This article follows on from the previous article, so I do recommend reading ‘The Sounds of the Cosmos – Part 1’ first.
Our hearing today is limited to between 16hz and 25,000hz (though the average is 20hz to 20,000hz varying according to age etc). However, there are unlimited ranges of sound frequencies above and below these ranges. The ranges up the scale continue infinitely. As we reach into the trillions per second we begin to quantify colour frequencies. As we have discussed, energy travels in waves, and the number of waves passing a particular spot is referred to as frequency and measured in hz.
Colour and the Chakra’s
Visible Light (rainbow spectrum) has a frequency between 430 000 000 000 000 hz (red) to 750 000 000 000 000 (violet). The sound frequencies of the Chakra’s can be mathematically linked to their corresponding colours. That is, if we look at the vibratory frequency of a colour in hz and bring it down exactly 41 octaves, we arrive at the vibratory frequency of the corresponding sound.
Take for example the Crown Chakra. As I teach in my CLH III workshops, the Crown chakra resonates to the colour violet and Note F. Note F for the crown has a vibratory frequency of approx 344 hz. If we look at the colour violet, it has a vibratory frequency in the trillions being 750 000 000 000 000 hz. If we come down from this high frequency by exactly 41 octaves (starting at 750 000 000 000 000, keep halving the number 41 times) we have a resonance of 341 hz (essentially note F).
What this means is, when we play note F, harmonically note F in every octave above is activated, and at 41 octaves above so is the colour violet. Thus the sound F resonates or activates the colour violet. This colour/sound combo works for all the Chakra’s from the Colour Red (base chakra, Note G) through to the Crown Chakra.
Going back to playing note F example, when we play this fundamental note, harmonically F in every octave above is activated right up to the vibratory frequencies of the colour violet, but also beyond. As we keep doubling our hz up the octaves we find we are transported through the Celestial, Universal & Cosmic doorways. We learn about how to access these energies for healing in CH III.
This correlation between sound and colour moves in both directions. You do not have to understand the above mathematical relationships to see the potential of these energies. As we make sound, we are accessing the various colours of the light spectrum and can thus utilise their energies for healing. Conversely we have the potential to use colour to create sound waves for healing.
Colour and Our Environment
If this all still sounds a bit technical lets relate this to everyday life. The colours we wear, the colours that surround our environment and the colour of the food we eat all affect our own vibrations and experiences in this world.
For eg if you are wearing a green shirt, the vibrational frequencies of that colour are sending out waves up an infinite level of Octaves into the Cosmos. You are connecting with the infinitesimal cosmic green, and bringing these vibrations into your own vibrations. Green is the colour of calm, peace, coolness and healing. The best way to test this out is put on a Green shirt for a while, then switch to another colour (for example red – heating, strength, courage, stability, foundation) and see if you can feel the difference.
Another good example is singing or listening to music. As we hear the notes, a myriad of harmonics are also being sounded up the octave scales, through the hz for the vibration of colour and through to the cosmic levels. Our connection with these energies then affects our vibratory experiences in this world. When harmonics are soothing, we feel peaceful and centred as the vibrations balance our energetic bodies. When the harmonics are discordant (eg heavy metal music) we cause ill-balance in the frequencies cosmically and within our selves – it simply sounds and feels bad.
My brother Owen has the rare gift of being able to hear sounds and see the associated colours they create. For example going through each letter of the alphabet, the sounds of the letters create certain colours in his mind, and when you string these letters into words, the sounds of the words create a unique colour combination.
Sound, Colour and Cosmic Energies
The ancients held the secrets of the interrelationship of Sound, Colour & Cosmic energies.
For instance each ancient Hebrew letter has an exact pronunciation/accent. When sounded in the exact manner as intended, the vibrations extend up through the octave levels through the Cosmos and provide the ‘key’ or exact vibrational frequencies to unlock /access intended Cosmic energies.
Did you know that when ‘OM’ is sounded correctly, its vibrations alter the pattern of matter. That is, if you put fine sand on a metal plate and through a tonoscope sound ‘OM’, the sand will fall into a geometrical pattern – the ancient Hebrew Symbol which represents the word OM. This really gives your something to think about doesn’t it.
In this article (and the previous one) I have only just touched on the relationship of colour, sound and cosmic energies. I am forever in awe of how inter-twinned we are with all that is, has been and what will be. As we master the ancient art of using form, colour & sound to connect with cosmic energies – we become masters of our own destiny.
© Simone M Matthews 2008
Simone’s Article also appears in the current issue of:
Goddess Guru eZine
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