As a Soul having a Human Experience here on Earth, we each have an auric field referred to as our Crystalline Matrix, or our Octahedron Body of Light.
Our Octahedron Body of Light comes into presence when Cosmic Light refracts through the prism of our Soul, radiating a holographic Octahedron ‘Diamond’ Lightbody – made up of 3 Templates / 7 levels of auric density.
For health, vitality & evolution of our Soul, it is essential that we not only consciously embrace the presence of our Lightbody, but also actively seek to ‘communicate’ with all levels.
This Course 101 seeks to visually demonstrate now our Octahedron Lightbody comes into form and how we can consciously become aware of its presence and evolutionary capacity.
Students are experientially guided on how to ground/anchor their Lightbody to Earth and how to optimise health & wellbeing (body, mind & spirit) through Lightbody communication.
Key Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this Course 101 , you will understand:
- How your Octahedron Body of Light comes into Beingness
- Grounding Lightbody for physical, emotional/mental & spiritual health
- Engage in Lightbody Communication
- Tips & Techniques for ‘listening’ to the Lightbody
- How ‘feeling’ the Lightbody speaks the language of the Universe
Course Inclusions
This self-paced online learning Course is accessible via desktop, tablet or smartphone- and you can access this Course anywhere at anytime. Your enrolment in this Course includes the following:
- 2 hours of high-energy Video Teachings
- Downloadable Templates & Diagrams to support Video Teachings
- Guided Meditations & Personal exploration sessions
- Real life examples / stories / wisdom sharings
- Continuing Education reference materials* – articles, books, videos
* The Continuing Education reference materials are not compulsory, but rather are shared with students as an opportunity to expand their knowledge & application of the wisdoms contained within this Course. These additional reference materials support students in understanding the application of the wisdom teachings across varying fields of interest such as colour therapy, sound therapy, aromatherapy, holistic therapies (naturopathy, nutrition, herbal medicine, homoeopathy) as well as hands on therapies such as massage, bowen, osteopathy, chiropractic, plus energy healing modalities such as Reiki, Crystal Light Healing®, Essence of Angels®, Aetheric Healing™ etc.
Course Pre-Requisites
There are NO pre-requisites required for enrolment in this Course 101.
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