
Carmen Taylor

Life Loves Me

Coolum Beach, Queensland, Australia

I love life and I choose to allow life to love me as much and more in return, the LOVE just keeps on EVOLVING.

From a very early age there was my unexplainable connection with crystals, to which now I am overjoyed as they are my friends, confidants and tools. I absorb much information through them and they are a wonderful ally in my enlightenment sessions with others. I have always had this urge to explore the unknown, question the conformity of 3D life whilst continuing to delve deeper and deeper into the I, I am. After many years of searching and feeling an outcast of sorts I have finally found my way…it was through the choice of accepting and acknowledging the love, light, support and guidance of my guides, my angels, the Archangels, my animal spirit guides, my spirit helpers and the many other benevolent beings. They have ceaselessly and non-judgmentally been with me through moments of weakness (eating two blocks of chocolate) moments of pain (kicked my toe) and moments of indescribable Joy (jumping on a jumping castle) to now nudge me to step up and take a leading role in my true vocation of this life.

I feel honored and blessed to live a life by example, to learn, to teach and to share my journey of re-remembering of consciousness, truth and the elation of just BEING. As I look back over the many trials and challenges, what was a previous personal perception to be a life of wrong decisions and a path to nowhere, only to now realize it has been the unique beginning to a path of enlightenment and re-remembering my true soul purpose.

I look forward to meeting you at some stage while on your excursion here on Earth, where we can get together to re-remember the Essence of Angels within and around you always, to re-remember the power, energy and knowledge that crystals possess and to awaken any unrealized part of your true soul potential.

Much Love and Many Blessings to YOU
Be kind to yourself ☺

Everything changes when you start to emit your own frequency rather than absorbing the frequencies around you, when you start imprinting your intent on the universe rather than receiving an imprint from existence – Barbara Marciniak

Crystal Light Healing® Teacher

Crystal Light Healing® Honours

Crystal Light Healing® Practitioner

Essence of Angels® Teacher

Essence of Angels® Practitioner

Other Qualifications

  • Reiki Master
  • Neuro Linguistic Programming Practitioner – Time Line Therapy
  • Unique and ample life experience ☺

Contact Carmen Taylor

Mobile: 0424 503 354


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