Something very deep within me seeks expansion and is calling me to make changes in my life, my work and to our vibrant UniversalLifeTools community.
For those that have followed my journey for the last 5, 10 or even 20 or more years, you have been there alongside me and celebrated in the joyful times, the deeply moving times and the times that are so magnificently blissful that they leave an indelible impression on your heart for eternity.
And conversely, you have also held my hand in those challenging times, those times where I felt maybe a little disillusioned or in my humanness struggled to keep my head above the water. Thank you for being there, inspiring me always to challenge myself and be a better person.
2016 was a HUGE year for me, a LONG year of deepest inquiry, contemplation and ultimately transition. It was a quest that I never thought I would have to take, but the warrior within me stood up to the challenge and slayed the ‘culprit’ within me that had been putting up a pretty decent fight. Deepest grieving then ensued. I mean INTENSE. Part of me felt numb. Part of me hurt so badly there were times where getting out of bed and facing the day took immense courage unto itself. I realised that I just needed to let my self grieve, be gentle with myself and give permission to myself to feel this way… and so I did.
So here I sit today, a little wiser, so very loved, feeling a great lightness of being and enormously nourished by all. Now that I have moved ‘out the other side’ of my experience, I am taking the time to reflect on what the next 50 years of my life’s work may look like and the directions my heart is drawing me to follow.
My first steps…
Basically I have no idea what I am doing ! And yes you read that right ! Well it is my head that is struggling, but my heart is simply surrendering to divine flow.
You know when a baby takes it first steps…. big smile on its face, full of anticipation, ready to leap into the unknown… well that is me. I have spent my life, my ENTIRE life, planning, structure (there is a little bit of OCD in my somewhere) and diligently creating the foundations of our Universal Life Tools School from the ground up. I am very proud of our creations and the legacy that myself, my team and our entire community generously gifts to future generations.
And now today as I write, I am ready, willing and able to take the first steps into an even greater, more expansive vision of Universal Life Tools. It is scary as you step into the unknown, but also there is this delicious feeling of excitement as I enter this next phase, this new chapter of my life.
So what are my first steps ? My initial steps are simple ones… yet to make it work I need to approach these steps with immense courage and emotional detachment from the outcome… and I am up for the challenge !
Essentially, everything that I create during 2017, I mean EVERYTHING new that I create, I am handing over to you in GIFT. Yes once again you read that right, EVERYTHING new that I create during 2017 will be in GIFT to ALL of you.
All I ask is that if you choose to receive one or more of my creations in GIFT, that you return the energy in KIND… ie what you feel the value of the creation is worth to YOU. This is my step toward being part of a ‘Regenerative Economy’ that benefits ALL and stepping fully into the ‘SOUL of WEALTH’.
Confused ? It does sound a little mind boggling at first I know. But let me give you a little background to help bring a little more clarity to my intentions and greater vision.
The Web of Life…
Each and everyone of us is an essential thread in the web of life. NONE of us are separate. Each of us is an integral part of the whole. As part of that whole, when any one strand in the web becomes damaged (through illness, financial pressures, stress etc), then this harms the ENTIRE web. When one part is hurting, EVERYTHING also hurts.
When we look at nature, its intricate web is restorative, self-sustaining, diverse and healthy when not tampered with by humans who may see themselves as outside the web or above and beyond the innate intelligence of nature.
The human body is exactly same. It is a complex machine of over 100 trillion cells that regenerate… every cell within the body is replaced (including your bones) within a period of two years. This means that given the right environment, your body has the innate intelligence to heal itself and seek balance, health & vitality.
Conversely, when we look to the greater cosmos, these same restorative patterns are what flourish and breathe life into the self-sustaining world as we know it.
So why then, have we created an economic system based on capitalistic principles (woven through a broad range of systems/agendas) that promote unsustainable growth at the cost of an unhealthy web of life ? Doesn’t this ultimately create illness in the whole ?
How Wealthy are you ?
Take a moment to say the word ‘WEALTH‘ out-loud and what comes to mind as you ponder this word ?
A quick google brings up the following words: Money, Possessions, Finances, Assets, Cash, Rich etc. It is so very interesting that modern day society sees the word ‘wealth’ in relationship to Money !
When we look at the etymology of the world ‘wealth’ it comes from Old English ‘wela’ or Middle English ‘wele’ – which means the welfare of people, the general happiness of communities and well-being or health in all areas of life, body, mind & spirit.
Doesn’t this sacred meaning of Wealth sound so much more inclusive and so very rich & vibrant as it exudes prosperity for all ? This meaning of Wealth means that true wealth is not measured in Money (thought it may include this) but rather is a much broader definition that seeks to fulfill the health & well-being of all.
True Wealth then of an individual, a community, a nation or the world is not just how much money in the bank you have or the value of possessions you own, but rather true wealth is a holistic harmonisation of social, cultural, relationship and circulatory wealth. Thus a wealthy society is then one where EVERY aspect of life is wealthy and the whole then is only as strong as the weakest link.
So how do we return to this original meaning of Wealth and change the story around money in order to create systemic wealth in harmony with universal principles & patterns ?
This is what I am now stepping into for this next chapter of my life. I am changing the entire foundations of my life to embrace the emergence of Sacred Economics, Regenerative Economies and ultimately ‘Sacred Wealth’.
As the days, months, years progress I will be opening my heart and searching for enlightened ways to fully step into Sacred Wealth. I will be investigating TimeBanking researching Green or Regenerative Banking, expanding into Global Giving Business Initiatives such as B1G1 as well as facilitating courses/programs through our Universal Life Tools School that inspire people to live their lives through Sacred Wealth.
Sacred Wealth
To commence this life-changing new direction through ‘Sacred Wealth’, I am launching my 8 month
‘The Soul of Wealth‘ on-line experience for 2017.
Commencing March 2017, we will be addressing EVERY area of our lives… from our own individual beliefs around money & wealth, wealthy health, wealthy career, wealthy relationships, wealthy mental/emotional states, wealthy communities and how we can change the global narrative around MONEY into a new story that creates prosperity and wealth for all.
My ‘Soul of Wealth’ program is not about removing money from your life but changing the energy, function and old story around money. Ultimately releasing you from being a slave to the dollar yet creating luminous health & vitality in every area of your life and for the greater benefit of all. A pure state of luminescent Sacred Wealth for all. You may wish to also read my Article on Sacred Money >
In keeping with the energetic vision of my new ‘The Soul of Wealth’ program, at the time of enrolling you get to CHOOSE how much you would like to pay as you proceed through to checkout. I know, this does break away from our conditioning… but it is a step into creating the new story of Sacred Wealth.
To find out more about my evolutionary
‘The Soul of Wealth’ on-line experience and how to choose how much you pay, please visit my The Soul of Wealth enrolment page.
xx Simone