Crystal Healing: Stibnite


Crystal Healing: Stibnite

Stibnite is a lustrous grey metalloid which commonly occurs in small deposits in hydrothermal veins. It forms in long prismatic crystals, but can also form in blades. The largest deposits of Stibnite come from China, with smaller deposits in Japan, Peru, Mexico, Romania, USA and Alaska.

The chemical composition of Stibnite is Antimony Sulfide (Sb2S3). Antimony is a toxic chemical element, thus care should be taken when handling Stibnite and as such this mineral is not recommended for internal use.

Stibnite has a long historical use. Since 3000 BC, stibnite has been used in the Middle East to make kohl, a form of eyeliner made from Stibnite and fat. Also there are references in the bible for its use as a medication.  Molten Antimony was historically fashioned in Egypt to make vases and small personal ornaments.

Today, Stibnite is often a component of safety matches, used in pyrotechnics, included in the production of fire retardants and also used to strengthen lead for soldering.

On a metaphysical level, Stibnite facilitates a strong energetic circuit between a person’s auric field and the Earth’s energetic field. This property of Stibnite means that it is a wonderful ally to shift the energetic impact of traumatic experiences and to assist with easing the symptoms of ascension.

Illness is often the result of one or more blockages in a person’s auric field, blockages of energy that are trapped hence no longer in motion. The word emotion literally means ‘energy in motion’, thus when we hold onto the emotional pain of an experience (either from this lifetime or a previous lifetime) the stagnant energy alters the expression of our DNA. It is this DNA expression which in turn creates a particular cellular function, a discordant function we refer to as dis-ease.

Thus if you experienced a traumatic event and did not allow yourself or were unable to fully express and hence release the ‘energy in motion’, then the stagnation of those unreleased emotions may potentially create illness in this current lifetime. However, illness can be seen as a divine gift, a potential to release trapped emotions and support the optimal functioning of our DNA.

Due to Stibnite’s function of creating an electrical circuit between our auric field and Earth’s energetic currents, we can work with Stibnite to help raise our cellular vibration and hence trigger the release and transmutation of old energy imprinted within our DNA. As the Earth’s vibrational resonance is increasing in frequency as we move toward 2012 and beyond, we have the potential to harness these increased currents to consciously transform our DNA for our personal soul growth in this lifetime.

Stibnite is also one of the premier minerals for releasing the symptoms of ascension, the symptoms we may experience as a result of our personal, spiritual, mental & emotional development.

Our auric field is made up of seven different levels, with the last three outer templates specifically relating to our physical DNA expression, our connection with the divine emotion of LOVE and the higher mental capacities we embody referred to as divine wisdom. As our consciousness develops and hence our outer three energetic templates begin to raise in vibrational frequency, these vibrations ultimately filter down through the layers creating changes within our physical, emotional and mental functioning.

During the ‘filtering down’ stages we may experience uncomfortable shifts in our physical states of being, as it takes a while for our physical functioning to ‘catch up’ to our newly evolved higher resonances of our outer three auric templates. We may experience symptoms such as nausea, insomnia, emotional ups and downs, digestive disturbances, fatigue and general unrest in our day-to-day lives.

Stibnite is thus a wonderful aid to support our physical ‘catch up’ to our higher energetic templates, easing our physical symptoms and decreasing the time it takes to anchor our higher frequency template vibrations on all levels of being.

When using Stibnite, it is best placed within your auric field below your feet, as a means of anchoring your energetic field to Mother Earth. You could place a crystal at your feet during meditation, or alternatively place the crystal at the base of your bed as you sleep. During the sleep state, Stibnite is free from ‘conscious thought’ and transcends time and space to support the recalibration of your auric field and hence physical body.


© Simone M. Matthews 2011

Simone’s Crystal Article also appears in the current issue of The Art of Healing Magazine:
Vol 2, Issue 37, 2011

The above photo was provided courtesy of Rebecca DeCarlo from ‘That Crystal Site’.


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