Informed Consent

Over the coming months, I am posting a series of articles that support your research into Vaccines.  Everything from the contents of vaccines, efficacy, ethics, legality and injury.  And I will also provide information on the COVID-19 Vaccines –  Pfizer Vaccine,  Moderna Vaccine,   AstraZenca Vaccine. Before you write me off in this moment as an ‘Anti-Vaxxer‘ […]

Reasons for not Mandating Vaccines

Sharing a comprehensive list (though certainly not complete list) of published peer reviewed papers within scientific journals, as well as referenced articles that explore and discuss injuries linked to vaccines. These papers highlight that there is a call for concern over vaccine ethics & efficacy in there current form. Vaccines maybe linked to a host […]

Doctors Questioning Vaccines

Governments, Pharmaceutical companies, Medical Associations, and wealthy Philanthropists give the impression that vaccines are the ‘magic solution’ for our health care.   And to be honest, main stream media certainly pushes the one-story line that ALL doctors & scientists agree that vaccines are safe & effective. However, there are a growing number of health care professionals […]

Herd Immunity – Faulty Science & Logic

You may have heard this reasoning by Doctors, Pharma & mainstream media  ‘we must vaccinate up to 95% of communities to induce herd immunity’.   There is a belief that when the majority of people within communities are vaccinated, then disease will not spread.   It is said that those that are vaccinated are ‘immune’, and then […]

Vaccination: Censorship & Medical Tyranny

Thank you to our vibrant community for your wonderful feedback/discussion on our series of Vaccination articles.  In mid-December I will be posting a series of articles on each of the COVID-19 vaccines, discussing their contents, how they are intended to work within the body, and the potential health risks.   If you would like to receive […]

Lockdowns: Heartless Brutality on Humanity

The ‘cure’ for COVID has indeed been found to be more deadly than the COVID Flu itself.  Lockdowns have been found to be cruel, brutal, heartless and inhuman methods of dealing with COVID. The financial, emotional, mental, physical & psychological effect of lockdowns gives rise to ‘compliant’ communities that will willingly ‘submit’ to a Vaccine […]

Protecting Individual Rights: Can COVID Vaccines Be Mandated?

Children’s Health Defense released a special report providing the scientific and legal context behind protecting individual rights in regards to COVID vaccines. In the United States, compulsory vaccination violates fundamental human rights, notably the right to prior, free and informed consent for medical interventions. Common law, state and federal statutes, the Nuremberg Code (1947), and […]

COVID vaccine likely to be mandatory in Australia

Australians are likely to face mandatory coronavirus vaccinations if Prime Minister Scott Morrison gets his wish.  Mr Morrison said Australia would have a target of 95 per cent vaccination, which would account for people with health conditions that prevented them being vaccinated. Read Full Article Here  

IATA Travel Pass – Digital Health Pass & Registry

IATA Travel Pass will manage and verify the secure flow of necessary testing or vaccine information among governments, airlines, laboratories, and travelers. Global registry of health requirements Global registry of testing/vacc centers Lab App Contactless Travel App Read Full Article Here  

How Ticketmaster Plans to Check Your Vaccine Status for Concerts: Exclusive

Ticketmaster has been working on a framework for post-pandemic fan safety that uses smart phones to verify fans’ vaccination status or whether they’ve tested negative for the coronavirus within a 24 to 72 hour window. Read Full Article Here      

People could be asked to prove had COVID vaccine to get into Sports Events & Concerts

Ticketmaster could allow venues to ask people to prove they’ve had the coronavirus vaccine to get into sports events and concerts. Drug company Pfizer announced earlier this week that early data shows their vaccine is 90 per cent effective raising hopes that venues will be able to start hosting events again in 2021. Watch & […]

Psychological Torture

Bidermans Chart of Coercion Amnesty International’s Report on Torture, detailed ‘Biderman’s Chart of Coercion’… outlining the 8 key principles of Torturing captives.  These Principles look very much like the key principles being inflicted upon the Human Population. Read Amnesty Report (see page 53 chart) Or Download Chart here Watch Short Discussion Video Watch Long Discussion Video Watch Polly Discussion Video

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