2016 we were all different people... travel has a cheeky way of doing that to you.
Our tour had come to a rather abrupt end & we walked back into our lives physically exhausted, depleted mentally & emotionally and spiritually questioning our next steps forward.
Friends of ours invited us into their home, bought beds for our kiddies, fed us & showered love on us when we needed it the most. I am eternally grateful for this soft space to fall and be held... love you Kyrona, Darryn & Sheannah.
Sometimes shiz happens in our lives. These pivotal moments gift us the opportunity to press pause, reflect & revitalise. I was feeling a failure (love that ego!). Did I still have a useful purpose? Was my work really making a difference in the world ? Maybe I had already done what I came here to do ?
Ray of Sunshine
Funny how out of the darkest times in our lives, some of the most beautiful giftings are born.
As I worked on myself, healing & reclaiming the fragmented parts of my Soul, I brought a new modality to life through my School - Aetheric Healing™
I was very sick during this time and had to seriously consider my future. However, as I created this Aetheric Healing™ eCourse, EVERYTHING that I was teaching I was also receiving for ME. A ray of sunshine began to illuminate my world once more. I was back on the path of healing through radical self-care AND receiving all that I had taught/shared over the years.
Making an Impact in the World
My work has always been about making a difference in the world... giving back... paying the LOVE forward... being a force of good! To support our vision, I became a lifetime Partner of B1G1.
Whenever you purchase through our Online Shop or when some signs up for our FREE eNewsletter, we then pay your LOVE forward and make a difference in the world by providing others with life-saving water, food, health-care & education♡
November 2016
Never say Never
Here I am on my 49th Birthday with my darling Shaun.
And YES that is me sipping on my first Martini (the last one I had was when I was 21 and I remember saying 'never again!'). But guess what, it was delicious... a lovely reminder to 'never say never'.
This is one of the last photos of me with long coloured hair hiding the silvers!
Silver of the Pleiades
During this 50th year of my life around the Sun a rich, deep, wild & raw wisdom was bubbling up deep within me.
A wild new adventure of this third act of the Feminine through menopause. Finding a new experience of her sensuality, her presence, her power & her Grace.
In keeping with her rapture, I decided to let my silver hair shine on through. LOVE feeling free to be ME.
She wins who calls herself beautiful and challenges the world to change to truly see her - Naomi Wolf.
2017 onwards
Heart Retreats
My Life Mastery Heart Retreats have been a long time in the making. Whilst I had been teaching my International Life Mastery Teacher Courses for nearly a decade, I felt the call to offer an inhouse retreat. An opportunity to take the teachings deeper & access an even greater potential of your Soul.
Laughter, silence, connection & community nourish your Heart Retreat days, inter-woven with personal time for self-reflection, rest & relaxation.
1 May 2018
Launch Day!
So here I am.
Today I released our revamped UniversalLifeTools website.My son took this photo on the beach out front of our House, the Sun was setting and rippling the sky in soft pinks & violets.
I am stepping into a new era of my life's work, helping women to embody & exude their extraordinary brilliance.
I look forward to running wild & free with YOU as we support each another through our individual Desires of Radiance.
There is a shift in the Aethers, can you feel it ?
My heart was calling to me over and over again to stay grounded here at home. There is something big on the horizon... just not sure what it is?
I created my ELI Course to help me feel into the shifts and raise my vitality for the year ahead, a year of 20-20 vision!
My Heart was also entrenched in the co-creation of my work with Lightrition. I felt the call to bring the depth of this work to LIGHT!
Good JuJu
Sometimes you do crazy things!
I rose to the challenge and took part in a TV Show Medicine or Myth – where you pitched your natural remedy to a panel of Doctors.
What can I say, what you see on TV is NOT what happens in real life... putting that aside it was a great experience.
My JuJu Remedy is one of THE best natural treatments for MENOPAUSE. JuJu helps to boost LIBIDO, elevates MOOD & reduces HOT FLUSHES. The Remedy also supports the immune system, helping to ward off sore throats, colds & flu’s !!!
Oh and I was on Episode 2 - It is really cringy, and my answers don't match their questions... what an edit indeed! The also edited out the best ever discussion on Quartz & Piezoelectricity... it must mean it works 🙂
New Year 2020
After 25+ years of teaching & travelling, I began 2020 with the intention of moving to a new rhythm of life.
I decided to let go of all my travel (at least for a while), including all of my live Retreats, Workshops & Events and instead focus my love of teaching / sharing in newly envisioned ways.
We started a major project (so far 1,000 hours, ouch!) of upgrading all of our Wisdom School Online Courses to a new platform - user friendly, and accessible anywhere, anytime, from any device. We hope to have this complete by 2021.
Life feels very different as I step into this year. A feeling like all the work I have shared over the years is needed now more than ever. I still can't put my finger on it, maybe it's a Universal 4 Year energy.
Jan 2020
Humanity Evolving
Over the Moon to launch my new Lightrition your Life Course.
It has been a powerful experience of bringing this Course together. Launching Module 1 in January 2020, I felt this course will blossom a new/expanded direction in my life's work.
Little did I know come March 2020 just HOW important this Course is in this moment in Earth's Herstory. The synchronicity still astounds me! The Divine orchestrated this beautifully!
Lightrition includes an in depth look at the Earth's Microbiome, and the role Virus's play in our evolutionary adaptation. How Humanities genetics are evolving through Light. How nourishment is way more than the food we eat and how LIGHTrition is our pioneering guide to fuel our bodies in the coCreation of a New Earth.
April 2020
New Earth Era
In response to the epic shift Humanity is moving through this year, I was guided to release my New Earth Era LIVE Transmission Sharings.
I usually only bring through my Pleiadian / Lemurian Channels at my more intimate face-to-face gatherings. However, I summoned up all my courage to let go of my fear of opening to Channel online... and chose to feel the fear and do it anyway!
I was grateful to share these live Channels every few weeks throughout 2020. - blessed by the presence of the 13 Mothers of the Pleiades within my life, and guidance of the Lemurian Inner-Earth beings.
December 2020
The Great Awakening
In reverence & sacred connection with the The Great Conjunction of Jupiter & Saturn, Uluru Prophecy, Galactic Plane Alignment & so much more... I facilitated this LIVE ONLINE Event to support the awakening of Humanities 5th Aetheric Heart.
Our Event together was recorded, and the Meditation is designed to support both healing, awakening, & thriving 2020 to 2030. May we grow, evolve & rise together in united vision of a world more beautiful.
2020-2021 continuing...
Health Freedom Global
During these times of Global change, we have created a Global Health Freedom resource page.
We aspire to contribute to the global conversation of COVID-19 & Vaccinations based upon sincere humility to learn from each other and a willingness to move our global consciousness to a higher & more nourishing place.
January to Sept 2021
Over the last 12 months we have been working behind the scenes on a NEW Online Learning platform to host all of our Practitioner and our Teacher ONLINE Courses.
This NEW Platform is user friendly, improved streaming and ALL of your Courses can be accessed in the one place.
If you are already enrolled in any of our ONLINE Courses, watch out for an email from our Team March to June 2021, letting you know how to access your course on our NEW Platform.
If you are considering enrolling NOW, when your COURSE is moved to the NEW Platform, your normal LOGIN will automatically take you to our NEW Platform!
Our New Year 2022
Numerology 2022
Welcome 2022! A year of discovering what it means to truly live from your Heart, being true to your Heart, and engaging with life with ALL Heart.
Healing, restoration, regeneration, and renewal will be the theme of 2022. A year to feel into and anchor the soulful qualities of your life that yearn to be expressed, woven & integrated. It is a year of simplicity, focussing on community & joy, and re-remembering your grander purpose through Heart.
Read about the Energy of 2022!
July, 2022
Flourish Community Membership
Flourish Membership is now LIVE! As the world changes, our Flourish Community brings us together in the creation of our World more Beautiful!
Flourish is a community of wild-hearted Souls— Heartpreneurs & Visionaries— who yearn to make a difference.
We believe that COM-MUNITY is the essence of forging a resilient, visionary & healthy future for humanity.
Together we Flourish 💗
January, 2024
Numerology 2024
2024 is a Universal 8 Year in Numerology, the year of ‘Cosmic Weaving‘— taking charge of your life, believing in yourself, and weaving your God given eternal light with fierce grace.
It’s a year of personal power, spiritual & material abundance, bringing your dreams into material reality, and having the courage to be assertive and operate from your true north.