Keep Going, Keep Going on đŸŽ¶


Keep Going, Keep Going on đŸŽ¶

How are you?  No really, how are you?  

In recent weeks I have been feeling a deep grief within my Heart.   My initial reaction to this welling of sorrow was to keep busy, think happy, do light, and not focus on the hurt.  But then that wouldn’t make me human would it?   I am not a robot that can be ‘programmed’ to react a certain way.  I am a flesh & blood lover of life who experiences this world through visceral affection.

So it’s ok that the tremble I am feeling, can also be felt as the global tremble.   And its perfectly ok to deeply feel the searing separation of the colours of our world, that at their very core yearn to meld into the ONE unified Light ?  It’s all ok.  It’s what makes me human.

In fact it is MORE than ok, because it is the language of feeling that becomes our greatest ally at this time.  We cannot heal what we cannot feel. 

If you are experiencing the ‘tremble’ of this moment too, the good news is we have some heartening astro-transits that will be weaving this year to a close and shaping a world from deep within our bones.   I hope to be posting my astro blogs very soon… to help us plant seeds within ourselves that cultivate & flourish beauty.

In the meantime, thought you may appreciate the depth of feeling within this song, I hope the lyrics shine a light your way too.    Here are a few of my favourite lines…

“And I pray, I pray my happiness is like pollen
that flies to you and pollinates your joy….
And I pray
When we meet again
That the world has changed
Into the world that we are imaging now together
And I pray that the world has become
The world that we’re planting inside of ourselves
For each other
For our ancestors
And for our kids

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I love this planet so deeply. As humans we don’t just live ON this planet, we are a radiant PART of this miracle of evolving life. ⁠ ⁠ This morning this small moment took my breath away, these sprouts on my benchtop being ‘danced’ by the ocean breeze đŸŒ± ⁠ ⁠ I gentle reminder to dance everyday with the miracle of life, and flow with her creative evolutionary intelligence đŸŒ±â  ⁠ The sprouts by the way are Red Sorrel.. so so easy to sprout yourself. They are high in Vit A & C, brilliant for immunity. ⁠ ⁠ They also contain many minerals such as Calcium, Magnesium, and many other trace minerals… calming the nerves & easing anxiety. ⁠ ⁠ And sprouts contain up to 100x more enzymes than fully grown veges, aiding digestion & absorption of nutrients. ⁠ ⁠ But for the me the biggest miracle of all is the fact that sprouted seeds contain up to 1000x more nutrients than the seeds before sprouting. ⁠ ⁠ Every time I see a seed sprout I have immense gratitude for the loving nourishment she provides through all the elements – Earth, Fire, Air, Water & the LOVE of the Divine đŸŒ±â  ⁠ #lightrition #lightritionyourlife

A post shared by 𐩒𐩑 SIMONE M. MATTHEWS 𐩑𐩒 (@simone.m.matthews) on

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