Lunar & Solar Eclipses 2023 – Dates, Definitions & Energetics


Lunar & Solar Eclipses 2023 – Dates, Definitions & Energetics

LUNAR ECLIPSES occur when the Moon is ull and the Earth blocks the Suns rays from partially/fully reaching the Moon, thus the Moon is cast within the Earth’s shadow.

Energetically, a Lunar Eclipse guides us to transcend negative patterns/old beliefs within the shadow self – a time to ECLIPSE anything that maybe holding you back. Keep reading below for a more in depth insight on Lunar Eclipses.

SOLAR ECLIPSES occur on the New Moon, whereby the Moon moves between the Earth and Sun, obscuring Earth’s view of the Sun – hence the Sun, Moon & Earth are in a straight line.

The energy of a Solar Eclipse ‘obscures’ our vision forward, such that we can take time to reflect on the present and truthfully see how this relates to our past.  The insights gained are not about dragging up old energy, or reliving painful events or experiences, but rather to positively reassess where you have been and use this knowledge to make quantum leaps on your path moving forward.


Eclipse Key Dates 2023

In 2023 we begin to leave behind the Taurus-Scorpio eclipse cycle and enter the Aries-Libra cycle as the Lunar North Node moves into Aries on 17/18 July 2023. Hence during 2023 we find ourselves straddling two cycles, with our April & May Eclipses in Aries & then Scorpio respectively, and both our October Eclipses in Libra & Taurus respectively. 

TOTAL Solar Eclipse in Aries – 20 April 2023
PENUMBRAL Lunar Eclipse
in Scorpio – 6 May 2023

ANNULAR Solar Eclipse in Libra – 15 October 2023
PARTIAL Lunar Eclipse
in Taurus – 29 October 2023


Lunar Eclipse – Definition

A Lunar Eclipse occurs when the Moon is full and the Earth blocks the Suns rays from partially/fully reaching the Moon, thus the Moon is cast within the Earth’s shadow.  Energetically, a Lunar Eclipse guides us to transcend negative patterns/old beliefs within the shadow self – a time to ECLIPSE anything that maybe holding you back.  

TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE:  A Total Lunar Eclipse occurs on the Full Moon when the Earth’s Umbra, totally obscures all of the Moon’s visible surface.

PARTIAL LUNAR ECLIPSE:  A Partial Lunar Eclipse occurs on the Full Moon, whereby only part of the Moons surface is obscured by the Earths Umbra.

PENUMBRAL LUNAR ECLIPSE: A Partial Solar Eclipse occurs on the Full Moon whereby the moon moves through the penumbral part of the Earth’s shadow hence this eclipse is very feint.

SUNRISE SELENION: A Full Moon Sunrise Selenion is a rare event where the moon and the rising sun can be seen simultaneously. During a lunar eclipse, the sun and moon are exactly 180 degrees apart in the sky. In a perfect alignment like this (called a “syzygy”), such an observation would seem impossible. But thanks to Earth’s atmosphere, the images of both the sun and moon are apparently lifted above the horizon by atmospheric refraction. This allows people on Earth to see the sun for several extra minutes before it actually has risen and the moon for several extra minutes after it has actually set…. thus the opportunity exists to see both the moon and the sun during the Eclipse.

Why is the Moon ‘red’ during a Lunar Eclipse ?

The reason the Moon appears RED when it is partially/fully cast within the shadow of Earth is because of Earth’s atmosphere.  During the alignment of the Sun, Earth & Moon, light from the Sun glimmers through Earth’s atmosphere (atmosphere extends approximately 80km above the Earth) & the green-to-blue light of the visible light spectrum is filtered out, giving way to the deeper orangey-red tones of the spectrum.    This reddish light is then refracted to the surface of the Moon (when viewed from Earth)


Solar Eclipse – Definition

A Solar Eclipse occurs on the New Moon, whereby the Moon moves between the Earth and Sun, obscuring Earth’s view of the Sun – hence the Sun, Moon & Earth are in a straight line.

Here are a few definitions to bring a deeper understanding of the terms used when describing Solar Eclipses:

TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE:  A Total Solar Eclipse occurs on the New Moon, whereby the Moon moves between the Earth and Sun, TOTALLY obscuring Earth’s view of the Sun.  A Total Solar Eclipse can only be seen in a small region on Earth along its transit line.  Remember, never look at a Solar Eclipse with the naked eye as it can damage your retina – use Eclipse glasses always.

ANNULAR SOLAR ECLIPSE:  An Annular Solar Eclipse occurs on the New Moon, whereby the Moon moves between the Earth and Sun and the Sun appears behind the Moon as a very bright ring of light (an annulus, often referred to as the ‘ring of fire’) around the dark disk of the Moon, as the apparent size of the Moon is smaller than that of the Sun.

PARTIAL ECLIPSE: A Partial Solar Eclipse occurs on the New Moon, whereby the Moon moves between the Earth and Sun and the Sun is only PARTIALLY obscured by the Moon as the Moon & Sun aren’t directly in line.   A Partial eclipse is also seen from the majority of regions of Earth outside the route of the TOTAL or ANNULAR Solar Eclipse.  Note also that some eclipses can only be seen as a partial eclipse, because the umbra passes above the Earth’s polar regions and never intersects Earth’s surface.

HYBRID ECLIPSE:  A Hybrid Solar Eclipse is a rare eclipse where from some regions of Earth it appears as a TOTAL ECLIPSE where from other regions it appears as an ANNULAR Eclipse.


Lunar Eclipse – Energetics

When a Lunar Eclipse is a TOTAL Eclipse, the energy potential is at its peak.  When a Lunar Eclipse is only a PARTIAL or PENUMBRAL Eclipse, the energetic influence is slightly weakened, though still very powerful.

A Lunar Eclipse provides a quantum opportunity to release deep-seated wounds, move beyond old fears and to transcend negative patterns or traits within the shadow self.  It is time to ECLIPSE anything that maybe holding you back.

During a Lunar Eclipse it is an opportune time to do much inner-work, and illuminate yourself from the inside-out.

You will be inspired during the Eclipse/Full Moon to open your gifts to higher degrees of frequency and anchor these on the Earthly plane.  It is time to take ownership and acknowledge your divine magnificence and shine brightly from within.

The specific energy of a Lunar Eclipse is also dependant on what sign of the zodiac the Sun & Moon (who are in opposition during a Full Moon) are transiting during the Eclipse.


Solar Eclipse – Energetics

When a Solar Eclipse is a TOTAL Eclipse, the energy potential is at its peak.  When a Solar Eclipse is only a PARTIAL or ANNULAR Eclipse, the energetic influence is slightly weakened, though still very powerful.

The energy of a Solar Eclipse ‘obscures’ our vision forward, such that we can take time to reflect on the present and truthfully see how this relates to our past.

The insights gained are not about dragging up old energy, or reliving painful events or experiences, but rather to positively reassess where you have been and use this knowledge to make quantum leaps on your path moving forward.

Whilst a Solar Eclipse can create upheaval in your life, this ‘forced’ opportunity to reassess or re-evaluate your life provides a profound opportunity to leap into a new sphere of existence beyond your perceived limitations.

The specific energy of a Solar Eclipse is also dependant on what sign of the zodiac the Sun & Moon (who are in conjunction during a New Moon) are transiting during the Eclipse.





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