Healers & Teachers
Graduates listed within our websites Universal Life Tools Practitioner & Teacher Directory have completed competencies within one or more of the following healing modalities through our Universal Life Tools Wisdom School.
Crystal Light Healing® Teacher
Crystal Light Healing® Teacher graduates have studied personally with the founder of Crystal Light Healing® - Simone M. Matthews - and have been awarded a Masters in Metaphysical Healing - Crystal Light Healing® Teacher certification.
Crystal Light Healing® Teachers are qualified to facilitate their own Crystal Light Healing® Practitioner Workshops, and graduate their students through our Universal Life Tools Metaphysical Wisdom School with a Certificate in Metaphysical Healing - Crystal Light Healing® Practitioner.
Crystal Light Healing Practitioner
Crystal Light Healing® Practitioner graduates have studied personally with either Simone M. Matthews (the founder of Crystal Light Healing®) or with a registered Crystal Light Healing® Teacher and have been awarded with a Certificate in Metaphysical Healing - Crystal Light Healing® Practitioner.
Crystal Light Healing® Practitioners are fully accredited through our Universal Life Tools Metaphysical Wisdom School and qualify for professional registration with the IICT (International Institute for Complementary Therapists).
Crystal Light Healing® Honours
Crystal Light Healing® Sacred Ancient Wisdom (formally known as Crystal Light Healing® Level IV) is our Crystal Light Healing® Honours Course. Facilitated by Simone M. Matthews, this course brings together the ancient wisdoms of Crystal Light Healing® and Essence of Angels® into an advanced understanding of cherished universal laws of creation.
The workshop is based on Simone's book Shealla-Dreaming, and is a practical guide to navigating the journey of the soul.
Essence of Angels® Teacher
Essence of Angels® Teacher graduates have studied personally with the founder of Essence of Angels® - Simone M. Matthews - and have been awarded a Masters in Metaphysical Healing - Essence of Angels® Teacher certification.
Essence of Angels® Teachers are qualified to facilitate their own Essence of Angels® Practitioner Workshops, and graduate their students through our Universal Life Tools Metaphysical Wisdom School with a Certificate in Metaphysical Healing - Essence of Angels® Practitioner.
Essence of Angels® Practitioner
Essence of Angels® Practitioner graduates have studied personally with either Simone M. Matthews (the founder of Essence of Angels®) or with a registered Essence of Angels® Teacher and have been awarded with a Certificate in Metaphysical Healing - Essence of Angels® Practitioner.
Essence of Angels® Practitioners are fully accredited through our Universal Life Tools Metaphysical Wisdom School and qualify for professional registration with the IICT (International Institute for Complementary Therapists).
Aetheric Healing™ Teacher
Aetheric Healing™ Teacher graduates have studied personally with the founder of Aetheric Healing™ - Simone M. Matthews - and have been awarded a Masters in Metaphysical Healing - Aetheric Healing™ Teacher certification.
Aetheric Healing™ Teachers are qualified to facilitate their own Aetheric Healing™ Practitioner Workshops, and graduate their students through our Universal Life Tools Metaphysical Wisdom School with a Certificate in Metaphysical Healing - Aetheric Healing™ Practitioner.
Aetheric Healing™ Practitioner
Aetheric Healing™ graduates have studied personally with either Simone M. Matthews (the founder of Aetheric Healing™) or with a registered Aetheric Healing™ Teacher and have been awarded with a Certificate in Metaphysical Healing - Aetheric Healing™ Practitioner.
Aetheric Healing™ Practitioners are fully accredited through our Universal Life Tools Metaphysical Wisdom School and qualify for professional registration with the IICT (International Institute for Complementary Therapists).
Esoteric Liquid-Light Integration Healing
Estoteric Liquid-Light Integration (ELI) healing is the ancient practice of consciously aligning your awareness (body/mind/spirit) with the greater GALACTIC EVOLUTIONARY TRIANGLE – a tetrahedron of energy formed by the Earth, Sirius, Alcyone & the Galactic Centre. This tetrahedron of energy disperses a fifth state of matter known as LIQUID LIGHT that structures the water within our bodies such that we literally become walking LIQUID CRYSTALS.
Graduates have completed the full online study course to enhance their Essence of Angels®, Crystal Light Healing® or Aetheric Healing™ skills, and/or to complement their work with Astrology.
Lightrition Your Life
Lightrition is the holistic study of soulfully being human. Nourishing your body in symbiotic resonance with natures cycles. Cultivating a fresh & vibrant relationship of breathing/eating/dreaming/& working in accordance with the same patterns found in the natural world. Lightrition is a KEY accelerator of personal & planetary consciousness… learning to live, breath, eat & thrive through ancient wisdom.
Graduates have completed the full online study course.
Shealla-Dreaming Self-Study Course is a guide to understanding the evolution of the Soul and how to navigate this journey through the universal wisdoms found within the sacred symbol that is Metatron’s Cube.
Graduates have completed the full 13 Module course to enhance their Essence of Angels® & Crystal Light Healing® skills.
Soul Evolution
Soul Evolution is a 12 Module Self-Study course that ‘bridges’ science and spirituality and provides metaphysical tools to quantum leap your DNA.
This 12 Module Self-Study Course takes a detailed look at leading edge quantum mechanics and metaphysics to understand how we can be active participants is using more than 5% of our DNA and hence living our lives from a higher more awakened state of consciousness.
When you awaken your DNA, you tap into an endless sea of intelligence, the genius of creation that exists within all of nature and also exists within every cell within your body. Isn’t it time you woke up to your genius within ?
Soul Evolution Self Study will provide you with the tools to access this infinite intelligence within you, helping you to transcend limiting beliefs and move beyond needless struggle within your life. This Self Study Course will help you tap into the wisdom of the universe, creating a pathway that will lead to health, vitality and infinite abundance.
Graduates have completed the full 12 Module course to enhance their Essence of Angels® & Crystal Light Healing® skills.