Life Mastery Teacher ~ Heart Retreats
Our Life Mastery Teacher Heart Retreats are powerful immersions in Heart awakening. A time to savour silence, get back in touch with the healing power of nature, rediscover your soul song and nourish your body, mind & spirit through mindful presence.
Heart Retreat days are guided by the pulse & rhythm of the day - Nature, the Seasons, the Sun & Moon. Simone takes you on a journey through the elements to explore all areas of your life from the inside out. Sunrise/Sunset Meditations, Yin Yoga, Sound Healing, Ancient Wisdom teachings & explorations, 5-Elemental Lightrition, Ceremony, Breath Work and blissful Ocean & Forest walks. Laughter, silence, connection & community nourish your Heart Retreat days, inter-woven with personal time for self-reflection, rest & relaxation.
Your Heart Retreat experience will awaken a revitalised vision of your greater potential. You will be inspired to live a bolder & more courageous life and will feel confident, ready & able to tackle any challenges that may keep you from thriving. You will feel lighter, clearer & in touch with your deepest desires & sacred pleasures.
With grace & sacred presence you graduate from our Heart Retreat as an Internationally Accredited Master Teacher through our Wisdom School. You are certified to teach our accredited workshops anywhere in the world PLUS you receive a life-time of support & resources that enable you to flourish in your personal & professional life.
Whilst you graduate as an Internationally Accredited Teacher, there is no obligation to teach any of our workshops AND in fact MANY students complete our Life Mastery Heart Retreat Programs purely for the joy of learning, mindful living, and connecting with a deep sense of inner-peace & sacred purpose.
Upcoming Heart Retreats
After 25+ years of teaching & travelling, I am taking a break from facilitating Heart Retreats during 2019.
It feels great to create space for the year ahead. Radical self-care, rejuvenation, inviting in creativity & play... & I may get up to a little rewilding mischief too! I will also be focussing on writing, as well as enjoying my last year of being a Mum to school children. Our youngest child turns 18 this year & graduates highschool, goodness, where have the years gone!
I will be back to my travels with Events in 2020... so watch this space for all the details. Also, please sign up to my FREE VIP Events List and be the first to hear about New Events, VIP discounts, pre-release offers & other cool stuff!
Location ~ Noosa, Sunshine Coast
Life Mastery Heart Retreats are facilitated by Simone M. Matthews in her home city of Noosa, Queensland, Australia.
Noosa is a sub-tropical paradise nestled within the northern region of the Sunshine Coast - pristine beaches, national parks, hinterland villages, glorious weather and locally grown produce.
Over your week long Heart Retreat, Simone facilitates her Heart Teaching Sessions in her private home. Practical, Soul-full and at times provocative... these daily sessions will push you to challenge every belief you have ever had above Yourself. The work is also gentle, kind & reverently empathetic to being Human.
During your Retreat, Heart Experiential Sessions are also facilitated by Simone at various locations around the Noosa region. These daily sessions may incorporate Walking Sunrise Meditations in Noosa National Park, Sound Baths at Tea Tree Bay, Elemental play at the Fairy Rock Pools, coastal beach Yin Yoga, Water Ceremony at Lake Weyba, Sunset Fire Rituals & Crystalline Wisdom on Mt Tinbeerwah to name but a few.
Heart Retreats are small intimate gatherings that flow in harmony with the needs of the group. Every Heart Retreat weaves a different energy and fulfills a unique calling for participants as well as the Soul of the group. It is Simone's desire to immerse you in nature, feel the ancient crystalline wisdom of the land and enrich your integration of our Wisdom Schools teachings.
Noosa / Sunshine Coast provides a most divine backdrop for our Heart Retreats. Join us for our next Heart Retreat and press pause on your life, fill up your cup through Soul-full healing and return to life filled with a deeper Grace & sacred Presence.
Heart Retreat - Package Inclusions
When you Enrol for our Heart Retreats, your Enrolment fee is INCLUSIVE of 3 COMPONENTS:
COMPONENT 1 - Essence of Angels® Master Teacher Enrolment
COMPONENT 2 - Crystal Light Healing® Master Teacher Enrolment
COMPONENT 3 - Attendance at our inhouse Heart Retreat with Simone
As soon as you enrol, you receive immediate access to the eCourses contained in COMPONENTS 1 & 2 PLUS attendance at our inhouse Heart Retreat COMPONENT 3. Upon your completion of Components 1, 2 & 3, you graduate as both an Essence of Angels® Master Teacher & a Crystal Light Healing® Master Teacher - Internationally Accredited through our Wisdom School.
Whilst you graduate as an Internationally Accredited Teacher, there is no obligation to teach any of our workshops AND in fact MANY students complete our Life Mastery Heart Retreat Programs (Components 1, 2 & 3) purely for the joy of learning, mindful living, and connecting with a deep sense of inner-peace & sacred purpose.
The three boxes below summarise all inclusions when you enrol in one of our Life Mastery Heart Retreats - Components 1, 2 & 3.
Heart Retreat - Component 1
Master Teacher
- Full Access Essence of Angels® Practitioner eCourses (lifetime access)
- Full Access Essence of Angels® Teacher eCourses (lifetime access)
- Full Access Metaphysical Advanced eCourses (lifetime access)
- Full Access Graduate Resources, Directory Listing & Event Promo.
- International Accreditation
Essence of Angels® Teacher
Heart Retreat - Component 2
Master Teacher
- Full Access Crystal Light Healing® Practitioner eCourses (lifetime access)
- Full Access Crystal Light Healing® Teacher eCourses (lifetime access)
- Full Access Metaphysical Advanced eCourses (lifetime access)
- Full Access Graduate Resources, Directory Listing & Event Promo.
- International Accreditation
Crystal Light Healing® Teacher
Heart Retreat - Component 3
inhouse Heart Retreat
- Attend - Beachside Heart Retreat with Simone M. Matthews (7 days)
- Accommodation - 7 days Beachside Accomm. INCLUDED
- Meals - All daytime meals & snacks INCLUDED - healthful/local produce
- Transport - No need to hire a car, we transport you during Retreat
- Relaxation - Enjoy personal time for reflection, healing & rejuvenation
Heart Retreat Enrolments
Life Mastery Heart Retreat
12 to 19 October 2019
Noosa, Australia
During 2019 I am facilitating only one Heart Retreat such that I can dedicate time to writing my new book & supporting my darling daughter during her last year of schooling.
October is a gorgeous month here in Noosa... and I look forward to bathing you in healing light during our week-long Spring 2019 Heart Retreat.