As I discussed in my last post, I am embodying a beautiful new vision of my life and our Universal Life Tools community. I am stepping with WholeHeart beaming a plethora of LOVE to live-work in alignment with Sacred Wealth.
When we look at the etymology of the world ‘wealth’ it comes from Old English ‘wela’ or Middle English ‘wele’ – which means the welfare of people, the general happiness of communities and well-being or health in all areas of life, body, mind & spirit.
Doesn’t this sacred meaning of wealth sound so much more inclusive and so very rich & vibrant as it exudes prosperity for all ? This meaning of wealth means that real wealth is not measured in money or possessions alone, but rather is a much broader definition that seeks to fulfill the health & well-being of all.
Wealth then of an individual, a community, a nation or the world is not just how much money you have in the bank or the value of possessions you own, but rather real wealth is a holistic harmonisation of social, cultural, relationship and circulatory wealth. Thus a wealthy society is then one where EVERY aspect of life is wealthy and hence the whole can only be as strong as its weakest link.
How can money be sacred ?
As Charles Eisenstein discusses in his book ‘Sacred Economics‘:
Today we associate money with the profane, and for good reason. If anything is sacred in this world, it is surely not money. Money seems to be the enemy of our better instincts, as is clear every time the thought “I can’t afford to” blocks an impulse toward kindness or generosity. Money seems to be the enemy of beauty, as the disparaging term “a sellout” demonstrates. Money seems to be the enemy of every worthy social and political reform, as corporate power steers legislation toward the aggrandizement of its own profits. Money seems to be destroying the earth, as we pillage the oceans, the forests, the soil, and every species to feed a greed that knows no end.
However, in order to explain the true sacredness of money, we first need to understand the meaning of the word SACRED. Sacred means holy, it refers to the invisible, Spirit, the divine, the aetheric intelligence of our cosmos. Something that is sacred has no defined value (in monetary terms), as sacredness of Spirit is eternal and infinite. Therefore the only value that can be placed on something this is sacred is the personal and inherent value of the beholder of the sacred.
Interestingly and maybe in a kind of satiric way (you know, a kind of cosmic jokes of sorts), we deem money as ‘the root of all evil’ as it is associated with physical possessions and material temptation, yet never before has money presented to us in such an aetheric form. In this age of digital, there is very little real physical money in circulation, as the money of today is mostly a series of codes within a computer program. So in a way, this electronic form of invisible money doesn’t really exist, it is just some form of energy that can be anywhere at any time. Interesting when you ponder that thought in greater detail !
Money first came into form as a sacred means of being able connect peoples gifts/skills with those in need of those gifts/skills. It was a sacred transaction that brought people together in gratitude and appreciation of the exchange. It was a sacred dance of exchange aligned in the harmonic rhythm of the universe, driven my synchronicity and divine timing. It fostered connection and exchanges become sacred, as it enabled peoples diversity of gifts to be exchanged inkind. Communities flourished through this open, kind, generous and loving exchanges. There was abundant Sacred Wealth for everyone.
But as the story of society changed, as fear crept into our psyche, money took on a new meaning. Money become associated with control, scarcity, separation, competition and the ‘this is mine’ and ‘that is yours’ hierarchy. The polarity of the ‘haves’ & the ‘have-nots’ created a global story of slavery to the dollar and furthered our story of separation and fear.
In addition, the commodities that we buy with this altered story of money often are no longer sacred commodities, but rather are disposable cheap products, that have little intrinsic value or meaning to us. These cheap products are made by taking from the Earth with little or no regard to what must be gifted back to Earth in return for what she has humbly gifted us. Our Sacred dance with Earth has been lost as governments and corporations are only invested in monetary wealth creation and shareholder return.
To return our lives to Sacred Wealth once again will take a giant leap in consciousness and a complete revolution in the way we view the economics of world through all our systems – Education, Environmental, Medicine (both allopathic & holistic), Agriculture, Financial, Legal, Government, Religion, Media to name but a few.
Weaving a New Story around Money
John Fullerton, the founder of Capital Institute, said the following in the Winter/Fall 2015 edition of Kosmos Journal:
‘The universal patterns and principles the cosmos uses to build stable, healthy, and sustainable systems throughout the real world can and must be used as a model for economic-system design… we believe that Regenerative Capitalism — built around principles of systemic health, anchored in scientific rigor, and grounded in universal wisdom traditions and a common sense moral framework—can provide the foundation for the new narrative (around money & wealth) that we need at this critical juncture.’.
I love the above quote and the latent potential it activates systemically in our global economies through Sacred Wealth. So what can we do as individuals to flourish a sacred energy of money in our lives in alignment with universal patterns and principles of the cosmos ?
I belief the first steps that we can take in returning the energy of money to its sacred form is the GIFT. We have become so conditioned in our world that in order to have something we must buy it and at a value that someone else tells us that it is worth, that we have eroded the true value of the exchange and deluded ourselves into believing this is the way the world must work. We simply ‘do without’ and curtail the dreams and aspirations for ourselves, our families and Earth if we are not ‘rich’ enough to afford it.
But what if we choose to find another way ? I don’t mean to throw away your money, but return to the unified ways of GIFT exchange, the ways that were sacred and that originally gave birth to money.
Imagine each of us has a certain skill (we all have skills, but if you have become unstuck at this point, just consider that you have ‘time’) and then you choose to exchange your skill with another. The value of the exchange is what the ‘Receiver’ considers is the ‘value that your skill’ adds to the betterment of Sacred Wealth of the Receivers life.
The GIFT given by the Receiver (to the Skill Giver) maybe money, it maybe time or it maybe GIFTing a skill/service in return. In addition, the Receiver may even GIFT a greater value in return for the skill (by that I mean a greater value than what the Giver believed the skill is valued at to them) as the only the Receiver can quantitatively put a value on what the received skill brings to the Receivers life.
I know what you maybe thinking at this point… wouldn’t the Receiver then try to rip-off the Giver and get away with the cheapest value he can ? Maybe the receiver will even try to get the skill for free ? Isn’t this how the world works ? Well in a world of separation, fear and competition, YES this would happen.
But in a world where we know in our Hearts there is no separation and that what ‘ I do to you, I know I am doing to myself’, then this ‘stealing’ of sorts is not ingrained in the collective psyche. This Sacred GIFTed exchange is sourced from the universal patterns and principles of cosmic unity. True happiness comes from within when we work in service to something greater than us, in betterment of our communities, society and the world. Thus this exchange through Sacred Wealth becomes the birth place of joy and begins to change the narrative in our lives around the old story of money.
Essentially we find FREEDOM as we ultimately release ourselves from the shackle of oppression and as Charles Eisenstein says, discover a ‘A more beautiful world that our Hearts know is possible’.
Now I am fully aware that a GIFTing economy (and re-writing our story of money through Sacred Wealth) is not THE solution to the myriad of complex and destructive problems we see on Earth today through ALL of our systems. But rather it is a start, a step into unravelling separation and a way to bring our communities together. When we learn to trust one another again, when kindness and compassion are what drive our daily lives, we raise the collective consciousness and are able to ‘solve’ the problems today beyond the field of fear that created the problems in the first place.
GIFTing is NOT about removing money from our lives because it is bad, but rather GIFTing is a step in the direction of unification, of rebuilding trust with one another and bridging the divide that has come between us. Ultimately, GIFTing will help return our HEARTS to SACRED WEALTH and the original meaning/potential of money.
The Soul of Wealth
In light of the above vision of awakening people to Sacred Wealth, I am choosing this year to GIFT all of my work that I create during 2017, to you, my Universal Life Tools community.
I am starting this GIFTing intention with my ‘The Soul of Wealth’ on-line program (which starts in March 2017).
You can enrol in my The Soul of Wealth at any time and you have the choice of signing-up for the full 8 Months of The Soul of Wealth or you can join one or more of my The Soul of Wealth – online Soul Sessions held throughout the year.
When you enrol online for my The Soul of Wealth online program, during the checkout process you have the opportunity of GIFTing the VALUE that you feel this on-line program is worth to YOU in your life. You simply type in the dollar value that you would like to PAY (ie GIFT) during checkout in return for full access/experience of my The Soul of Wealth on-line program.
Only YOU will know the value that my online The Soul of Wealth program may bring to your Soul and what it can potentially flourish in your Heart, extending out to every avenue of your life. Simply reach into your Heart and then envision what your life ‘would look like’ in 8 months time upon completion of my The Soul of Wealth program… this will help you to intuitively ‘know’ just how much the program is worth to you.
In addition, take a moment to reflect on your own level of Sacred Wealth in your life and gain clarity on how much you can afford to share from your Sacred Resources in support of the greater vision of my/our work and to help amplify the shift in our collective story of money and scarcity. Push the boundaries of potential, for when you envision the highest you create the highest.
I know this may make some of you feel uncomfortable… ‘I don’t know how much to GIFT’ or ‘what happens if I GIFT too little’ or maybe the ego is playing games with you and saying ‘what happens if I GIFT too much’. It is after-all, so so easy to get caught in the old story/program of seeking out a great bargain with little awareness of the collateral damage your ‘bargain’ may feed into (ie sweat shop labour, slavery, deforestation etc).
In all honesty, there is no right or wrong answer to these questions, there is only your answer. Only your HEART & SOUL can determine the Value of the GIFT, hence the Value of my The Soul of Wealth program to YOU.
To help you intuitively find the perfect GIFT to give in return for access to my ‘The Soul of Wealth’ online program, I invite you to read through the program and understand more on what you will experience / receive from my Heart to your Heart.
Inviting you to find out more about my ‘The Soul of Wealth’ >
Thank you for your kindest considerations, generosity of Spirit and choosing to stand & evolve together by being a part of creating a SACREDLY WEALTHY world… one Sacred GIFT at a time. Thank you ☆
xx Simone