Welcome to my Radiantly Human Journal
We amazing Humans are evolving.
We are awakening to a NEW chapter in our Human Love Story. Discovering the intelligence of our bodies to heal, the expansion of our minds into grander levels of consciousness, and we are accessing untapped dimensions of wisdom as we EVOLVE into awakened states of Soul within Cosmos. READ MORE >>
We are awakening to a NEW chapter in our Human Love Story— becoming Radiantly Human. Click on the images below to read our weekly Radiantly Human Journal Posts.
- 2020
- 2021
- 2022
- 2023
What we Fight with we Dance with. What we Dance with we Become.
We the people must be the drivers & visionaries of a NEW Health Care System
Climate Change, Consciousness & Evolutionary Cycles
Children are our Future— let’s ensure they have one!
Truth, Forgiveness, Healing & 9/11
Becoming Homo Luminous
Not that very Apeel-ing? My Heart is with Lightrition— and living in the LIGHT.
The Love of One’s Fate— Amor Fati
Wortcunning— Return of Feminine Healing
Bees, 5D & the Pleiades
IMPORTANT MESSAGE— the information presented within this Journal may not necessarily reflect all my personal beliefs at this time. This Journal contains a wide variety of viewpoints, resources & information to support your own personal critical thinking & decision making. Above all, I share this Journal with LOVE xx Simone
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