Why your critics aren’t the ones who count


Why your critics aren’t the ones who count


Yesterday I sent out my weekly email sharing with you my latest post… a post written from the Heart.

So as you can imagine, I was caught a little off guard to have received a number of emails directed at me personally that were most defamatory, divisive, angry and downright mean-spirited.

Wow, to think that my post which focussed on the power of LOVE could actually incite so much vile anger & hatred toward me is… well… rather comical/tragic don’t you think ?  It was also interesting that these hurtful comments were posted outside of public forums (either via personal message or email)… I think that says a lot too!

My community posts are not about ‘naming & shaming’ (besides which, those responsible have all been blocked now)… so I have chosen to focus today’s post on helping people to deal with criticism.  Not the helpful type of criticism that when channelled constructively & lovingly supports your growth… but rather the belittling & cruel barrage of criticism that is wagered by bullies and those sitting in the ‘cheap seats’.

The tragicomedy of politics

Lets face it… politics has become a daily soap-opera that rivals many of the great tragicomedies of our time. However the most tragic part of it all is, we are NOT watching a play or HBO special with celebrities playing roles that make us laugh/cry.

This is real life.  People are hurting. People are suffering. People are feeling helpless and the elastic bands of tolerance are snapping.  People are frustrated with the absurdity of the political system… not just in Australia, not just in the US… but on our global stage.   We have ALL had enough of the greed, corruption and mis-use of power.

I was just watching our Australian 4Corners program last night on the Forgotten Children stranded on Nauru. This situation is neither a tragic or comedic genre, it is a downright inhumane and disgraceful devaluation of human life… where those in power condone soul-destroying torture of children as a by-product of the political process.

But I digress…

As I experienced directly myself yesterday, sometimes when people feel so very fearful, so very angry, so very helpless in their lives (particularly at the hands of politicians)… a primal instinct steps in to attack anyone or anything.   The more pain the person is feeling and the greater a persons suffering & suffocation, the more vicious & spiteful are the retaliation of words, emotions & actions toward you.

Even if you are just trying to reach out a hand of hope, a glimmer of light and a potential vision of a future…. the pain and hurt runs so so deep, that your good intentions are misconstrued and maliciously torn to shreds.

People armor up to protect themselves, they are sick of hurting and can’t take it any more.  People drop grenades and hurl abuse as a way of deflecting the intensity of their own pain.  The war that is being fought on the inside becomes a war against the world.

But there is a much much bigger picture to all of this.  As yesterdays post brought to light, when we move outside of the chaos and ‘see’ what is playing out on the world stage from a greater level of consciousness, we see the bigger picture unfolding.   This ‘contrast’ has the potential to incite mass awakening.  Our resilience, our creativity, our connection with each other will be the bridge that takes us forward into a new era.

You know what… and it has taken a lifetime to really get this… everything is going to be OK.

The power of Vulnerability

In my post yesterday, I spoke of how we can choose to grow, evolve & thrive in such a diverse world full of polarised opinions.  Our politians, these world stage players can be perceived as Spiritual Teachers that inspire us to move beyond the illusion of separation and serve as the catalyst of TRANSFORMATION… for their ‘teachings’ inspire us to BE the CHANGE.

What I didn’t say yesterday, is that whilst this potential exists for everyone of us… ‘growing & evolving’ can at times be a bit of a messy business.

EVERY single person on this planet has their own story, their own truths, their own dreams.  Families are wanting the best for their children, people want security with their jobs, lovers are seeking equality and we are waking up and demanding honesty & transparency from all those in positions of power.  However, as happens in a diverse world… what is one persons truth is another persons folly.

So, when faced with hatred & appalling criticism for simply following what you believe in (much like I experienced yesterday) what do you do ?

What I have learned over the years (and to be honest, I am still learning) is that what other people do/say is not because of me, it is based on their own story and is because of themselves.  Or, as you may have heard many times before, ‘what other people think of me is none of my business’.

Ok, Ok… I know you get that, you really feel the truth of that in your heart… but lets get real. How do you/we deal with unsolicited, demeaning & hurtful critiscism from others and still manage to function in the world.  Curling up in the foetal position under the duvet really doesn’t serve anyone, least of all yourself… though at times can be most appealing, I know I have been there♡

Firstly, when I feel the world is against me (well that is the way my ego sees it anyhow… you know that feeling 99% of your community LOVE your work, but when you receive hatred from the 1% it seems to totally overwhelm your beingness)… I acknowledge that I cannot change the way people behave or react but I can choose for MYSELF how I wish to respond and experience each and every moment.

On a personal level, I feel the most important thing that you can do, as discussed by one of my fav authors Brene Brown, is to be vulnerable, be yourself and show up and be seen. It can be so easy to run and hide, not to speak your truth or to dim your light to please others… but really, at the end of day, how does this serve you ?  Choosing to NOT be vulnerable may seem like the easy way out, but it simply makes you misserable as the ‘je ne sais quoi’ of your beingness thrives on expansion not suppression.

When we choose VULNERABILITY as one of our core values in life, we learn how to LOVE and accept ourselves, we see the gift of our perceived imperfections and we are empowered to deal with self-doubt, shame & guilt.  AND most importantly we show up to LIFE with opens HEARTS and allow vulnerability to be the birthplace of innovation, creativity, empathy and change.

As discussed by Stephen Russell, from his book Barefoot Doctor’s Guide to the Tao: A Spiritual Handbook for the Urban Warrior:

“Vulnerability is the only authentic state. Being vulnerable means being open, for wounding, but also for pleasure. Being open to the wounds of life means also being open to the bounty and beauty. Don’t mask or deny your vulnerability: it is your greatest asset. Be vulnerable: quake and shake in your boots with it. the new goodness that is coming to you, in the form of people, situations, and things can only come to you when you are vulnerable, i.e. open.”

Why your critics aren’t the ones who count

Sharing with you the following Brene Brown video, where she shares a deep and honest insight into how deal with critics through the power of vulnerability.  I LOVE this vid, it is one of my all time favourites… I hope you receive as much from it as I have (and still do).

As Brene says, ‘if we’re going to find our way back to each other, vulnerability is going to be that path.’

I look forward to meeting you in the arena, having the courage to walk your truth and step into the grandest version of the greatest vision you ever had for you !  We are all in this together, lets open our Hearts, ‘lets get naked’, lets make this LIFE count and grow & evolve together whilst daring greatly ♡


xx Simone






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