Aetheric Healing™
Solar Return Report
(Annual Upgrade)


Your personalised Aetheric Healing™ Solar Return Report charts your Soul Evolutionary Triangle on your Solar Return Chart, providing deep insight into your Soul Evolutionary purpose within the Current Solar Year.

Your comprehensive Report— 90 to 100 pages— contains Charts, Tables & detailed 12 month Predictive Interpretations— gifting you knowledge of potential opportunities & possible challenges over the forthcoming year (from birthday to birthday).

This Solar Return Chart is available ONLY if you have previously commissioned your full Aetheric Healing™ Astrology Chart.

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Each year on the Grand Alignment,  Simone opens the doors on her Aetheric Healing™ Solar Return Report. This is your opportunity to gift yourself or a special loved one a personalised report, inclusive of Current Year Soul Evolutionary Triangle + interpretation reports. 

Purchasing a Solar Return Report for a friend?  Let us know in the comments box on purchase if you would like us to provide you with a personalised Gift Certificate for your friend.

All Solar Return Reports will be created in early 2023, and you will receive an email to download your Full Report by the 15 January 2023.  Doors close for purchase of our Aetheric Healing™ Astrology Report on the 24 December 2022 (unless old out sooner).

Important Notice:  Our Solar Return Report is an Annual Upgrade for customers that have previously commissioned the creation of their Aetheric Healing™ Astrology Report.  



What is included within our Aetheric Healing™ Solar Return Report ?

Your Aetheric Healing™ Solar Return Report is a 12 mth predicative report, gifting you knowledge of potential opportunities or possible challenges over the forthcoming year (from birthday to birthday).  The Solar Return Report contains the following:

  • 90-100 page Report
  • Full Colour Solar Return Natal Chart – Planets, Sun, Moon, Asc , MC
  • Soul Evolutionary Triangle (Current Year) + Interpretations
  • Your original Natal Chart & Natal Soul Evolutionary Triangle (to support comparison)
  • Solar Return Detailed overview/predictions for the forthcoming 12 months.
  • Table of the position of over 30 Fixed Stars


Why commission your personalised Solar Return Report ?

On an annual basis, the Sun returns to the exact same position (exact degree within your Natal Zodiac sign) it was positioned in at birth.  This ‘Solar Return’ happens within 1 or 2 days of your birthday each year.

I just love the wishes people bless upon you with on your Birthday  ‘Many Happy Returns’, which refers to the return of your Sun to its position at your birth.

Whilst the Sun returns to the exact same position, many things within your Natal Chart change each year.  For instance, on your birthday the Sun (whilst in the same degree of the Zodiac at birth) may have shifted into a different House and the Planets & Moon will have shifted Houses and possibly Zodiac Signs.

This your Solar Return chart, created on the day of your Suns return (PLUS also based on where you now reside), provides a wonderful 12th month forecast of the themes for the next year, your potential opportunities, possible challenges and provides you with a deep insight into the year ahead.

The ‘feel’ of the Solar Return often begins to kick in 2 to 3 months before your birthday… thus a Solar Return Chart/Report can help you to proactively embrace your new solar year.


Soul Evolutionary Triangle – Current Year

When preparing your Solar Return Report,  Simone M. Matthews charts the positions of the Galactic Centre, Sirius, Alcyone (referred to as your SOUL EVOLUTION TRIANGLE 0r SET) which guide your experience of your Grander Soul Evolutionary Potential during the current Solar Year.

The Natal Placement of the Fixed Stars Sirius (Divine Masculine) & Alcyone (Divine Feminine) – gifts insight into your Soul’s strengths, gifts & talents as well as potential challenges or greater opportunities for the Current Year.

The Natal Placement of the Galactic Centre (Unity of the Trinity), is the central black & white hole of our Milky Way Galaxy.  Placed at the top point of your SETCY – this placement gifts insight into your Soul’s Greater Evolutionary Purpose for the Current Year.   This is what you have chosen to spend this year ‘working towards’ in conjunction with your life-long Natal SET (Soul Evolutionary Triangle on your Natal Chart).

Mainstream Astrology focuses on the planets and objects within our Solar System (which of course plays an important role in our beingness here on Earth), but Aetheric Healing™ Astrology takes into account celestial bodies beyond our Solar System in the greater sphere of our Galaxy.   These celestial spheres of conscious placements within your chart (eg Galactic Centre, Sirius & Alcyone)  form an integral part of our lives, our Soul Contracts and our greater individual/collective roles in evolution.


Why do I need to purchase the full Astrology Report BEFORE this Solar Return Report ?

Our Aetheric Healing™ Astrology Report contains your Natal Chart created from your time, date, place of birth.  Your Natal Chart, the placement of Planets, Stars & more is unique for you.  You CHOSE to be born under the influence of this unique placement as it creates the personality of your Soul and the creative template for your Soul’s Evolution.  Your Natal Chart is your connection to deeply understand who you are, why you chose to come to Earth and most importantly what you are here to learn.

INCLUDED within the full Astrology Report is your 12 Month Solar Return Chart + Soul Evolutionary Triangle (Current Year) + 12 Month Solar Return Interpretation Report... gifting you knowledge and deep insight into the forthcoming 12 months (birthday to birthday).

Thus depending on your date of birth (in comparison to when you originally purchased the Astrology Report), you DO NOT then need to purchase our Solar Return Report until your next birthday (which is potentially 12 months away).  As your next birthday then approaches and you would then like to discover what lies ahead for you for the following 12 month then this would represent the perfect time to purchase this Solar Return Report.

When Simone prepares your Solar Return Report, she accesses your previous Astrology Reports/Natal Charts on file (from when you purchased the full Astrology Report) and uses this for the preparation of your Solar Return Report.


Soul Evolution Triangles

Your Aetheric Healing™ Solar Return Report charts your personal Soul Evolutionary Triangle (ie the placement of the Galactic Evolutionary Triangle – Galactic Centre & Fixed Stars Alcyone & Sirius) on your individual Solar Return Chart.   PLUS your report outlines a key understanding/interpretation of your Soul Evolutionary Triangle placements.

Your Soul Evolutionary Triangle on your Solar Return Chart provides you with key knowledge of what maybe in store for you over the following 12 months including:

  • Understand you Greater Evolutionary Purpose & Highest Soul Aspirations
  • Identify you Talents/Gifts
  • Become conscious of you Soul Print Challenges
  • Support Wisdom/Understanding in overcoming challenges
  • Access Past Lives / Future Potentials in the NOW
  • Connect with the field Infinite Solutions
  • Awaken the brain to a higher potential through Neuroplasticity

For a more indepth & detailed discussion and interpretation of the placement of the Galactic Centre and Fixed Stars Sirius & Alcyone within your Natal & Solar Return Charts, we recommend that your enrol in our Aetheric Healing™ eCourse.  In Module 2 onwards of the Aetheric Healing™ eCourse, we study the Galactic Centre and Fixed Stars as it related to both your Galactic Evolutionary Triangle (GET) and your Personal Soul Evolutionary Triangle (SET).  Plus we understand in detail the energy of the placement of pre-Natal Eclipses and numerous other astrological aspects.


Can I study Aetheric Healing™ Online Course WITHOUT purchasing this Solar Return Report?

The short answer is ‘YES’.

If you already have your own Solar Return Chart (previously prepared by an Astrologer) then please take a moment to see if the Galactic Centre, Alcyone, Sirius & preNatal Eclipses have been charted.  It is rare for Astrologers to chart these points as part of a standard Natal Chart. 

If your Chart do not contain the charting of the above points, then during the Aetheric Healing™ Course Simone discusses ways in which you can approximate the location of the Galactic Centre, Alcyone &  Sirius on your chart (Simone will show you how to approximate the house and astrological sign where they are located).  This should be sufficient for the practical sessions during the Course.

However, if you would prefer to have a complete Aetheric Healing™ Astrology Report produced for either your own personal use or for use as a student of Aetheric Healing™ studies, then we invite you to order our full Aetheric Healing™ Astrology Report today !   Your full Natal Aetheric Healing™ Astrology Report is INCLUSIVE of Solar Return Chart/Report.


How do I purchase this Aetheric Healing™ Solar Return Report ?

To commission the production of your own personalised Solar Return Repor, please ‘Add to Cart’ at the top of this page and proceed through to checkout.  Please note as this Solar Return Report will be emailed to you, there is no postage added during the checkout process.

You will then receive an emailed Invoice as confirmation of payment for the Report.  Please click on the link within this emailed confirmation ‘Please Detail Your Personal Details Here >‘ and you will be redirected to a webpage where you enter in your personal details (including details of the original purchase of your full Astrology Report) to support the production of your personalised Solar Return Report.

Simone will personally prepare your Aetheric Healing™ Solar Report and email this direct to you (or your gift recipient) by the 15 January 2023.


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