Crystalline Wisdom


Crystalline Wisdom

We are sitting at a momentus and pivotal point in the history of humanity here on Earth. Our economies, political structures, and outmoded health & scientific dogmas are crumbling; people are questioning the very foundations upon which our modern day world has been built; and people are ready and willing to find/be meaningful contributors to a new Earth.

To meet this pivotal time, we are being called to change the way we view ourselves, to see the bigger picture of humanity in the vastness of our universe and align our lives to co-create a world based on the foundations of compassion, joy, and reverence for all life.

We are being called to open our hearts and connect once more to the ancient wisdom, the Crystalline Wisdom of Creation.  Crystalline Wisdom empowers us to fearlessly move beyond our comfort zones and be courageous enough to walk our truth, own our power and transform our lives from the inside-out.

Crystalline Wisdom is more than just the application of crystals for healing or the application of liquid-light Crystal Essences; Crystalline Wisdom is the sacred and most cherished connection to the ancient wisdom held within the Crystalline Grid of Mother Earth. Earth’s Crystalline Grid contains the memory of the creation story, the divine intelligence of Earth’s history and holds the potential field that gives life to an evolving Earth and an evolving humanity.

Crystalline Wisdom awakens our consciousness to ‘see’ beyond the dogma of social, political and religious frameworks built on fear. We are then empowered to step outside of the program of limitation and co-create a new world based on foundations of LOVE, compassion, sovereignty and unity.

To help you awaken to the infinite field of Crystalline Wisdom, below I have created a short video explaining ‘what is Crystalline Wisdom’ and most importantly how do we awaken to this most sacred and divine field.


Galactic Heart Breathing – Video

Before watching my Crystalline Wisdom Video, I highly recommend you watch my short ‘Galactic Heart Breathing’ video.  This short meditation is a guide to connect your breath through the 3 Hearts of Creation — Earths Heart, your own Heart and the Galaxy’s Heart, to support your awakening, attunement and conscious evolutionary journey through Crystalline Wisdom.


Crystalline Wisdom – Video

Sharing with you my presentation video on Crystalline Wisdom and how to awaken to this most sacred and divine field of heart based intelligence.

Excuse my nasally tone… I manifested a wee little cold on the morning I was recording this video… ah, must have needed a bit of clearing… thank you crystalline wisdom ☆


Learn how to work with Crystalline Wisdom

Interested in learning how to work with & embrace sacred Crystalline Wisdom into your day to day life ? If YES, then take a moment to find out more about our Wisdom Schools sacred modalities:

Crystal Light Healing® Courses

Essence of Angels® Courses

Aetheric Healing® Courses



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