Soul Evolution is a 12 Module Self-Study course that ‘bridges’ science and spirituality and provides metaphysical tools to quantum leap your DNA.
This 12 Module Self-Study Course takes a detailed look at leading edge quantum mechanics and metaphysics to understand how we can be active participants is using more than 5% of our DNA and hence living our lives from a higher more awakened state of consciousness.
When you awaken your DNA, you tap into an endless sea of intelligence, the genius of creation that exists within all of nature and also exists within every cell within your body. Isn’t it time you woke up to your genius within ?
Soul Evolution Self Study will provide you with the tools to access this infinite intelligence within you, helping you to transcend limiting beliefs and move beyond needless struggle within your life. This Self Study Course will help you tap into the wisdom of the universe, creating a pathway that will lead to health, vitality and infinite abundance.
Soul Evolution will help you to weave together ancient wisdom and new frontiers in science – awakening your DNA, so you can ‘think, feel, see, be’ outside of the current paradigm of Earth. When you choose to stand outside of the ‘box’, you are empowered to create solutions to problems within our individual lives and the world at large, from a higher level of consciousness.
As Einstein said ‘You can’t solve a problem from the same level of consciousness that created’…. thus this course provides you with scientifically validated tools for expanding consciousness beyond the limitations of the ‘box’, such that you can be an active participant in engineering the Evolution of your Soul.
PLEASE NOTE: Simone M. Matthews first released this course in 2008 as the ‘The Wave of Love Self-Study Course’ (read more about The Wave of Love). Now this course has been substantially upgraded to take account of more recent scientific discoveries and to embrace sacred ancient wisdom as it relates to the Golden Age here on Earth PLUS this new course has been recorded in Video Format (including mp3 audio meditations). In addition, this upgraded course incorporates the wisdoms of Crystal Light Healing® Level and Essence of Angels®. To reflect the new energy, this course has now been renamed: ‘Soul Evolution’.
SOUL EVOLUTION is an older course within our Wisdom School, recorded over a decade ago. However the sharings within the course are eternal, and now more than ever play an important role in awakening & evolving the Human Spirit. We have put oodles of Heart-n-Soul into this course, we hope that our sharings help you discover the luminescent radiance of Soul.
You may also like to incorporate our Shealla-Dreaming Course into your Soul Evolution studies (we explain how to do this within the course). Together both courses provide an in depth and practical understanding of ancient wisdom and how we can live and be these ancient wisdoms here on Earth today.
Overview – Soul Evolution – 12 Modules
Each of the 12 Modules contains the following teachings/materials:
- Video of the Modules teachings (approx 60-90 mins)
- Audio of the Modules Meditation (approx 15-30 mins)
- Module Notes – Including Diagrams & Visual Aids
- Supportive Resources eg Books, Videos, Audios etc..
All Module Videos you can watch on your computer or stream to your TV.
All Module Audios you can listen to on your computer, or download to a CD, MP3 player or ipod.
All Module Notes you can read/view on line (and print if required, though this is not necessary).
Please note that this is a virtual Self-Study course in that the course is e-generated (ie no physical workbook or audios are shipped to you, the entire course is downloadable or completed on-line).
On completion of the 12 Module Course, if you are listed within the Practitioner & Teacher Directory of our website – then you also qualify to have this Self-Study Course included as an additional qualification through our School.
There are no pre-requisites for enrolment, everyone is invited to enrol and learn online. There is no time-limit for completion of the course, and infact you receive a lifetime of access to the course – such that you can come back and review the course content at any time.
Shealla-Dreaming Self-Study Course makes a perfect companion to this course.
There is no obligation to enrol in Shealla-Dreaming Self-Study – it is just highly recommended !
Please also note that FREE ebook that accompanies this Course is Shealla-Dreaming.
Topics – Soul Evolution – 12 Modules
The following is a list of topics to be covered in each of the 12 Modules.
Each Module includes an in depth study of specific DNA Light Codes PLUS an downloaded audio to work directly with these specific DNA Light Codes within your life (ie activate and attune your DNA).
- Module 1: Perception, Reality, science of our DNA – Earth Star, Core of DNA;
- Module 2: Imaginal Cells, Imagination & Evolution – Base Chakra, DNA LCodes 1&2;
- Module 3: Love Matrix Dimensions – Sacral Chakra, DNA LCodes 3&4;
- Module 4: Photon Belt & Heliosphere – Solar Plexus, DNA LCode 5;
- Module 5: Harmonics – Sound creates Form – Heart Chakra, DNA Light Codes 6&7;
- Module 6: Harmonics – Colour from Sound – Throat Chakra, DNA Light Codes 8&9;
- Module 7: Pineal Gland, Brainwaves – Third Eye, DNA Light Code 10;
- Module 8: Schumann Resonance & Zero Point – Crown Chakra DNA LCode 11&12;
- Module 9: Creative Evolution, Solar Radiation – Soul Star, DNA LCodes 13to24;
- Module 10: Accessing the Past or Future – Stellar Gateway, DNA LCodes 25to36;
- Module 11: Beliefs & our Future – Universal Gateway, DNA LCodes 37to48;
- Module 12: Heart Torroids – 3 Hearts Creation – Zero Point – Cosmic Gateway LC 49to64.
What do I receive on Completion ?
On completion of the 12 Module Course, all students will receive a Certificate of Completion signed by Simone M. Matthews.
If you are already a Practitioner or Teacher through our school, and are listed within the Practitioner & Teacher Directory of our website – then you also qualify to have this Self-Study Course included as an additional qualification on your profile page.
Supportive Tools
To support the Audio Meditations for Modules 1 to 12 of our Soul Evolution Self-Study Course we highly recommend you use the following supportive tools.
Please note that these products are NOT essential (only highly recommended) and you could always intuitively use for meditations a mineralised item from nature as a substitute (eg choose a stone / rock or even a crystal from your personal collection)…and then not use any Essences at all. The choice is completely yours !!!
Boxed Set of Essence of Angels
Our Boxed Set of 12 Essence of Angels would make the ideal supportive tool for each of the Soul Evolution Self-Study Audio Meditations/DNA Activations – Modules 1 to 13.
When you purchase the box set of 12 Essence of Angels, you will receive a FREE bottle of Golden Quantum Essence & Ancient Healers Essence.
Platonic Solids – Sacred Geometry
During the Meditation/DNA Activation exercises in Modules 1 to 12 we will be using a particular Sacred Geometric Symbol to represent the purest form of the Element (eg Earth, Fire, Air, Water etc..) for that particular exercise.
Thus you may wish to use our physical Crystal Sacred Geometric Platonic Solids for each exercise (or alternatively you may wish to simply invoke these sacred symbols etherically).
If you are interested in purchasing a set of platonic solids, then please visit our on-line shop for all the details. We have a variety of sets to choose from.. from small sets of 7 platonics to large sets of 5 platonics.
Full Colour Laminated A3 Chart – DNA Activation
During the Meditation/DNA Activation exercises we will be working with a number of elements such as sound, colour, musical notes, sacred sounds/symbols/sacred geometry etc. Whilst all this information will be provided within the self-study course you may like to consider the purchase of a Full Colour Laminated Chart that graphically displays all this information.
The chart would be a great tool within your mediation or healing space to help you connect with each Meditation (DNA Activation) to not only support your learning but also to assist your connection/regular use of these ancient wisdoms within you day-to-day life.
Full Colour Laminated A3 Chart – 13 Sacred Keys Chart
If you are also completing the Shealla-Dreaming Self-Study Course in conjunction with this Soul Evolution Self Study Course, then this 13 Sacred Keys Full Colour Laminated Chart helps to combine the wisdoms of both Self-Study Courses into one chart.
The chart outlines the elements such as sound, colour, musical notes, sacred sounds/symbols/sacred geometry etc and aligns this through the Double Merkabah representation of the 13 Sacred Keys.
Whilst all this information will be provided within the respective self-study courses you may like to consider the purchase of this Full Colour Laminated Chart that graphically displays all this information as the chart would be a great tool within your mediation or healing space to help you connect with each Meditation (DNA Activation) to not only support your learning but also to assist your connection/regular use of these ancient wisdoms within you day-to-day life.
How to Enrol
You can enrol in our Soul Evolution ONLINE Course at ANYTIME and there is no time limit for completion of the Course. To enrol in our course, simply ‘ADD to CART‘ at the top of this page and proceed through to checkout. Your enrolment in our course is agreement to our Course Terms & Conditions.
Once Enrolled, LOGIN to your MyAccount to access the Soul Evolution Course Dashboard at any time, from any device. You receive a LIFETIME of Access to the Course, even once the course has been completed in full.
Sign up TODAY for instant Access to your COURSE Dashboard and watch our Welcome Video !