Courage, Challenges & Awakening


Courage, Challenges & Awakening

spirited-travellers-world-tour-hand-onlyAfter nearly five months of our Spirited-Travellers road trip (4 people in a car driving around North America)… I can say I am a different person and can truly vouch that ‘travel changes you’.

Or to be more specific, travel awakens within you untapped COURAGE to face the unknown; travel CHALLENGES your beliefs / perceived vision of your life; and travel inspires you to AWAKEN your heart-n-soul to find more compassionate, kind and mindful ways of beingness.


“Courage, the original definition of courage when it first came into the English language, is from the Latin word cor, meaning heart – and the original definition was to tell the story of who you are with your whole heart…”  Brene Brown

courageIt has taken a huge amount of courage to uproot my family from the familial surrounds of friends, school and daily routines… to traipse them around the world for 12 months and live in the moment each and every day and live with WHOLE HEART !

What many of our community members may not realise… is that whilst we have thousands of students and graduate Practitioners & Teachers around the world, my Universal Life Tools School is actually quite a small operation on the physical plane.   There is myself, a part-time PA and a few beautiful women in my life who make our schools vibrational products and help out with our on-line store plus my beloved graphic/web creatrix Rebecca.

What that means is, I am my own marketing department, tech department, event management dept, admin dept and finance dept.   And…. of course I am also THE person that facilitates all the ceremonies, talks & courses around the world during this tour. My beautiful family (my husband Shaun, and my two young teens) are a huge help with setup & packdown for each event… but at the end of the day it is me and the universe that brings it all together.

Somewhere in between all of those jobs, I also wear the hats of Mother, Wife, Sister, Auntie & Daughter. But of course beyond all of those labels, just like you I am an eternal spirit, living, breathing and expressing the Divine here on Earth.

So getting back to COURAGE….

Whilst our days are filled with oodles of laughter, car sing-a-longs (thank you to James Taylor satellite radio channel, though my children now feel they are scarred for life musically LOL) and life-changing experiences in nature (I have stories to last a lifetime)… this trip has certainly pushed the boundaries of possibility and helped me confront my deepest vulnerabilities and shadow fears.

On many occasion during the past months we have run out of money, been left with little food and found ourselves without accommodation for the night. As a responsible parent this sure does trigger those niggling base chakra insecurities and societal imprints of separateness and fear.

SURRENDER (of the Earth Star – Archangel Azrael) and SACRED FLOW (of the Sacral chakra – Archangel Haniel) have been exposed and SELF WORTH & DIVINE WILL (of the Solar Plexus – Archangel Michael) have had to step up and shine in their full magnificence.

I have found having COURAGE means letting go of process and choosing to approach each moment with vulnerability and SOUL-HEARTEDNESS. This means letting go of the ways you THINK things should happen and simply allowing the moment to bring to you the gifts that inspire growth, synchronicity and Soul Potential.

It has been scary.
There have been tears.
There have been times where we have felt deep sadness, immeasurable loss and heartache and wondered should we pack up and go home.

But as each of us has been confronted with our shadow selves, somewhere within the infinite field of possibilities we have found the FREEDOM within to truly get out of the way of the ego and let SPIRIT experience itself through us without boundary.

What a journey it has been and is continuing to be !


Just picture this… imagine starting our tour in February 2015 with a detailed travel plan, a concise schedule of events and a carefully constructed vision of how this tour would come to life. YES, I know what you are thinking as you are reading this (REALLY !!!!!!!!), but my Virgo moon was having a field day with process & structure.

challengesWithin days of us landing in Miami Florida, event hosts wanted dates changed, event venues had closed down, we experienced major technology hiccups and a series of unexpected expenses had wiped out our ‘buffer’ emergency funds.

Spirit was certainly gifting us the opportunity to learn patience and simply hand over the entire experience of this tour to SOURCE. Only a few weeks into our 12 month long tour of North America & Europe, I remember sitting in a park and contemplating our future. We had $10 USD to our name and were trying to make sense of the moment and what was being asked of us.   Suddenly, I heard the words of Wayne Dyer in my head ‘if you keep following the herd you are going to keep walking in shit’.

Well I had to laugh and approach the situation from a higher level of consciousness.   I gave $5 to a busker and spent the remaining $5 on a LOVE gift to my children (their first authentic bagel). I felt rich in experience and expanded of heart seeing the smiles on everyone’s faces.   I didn’t just give, but I opened my heart to receive the richness of all that life had to gift me in that moment. It was a life-changing shift in consciousness and a feeling of immense gratefulness.

And so the flow was once again triggered and affluence began to flow our way with course bookings. So is the flow of Spirit through the great breath of L.I.F.E. – Living In Flowing Energy.

What revelations have come out of these CHALLENGES ?

As a healer, teacher and evolutionary visionary, GIVING is such a natural, joyous and beautiful part of my Soul-Life here on Earth. And now, in reverence of my own Soul Evolution, in this lifetime I have chosen to learn (not just learn but authentically live as truth) that receiving is just as magickal a part of the great breath of life.

Spirit has gifted my family & I the opportunity to receive and welcome in the flow of affluence into our lives.   AND… as active participants of this flow we have had to cast our ego to the side and ask for help to co-create synchronicity and infinite opportunities.

We have and are receiving in so so many fabulistic ways, words cannot describe how deeply our hearts have been touched. From endless hugs at our talks/courses, home cooked meals prepared by workshop participants / event hosts, monetary donations from our Universal Life Tools Community members, additions to our Blessed Earth Crystals and many offers of staying in peoples homes and being showered in love, kindness and the warm arms of spirit in action.

It has been overwhelming. I had no idea how hard it was for me to truly just say ‘thank you’ and receive the generous gifts and support of others.

I feel LOVED, I feel SUPPORTED and I feel BLESSED for this opportunity to experience a deeply hidden part of my Soul and our families collective Soul.


In choosing COURAGE & confronting CHALLENGES with an open Heart… AWAKENING literally oozes from every part of your beingness… every cell, every breath, every thought and every word.

I don’t think I have ever felt more AWAKE in all my life.

Through the natural flow of giving and receiving, I have made a quantum leap in my life and stepped into a more conscious way of living.

awakeningIt is wonderful to serve, to share your gifts and talents with the world and to be the SOURCE of LOVE in the hearts of others. But it is equally as DIVINE to RECEIVE, to accept gratitude and to ask for help in times of need.

I have found my VOICE… thank you Archangel Zadkiel.

In choosing to surrender and RECEIVE, I feel richer for the experience and a fullness of Heart beyond measure.   By RECEIVING I have had the privilege to experience the most authentic qualities of humanity, that of kindness, compassion and nurturing. I feel whole and complete. I am DIVINE LOVE.

Travel has changed me, I am truly a different person… and with this WHOLENESS of HEART I look forward to bringing a greater depth of SPIRIT into this world, into the HEARTS of HUMANITY.

I am grateful for all these experiences as I feel they have enriched my conscious connection with SPIRIT. This in turn supports me in being a more authentic and compassionate Teacher and an instrument of LOVE.

With this deeper awakening of SPIRIT I look forward to bringing this LIGHT into all my ceremonies, talks and courses ahead of us this year in Sacramento (California), Salt Lake City (Utah), Malibu (California) and later in the year in Mexico, UK, Ireland, Italy & The Netherlands.


xx Simone

Interview with Simone

Simone_Matthews_portrait_lrPlease keep reading below to view my 2015/16 tour schedule.

I invite you to join me at one of my upcoming events and discover how live a fulfilling and meaningful life as the truest and most sacred expression of your Soul.

Also, inviting you to listen an audio replay, where I was interviewed by Sharon Walker, of the LivingEden BlogTalkRadio show where I share with you the  grandest vision of our Spirited-Travellers World Tour and inspire people to move beyond your perceived limitations and live their dreams !

August to October 2015

31 July 2015 – Fr’ee Talk Sacred Ancient Wisdom
1 & 2 August 2015 – Essence of Angels® Practitioners Course
(Earlybird ends Midnight 24 July 2015)
Find out more or make a booking >

10 to 15 August 2015 – Crystal Light Healing® Practitioner Course
16 to 18 August 2015 – Crystal Light Healing® Teacher Course
(Earlybird ends Midnight 4 August 2015)
Find out more or make a booking >

2 October 2015 – Fr’ee Talk Sacred Ancient Wisdom
3 & 4 October 2015 – Essence of Angels® Practitioners Course
(Earlybird ends 19 September 2015)
Find out more or make a booking >

View our FULL EVENT SCHEDULE for 2015/16 >


Blessed Earth Crystals

Inviting you to also read my Blessed Earth Crystals article, to find out more about our Spirited-Travellers Tour…. a movement of passionate people in service to transforming the world into a kinder, more loving and compassionate place.

Blessed Earth


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