10:10 Gateway


10:10 Gateway

On the 10 October 2010 a portal of energy (gateway / doorway) opens up to us here on Earth… awakening humanity to our divine feminine lunar self.

It is an opportunity for each and every one of us to embrace the femine lunar energy within us (whether we are male or female), and our role as co-creators here on Earth.

Earth has experienced 9 Gateways since 2001 each awakening and facilitating a shift in consciousness for humanity as we approach 2012.. and then beyond.   Each gateway is separated by 13 months … thirteen being the number of transitions (or death and rebirth) of a new aspect of our beingness.

Of course how we have individually worked with the frequencies during each Gateway opening is based on our own level of conciousness and Soul growth…. which of course is perfect and divine in each and every moment. We can connect in with the previously opened portals at any time.. the choice is ours.


The following is a summary of the shifts that have occured thus far:

1:1 (1 Jan 2001) – The awakening of humanity on a Global Scale to their Earth Star energy centre (the furthest most point our our Crystalline Matrix – energy bodies) refer to article on Lemuria for more details.  An anchoring to the energetic grid / leylines of the Earth.. preparatory work for reconfiguring our DNA.

2:2 (2 Feb 2002) – The awakening of humanity to their new Base Chakra frequency –  Releasing the old paradigms of fear, lack, struggle for survival and separation, and acknowledgement of our role as a co-creator on Earth.

3:3 (3 Mar 2003) – The awakening of humanity to their new Sacral Chakra frequency – embracing that the wisdom to create moves through us/is us.. and we choose to create in each and every moment.   We are not victims but rather active participants and architects of our lives.   This gateway also supported the frequency of the Harmonic Concordance on the 8/9 November 2003.

4:4 (4 April 2004) -The awakening of humanity to their new solar plexus frequency – as co-creators we take full responsible of our personal power and we follow the guidance of our higher self with Grace & Ease.

5:5 (5 May 2005) -The awakening of humanity to their new Heart Chakra frequency – helping humanity to embrace and acknowledge that the divine love of all creation flows through us.. to acknowledge that we all are infinite wells of the LOVE vibration.  And if we are ready, to activate our conscious memory to our lifetimes as a Mystic / Lightworker here on Earth.

6:6 (6 June 2006) -The awakening of humanity to their new Throat Chakra frequency – opening our psychic gifts of ‘hearing’ and enabling us to relate the ‘divine word’ with Grace and Ease.

7:7 (7 July 2007) –  The awakening of humanity to their new Thirdeye Chakra frequency – activating the pineal gland to support the activation and attunement of our DNA to greater frequencies of resonance should we choose to open ourselves to this gateway energy.    Birthing of The Wave of Love.

8:8 (8 Aug 2008) –  The awakening of humanity to their new Crown Chakra frequency –  opening channels for the relaying of higher wisdom from the Soul Star (higher self).  Acknowledging that as a holographic part of the whole we are an expression of ‘as above, so below and so below, as above’.

9:9 (9 Sept 2009) –  The awakening of humanity to their new Soul Star frequency (the furthest most point of our Crystalline Matrix – energy bodies) refer to article on Lemuria for more details.  Supporting humanity in the anchoring of 5 dimensional frequencies within a physical body.. in order to embrace and be our full Soul potential in our Soul’s physical experience here on Earth.


There are three more Gateways to open as we approach 2012:

10:10 (10 Oct 2010) – The awakening of humanity to the new Stellar Gateway frequency  (see discussion below)

11:11 (11 Nov 2011) – The awakening of humanity to the new Universal Gateway frequency (7 Dimensional frequencies.. will discuss these in detail in 2011).  In the meantime, you can read some more info on the number 11 >>

12:12 (12 Dec 2012) – The awakening of humanity to the new Cosmic Gateway & Earth Gateway frequency (8 Dimensional and 1 Dimensional frequencies.. will discuss these in detail in 2012)


Energy of the 10:10 Gateway:

With the 10:10 gateway opening on the 10 October 2010… just what will this portal open for us, and how can we work with it consciously ?

As mentioned above, the 10:10 gateway is opening humanity to the conscious connection with the Stellar Gateway – the energy centre/portal outside of our crystalline matrix (above our Soul Star).   The Stellar gateway energy frequency is the 6 dimensional feminine creative lunar energy of life, the silver ray of creation.

When we open our conscious connection with this energy portal, we awaken our memory to the Grand Cycle of creation, our birthing through the Pleiades, and the akashics of our life purpose here on Earth (more info about the Grandcycle and the Photon Belt).

We embrace the divine mother through all of creation… and acknowledge we are being held within her womb ready to be birthed into a new level of planetary consciousness toward and beyond 2012.

To facilitate this awakening.. all that is required is to ‘choose to allow’ yourself to express your creativity without boundary or form.   As we enter the month of October allow your creative juices to flow through you and birth fully through your beingness as we experience the full moon on the 23rd Oct.

Creativity comes in many forms..and rather than make it logical and in your head.. just go with your heart and create from that space that feels bliss.   Try swimming under moonlight,  dancing till dawn, face painting, singing in the shower, sunday afternoon in bed with a loved one, eating mangoes naked under a tree in the backyard or even creating that special meal for a friend or lover and dining by candlelight.

As you allow your Creative feminine vibration to be expressed through you, you are awakening your Higher Self to this 10:10 gateway, awakening to your creative role here on planet Earth … creating a potential for other Soul’s to do the same.

©  2010 Simone M. Matthews


If you would like to work consciously with all the energy centres and associated portals/gateways mentioned above, to awaken/activate your DNA and to be a full expression of your Soul Purpose, then you may like to consider some of our courses to assist your awakening:

Crystal Healing – Crystal Light Healing

Crystal Light Healing is the art of Crystal Healing of the ancient civilisations, but brought within a contemporary setting here on Earth today.  Crystal Healing involves our conscious connection with the Earths Crystalline Grid, with your own Soul Star, Earth Star and all the other Chakras that make up your Crystalline Matrix (energy bodies).   You learn how to work with Crystals, sound, colour, light and sacred symbols to awaken and attune your DNA light codes of creation.  If you feel guided to find out more then you may like to consider our Crystal Light Healing Workshops / Practitioner Course >>>  or consider our Crystal Light Healing Teachers Course >>>

Essence of Angels

If you would like to fully embrace the understanding of how the elements of Creation create through us.. and how each of the 12 Archangels of Creation create our Dimensional Light Octave here on Earth (Galactic Core, Universal Gateway, Stellar Gateway, Soul Star through to our Earth Star and Earth Gateway)… then you may like to consider our Essence of Angels Weekend Workshop / Practitioner Course >>>.    This course is also available as the Essence of Angels Self-Study Course >>>

The Wave of Love

If you would like to more intimately understand the Light Octaves of Creation, the Quantum science of the great shift happening here on Earth, and how you can intimately work with your DNA (each of the 12 energy centres mentioned in the article above) to be an active part of the Shift then you may like to consider our Wave of Love Self-Study Course >>>

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