The Innate Immune System – Intelligence of Human Body

The Innate Immune System – Intelligence of Human Body

In my Lightrition your Life Course, we talk in depth about how our Immunity is a product of a vast network of intelligence – intelligence of the Biome, Virome & Cosmic Intelligence. How the LIGHT from the food we eat, the intelligences that exists with the Stars, and the Mineral Alchemy of wisdom within the Earth are the both the drivers of a Healthy Immune System, as well as catalysts of Human Evolution.

I LOVED this Webinar by Zach Bush MD + Guests – where they share several unique perspectives on the vast layers of the innate immune system and how our bodies stay in relationship to the virome.

As we sit upon this extraordinary tipping point of human history, where we are genetically modifying our species through mRNA Vaccines that change the protein synthesis of humans, the choices we make today will create our world of tomorrows.   I hope that you find this Webinar Replay below both insightful & wisdom-filled as you make choices over the coming months in your personal health care.

Our Innate Immunity

This year, society will make one of the most extraordinary global health decisions in human history.

We’ll decide how we proceed forward with a virus that has placed modern society on pause for nearly a year. Our collective decisions around whether to vaccinate or not will radically impact human longevity, our relationship to the virome, and the intelligent machine that is our innate immunity.

Within the human body lies a beautiful and natural checks and balances system — our innate immune system.

It appears in different shapes and forms, allowing us to maintain a thriving relationship to the biodiversity within and around us. With a healthy immune system, we’re able to live in balance with the virome and array of flora that’s in every niche of our bodies.

Specific to this Coronavirus, it delivers new genomic information that allows humans to become more resilient and resistant to other microbiome disorders. That’s because seconds after a new antigen is detected within the human body, our innate immune system kicks in.


The Warrior Mentality

For centuries, Western medicine has waged war against microbes with the goal being to sterilize the world around us.

The total annihilation of microorganisms is seen by many as beneficial. Advances in anti-microbial science have led to the extensive overuse of pesticides, antifungals, herbicides, and chemical petroleum isolates— each of which have done unspeakable damage to our crops, soils, water, and air systems.

Traditional medicine has become over reliant on pharmaceuticals at a detriment to our natural regenerative and reparative potentials. Have no doubt: these are chemical weapons targeting our bodies and environment and are ultimately disrupting the fertile ground of our human organism— the gut microbiome. Ironically, this war against microorganisms is not saving us. It’s killing us.

The microbes we are destroying are the direct link between our bodies and the Earth. The dramatic increase in human disease we are currently experiencing is a symptom of the failing health of our planet. The warrior mentality has also led to a mischaracterization of the innate immune system where it is often described as a protective barrier separating us from the perceived threats of nature.

When you consider that over half of the human genome is of viral genetic origin, you have to wonder how significant is this threat and is there even a threat at all. Our ability to interact with nature at a biological level is paramount to our survival. The innate immune system is not fighting against nature, it’s an intelligent, dynamic, living mechanism connecting us to nature and keeping us in a balanced relationship with nature by promoting biodiversity— not eliminating it. We have to coexist with the microorganisms that surround us and it’s the innate immune system via the gut microbiome that assures balance between protection and adaptation.


Traditional Thinking

When you hear the term “immune system” you probably think of a loyal group of cells valiantly fighting off a constant barrage of dangerous microbes determined to invade and destroy our bodies.

We are lead to believe Immune cells are the great warriors fighting off threats from our environment keeping us safe and sterile. The immune system is an impenetrable net from which no virus or bacteria can escape. Threats are identified and eliminated. As we’ll see this isn’t really the whole story.

Traditionally, the immune system has been divided into two categories based on function: innate immunity and adaptive immunity.

Innate immunity is the first line of defense and relies on structures and cells already in place.

Adaptive immunity houses the reinforcements and produces specific responses to foreign material and maintains a memory of what threats its encountered.

Read the FULL Article by Zach Bush MD on Innate Immunity + watch the Video’s below



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