Energy of Full Moons & New Moons
The more we fight against something, the more we take on the qualities of exactly what we are fighting against. This is our time to awaken to a new Dance. If you are a sensitive like me, chances are you too have been feeling the heaviness. I have been speaking about this all year, how […]
Why? With the impending proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (IRH) and the Pandemic Treaty/Accord, we are at risk of losing our freedom of Health Care. Personally I believe freedom is not a right that must be earned. Freedom is an inherent part of our Godly natures. As I shared in an article back […]
Could there be a much bigger story about Climate Change than what we have & are being led to believe? I recommend you read my Becoming HomoLuminous post before diving deep into the post below. Before I share information that challenges the ‘One Story’ of Climate Change, may I ask a favour of you? Inviting […]
I am well aware this can be an emotive topic for many, but bear with me. My heartfelt intention is to share viewpoints that empower you to make informed choices for yourself & your family. As a friend said to me this week Truth Illuminates— may the following post shine much luminosity indeed! For Clarity & […]
On the 22 year Anniversary of 9/11, sharing a NEW doco that I feel opens the doors to truth, forgiveness, healing and moving the story of our world into a more beautiful trajectory. On 11 Sept, 2021, I was 36 weeks pregnant and watching the tragic unfoldment on TV that would change the course of […]
Humanity is on the cusp of evolving into Homo Luminous— hallelujah ☀️ And in a parallel reality, materialistic science advocates for blocking/deflecting Sunlight or even moving Earth’s Location! Oh our glorious Sun— the giver of life, the activator of natures intelligence, the Heart of our SolarSystem that ignites our LIGHT from the inside-out. Without our […]
With Apeel-treated produce ramping up globally, sharing my research on Apeel, plus my insights into health, nutrition— within the bigger vision of our Lightrition. Before I dive deep into all things Apeel, let me share my views on Nutrition and my expanded viewpoint of Lightrition. Nutrition Nutrition is defined as the process by which a […]
The latin phrase Amor Fati guides us to accept all the events that make up our lives with grace & gratitude. And to cherish the present moment however it shows up— as a gift toward our becoming. Life is a miraculous unfoldment of experiences— some we directly conspire to cultivate, whilst others cross our paths […]
With the 3rd leading cause of death being IATROGENIC (death by medical error), we are experiencing a global renaissance back to the wisdom of plant spirit medicine— the return of the Feminine. Over the years I have immersed myself in the mysticsm of wortcunning— not a word you often hear brandied about in contemporary medical […]
Reflecting on the Wisdom of Bees, 5D & the 13 Grandmothers of the Pleiades— in recognition of World Bee Day. Each year in the month of May our Sun [our LIGHT] transits over the Pleiades [Divine Feminine] — opening our consciousness to the mystery of the natural world, a grander possibility for our lives— a greater LOVE. Did you know […]
We are 5th Dimensional (5D) Souls having a human experience— Beings of the LIGHT. To quote the words of Rumi: We are stars wrapped in skin. The light you are seeking has always been within— Rumi. Last week I shared The A.I. Dilemma— a force for good, or catastrophe?— as a commentary on what could […]
50% of A.I. researchers believe there’s a 10% or greater chance that humans go extinct from our inability to control A.I. Sobering thought I know, but what can we do about it? I have been watching a thought-provoking video presentation given by Tristan Harris & Aza Raskin filmed at a private gathering in San Francisco […]
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