The World is at a Crisis Point


The World is at a Crisis Point

I fell down the stairs on the weekend – tumbling down 11 stairs in less than one second was quite a mean feat and one that has left me a little battered & bruised. I am grateful however that all my bones are intact and that my purple lumps & bumps will eventually heal.

After my calamity, I sat in the warm morning Sun and whilst licking my wounds (not literally of course) reflected on how trauma, disasters and anxiety/fear of the present moment, let alone the future are affecting so many at this time.

As I write these words, natural disasters are affecting millions of people – hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, fires & earthquakes (I think every element is covered in that list!).   Record numbers of people are taking illicit drugs to escape their reality. Domestic violence is on the rise, suicide is at an all time high, in fact everything is on the rise – divorce, unemployment, hate crimes, and racial vilification to mention a few. Politics, religion & human rights are driving wedges in friendships and in families. Every 3.6 seconds on this planet a fellow human dies of starvation… the rainforests are being strangled, our reefs are dying and over 50,000 animal species are becoming extinct every year.

Never before have I seen in my 50 years on this Earth such a crescendo of people experiencing profound states of stress, anxiety, turmoil and feeling a sense of loss or apprehension about their lives, their communities and the future of our planet. Even if people aren’t directly experiencing any of these traumatic happenings themselves in this immediate moment, anxiety is still present as people feel helpless in the ability to be a force of change… which is further adding ‘fuel’ to the global bonfire of tension.

Yet here I found myself after my accident being showered in everything that I needed to heal. I had access to natural remedies to heal my body (such as arnica cream), essences to release the e-motion of the event (Essence of Angels®), a hot cup of tea made by my beloved (great for the soul) and I was being held in a space of empathy, compassion and kindness by those who loved me dearly… enthusiastically ensuring me that everything would be ok.   Whilst I was in pain and still in shock, I intrinsically knew that all was/would be well in my world.

It got me thinking… how can my experience, my blessed receiving of LOVE create a wave of healing for others ?

how can my experience,
my blessed receiving of LOVE
create a wave of healing for others ?

I don’t mean to sound all Polyanna-ish, but just like the butterfly effect, couldn’t the LOVE, caring & blessed nurturing that I was experiencing in my time of trauma create a tidal wave of potential healing for millions of others ? 

There is something profoundly powerful about holding space and creating change in the world from a place of LOVE & blessed grace.   Rather than getting caught up in the raw emotion of trauma, the medias magnification of destruction or the story of self-righteous belief of what is right or wrong in this world… we have an opportunity at this time to rise above the consciousness that got us here in the first place and be a force of change from an awakened state of BEINGness.

This doesn’t mean you don’t DO anything to help, but rather when you sit in the graceful presence of your HEART, your ‘doing’ actions take on an awakened life-force. No longer do you react to the pain and trauma within the world (further adding to global pain & suffering) instead you empathetically embrace enlightened ways of DOING from a place of inspired or in-spirit action.

The thing that helped me the most after my fall, was the LOVE bestowed upon me by my family and their BELIEF that I would be ok. Even though I was feeling broken, my families LOVE held me in space of healing and inspired hope… until such time I came out of shock and was able to believe and feel this for myself… and ultimately KNOW it to be true.

So may I offer a suggestion, maybe we all hold LOVE in everything we do and simply BE this LOVE for ourselves, our family, our friends, our global community and the Earth. Rather than focussing on everything that is wrong about this present moment, maybe instead we focus our attention on all that is nurturing, loving and sacred in our lives in this present moment. And then allow this joyful energy to guide our actions in all that we DO in service to our selves & the world. Such that what we are BEING whilst we are DOING becomes the catalyst of enlightened change.

BEING whilst we are DOING
becomes the catalyst of enlightened change.

Here are a few ideas of how to gracefully BE in all that you/we DO:

  • If you have financial abundance and are able to to gift money to those in need of support, rather than give your money from a place of sympathy, a feeling of sadness in your heart for the plight of others, or a feeling of obligation to do the ‘right thing’ – consider giving from a place of belief in the power of LOVE. A belief that your LOVE DOLLARS will inspire hope and will inspire a re-LOVE-ution in the way people live their lives. A belief that your LOVE DOLLARS will create new communities built on authentic connection & kindness. And a belief that your LOVE DOLLARS will inspire people to feel loved & nurtured (maybe even for the first time in their lives)… and what may seem to be a disaster now, is really a crumbling of old structures and a giant leap into the most joyful experiences of being human.
  • When going about your day, embrace Gratitude and carry this Grace into everything that you do. BE fully PRESENT as you wash the dishes, hang the clothes on the line, engage in a meeting with a colleague or prepare food for yourself or your family. Relinquish guilt and instead humbly weave through your presence innate JOY into everything you DO.   The Grace, Gratitude & LOVE that you feel & simply BE in all your DOING will be felt enormously by those on the ground helping with disaster recovery, serving food, giving hugs and inspiring hope. Even the science of today shows us that what we think, feel, say & do changes the entire field in which we live. Imagine if the entire population of Australia (there are 24 million of us) went to bed tonight feeling grateful for LIFE… how this wave of blessed LOVE would lend hope to those that feel like giving up.
  • Have you ever experienced a bad day and then suddenly someone shines a big juicy smile your way and as a result you felt different, or your day didn’t quite seem so bad after all ?   Lets smile BIG to everyone, everywhere. Lets hug like we have never hugged before. Lets show kindness to everyone (even those that have not been kind to you/us) and in the doing lets BE this LOVE, SMILE & HUGS for everyone here on Earth. These small random acts create a ripple, they foster connection and they seek to build community in reverent ways.

Whilst I don’t wish pain, trauma & suffering on anyone, maybe the prevailing experiences of our time – from climate change, unprecedented weather events, unsustainable use of resources, loss of our forests, oceans & animals to escalating debt & unemployment – maybe these convergence of crises are the potential instigators of revolutionary change ?

As the ‘old’ collapses, we have the capacity within us BE the grandest version of a new world that our Heart desires to be birthed… and then collectively take in-spirit action to DO what is required to make it happen !



xx Simone




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