Lightrition your Life
Lightrition is the holistic life-experience of soulfully being human. Nourishing your body in symbiotic resonance with natures cycles. Cultivating a fresh & vibrant relationship of breathing/eating/dreaming/& working in accordance with the same patterns found in the natural world.
During this tumultuous & uncertain time on Earth with COVID-19, Lightrition will help you make sense of this moment in Herstory. The bigger picture of Humanity Awakening. And will help you open your Sacred Heart & truly thrive! Lightrition is a KEY accelerator of personal & planetary consciousness… learning to live, breath, eat & thrive through ancient wisdom.
During your studies with Simone, throughout Modules 1 to 8 she will draw upon the Ancient Lemurian & Atlantian Intelligences to:
- Discover the Realms of the Natural World through Sacred Geometry
- Breathe your Crystalline Light Body into 5D Consciousness
- Access the inherent wisdom in Minerals
- Feed yourself with the Light Codes within food
- Nourish yourself with Cosmic wisdoms from the Moon, Sun & Stars
- Transform your DNA through the Imaginal Realm
- Awaken to the mystical power of Structured Water
- Discover the impact of 5G & how you can limit your exposure
- Awaken to a NEW Story of the Anima Realm (Pathogens/Viruses) & their sacred purpose
- Emerge into a more Heartful way of life, with clarity & Soulful purpose.
- Discover & Engage in a New Earth Story through your Cosmic Heart
- To become isomorphic with the reality around us, the memory of the Universe.
Due to this unprecedented global experience we find ourselves here in 2020, Simone is specifically tailoring the Lightrition Course Material to meet the challenges of this moment.
As each Module is created Monthly, from MODULE 3 onwards – Simone will directly address the deeper experience of CoronaVirus, what it means for each of us individually, the greater spiritual experience of COVID-19 (Germ Theory, Awakened Understanding of the Anima Realm), & how we can use the gift of this moment to transform ourselves both personally, planetarily & cosmically.
Join us for our 2020 Lightrition your Life online learning course, plant your seeds for a reLOVEutionary 2020… and together lets pioneer a NEW Human Story of Earth for this new decade & beyond.
Read the Full Course Curriculum & Learning Outcomes for all 8 Modules (including Module 1)
Lightrition your Life – Course Information page
What do I receive upon Enrolment ?
When you Enrol in MODULE 1… you receive a LIFETIME of access… making it easy to study in your own space/time.
Upon enrolment you receive Instant Access to our Lightrition your Life – Online Course Dashboard – Module 1. From your Course Dashboard you can:
- Access the Course Teachings – Module 1
- Access/Attend Course Masterclass – Module 1
- Access our Lightrition your Life PRIVATE FB Community Group & get to know your fellow Lightritioner Tribe from around the world.
- Receive Bonus Gifts. During your Lightrition Studies, Simone will periodically gift BONUSes to students to support their studies! Enrol today & receive your first Bonus Gift.
Overview of Module 1
In Module 1, Simone introduces you to the foundations of Lightritional Alchemy – bringing ancient wisdom into a present day world. Through ‘Genesis’, our Lightritional TEMPLE-t, we set the stage for the metatmorphosis of your own Psycho-Bio-Genensis during 2020.
Together we will explore the Sacred Geometry of the Heart of Wellness through the 4 Chambers of the Cosmic Heart. We connect deeply with the circadian rhythm of 24/7 flow, relationships with the organs of your body & the true cause of dis-ease.
We also set aside a whole video gifting you a deeper insights in your Body of Light, your 13 Chakra System & Sacred Principles of LIFE. If you have never studied with us before (Crystal Light Healing®, Essence of Angels® & Aetheric Healing™) – then you will find this information invaluable for your health & wellbeing.
We also dive deep into the Astrology of this time, a deeper understanding of the greater potential of 2020, and the greater shift of the ages.
MODULES 1 & 2 provide you with the foundation to meet head-on the challenges we find ourselves in here in 2020, and sets the vision to BE the SOLUTION of a New Earth Story.
Then in MODULE 3, Simone will begin to directly address the deeper experience of CoronaVirus, what it means for each of us individually, the greater spiritual experience of Corona, & how we can use the gift of this moment to transform ourselves both personally, planetarily & cosmically.
How to do I Enrol ?
To Enrol in MODULE 1, click ‘add to cart’ at the top of this page and continue through to checkout.
You will then receive a confirmation of purchase email which includes a link to our Lightrition your Life – Online Course Dashboard – MODULE 1.
During your Lightrition Studies, Simone will periodically gift BONUSes to students to support their studies! Simone has some special things in store, we know you will just LOVE these gifts!
To get the bonus ball rolling, ENROL TODAY & receive Prayer Wallpaper & New Earth Wallpaper… not just for your phone, but also for your tablet, laptop & PC. What a great way to feel into the energy of Great Spirit during your LIGHTRITIONing studies. Plus enjoy a range of printable Poster TEMPLE-ts to help you move into Heartful Alchemy with Life & the Cosmogenesis of your Soul.