January 2014 – Energy Report


January 2014 – Energy Report


Moon_Jupiter_January_2014New Update 15 Jan 2014 – Jupiter & Moon
Click Here to read the update below >


Energy Overview – 2014

As discussed in my January 2014 Numerology Overview, 2014 resonates to the number 7 in numerology, thus will be a a big shake up year gifting the potential for people to make profound changes within their lives…  be it relationships, careers, finances and lifestyles.

Globally people will be drawn to reflect on how their lives (whether conscious or unconscious) are being molded by Paradigms or Memes within the world at large.  You may at first glance feel that you are separate from all that ‘old world energy’, but 2014 will be a ‘big kick in the pants’ for many, as people really wake up to just how entwined they are with what others impose upon them !!!

Traditional ‘roles’, that have been imposed upon us through society, governments, media, corporations & religious organisations will crumble at an exponential rate in 2014… as they no longer make sense in a world where people are waking up and thinking for themselves and not being ‘sold’ a way of life that supposedly is expected of an obedient or conformist citizen.  There are many lifestyles and many ways of living consciously here on Earth… within relationships, family structures and careers… lets honour the unity that exists within our diversity.

It is my vision, in this 2014 ‘7’ vibrational year in numerology, that we are stepping into a big quantum leap of sorts, a huge paradigm shift… a critical mass shift into a new world that hasn’t even been written yet.  It is up to us to co-create this new world through our hearts.  As we set our intentions of what we wish to create in our lives/our world, opportunities will present themselves beyond the limitation of our individual consciousness and we have the opportunity re-invent ourselves / our lives / our world through the field of all Creation through our Hearts.

For some this year maybe challenging, as it is going to bring with it change… whether you like it or not !  Resist and the year could feel like a hard slog filled with struggle and pain… Surrender and you will open to the myriad of opportunities that a ‘7’ year has the potential to propagate.

Complementing the energy of this ‘7’ vibrational year, is the energy of moving into the Chinese New Year (on the 31 Jan 2014) – the year of the Wood Horse.  In Chinese astrology, Horse year is considered a fortunate year that brings luck and good things. Magical Horse has supernatural powers, is heroic, strong, and can even fly! A white celestial cloud Horse is sacred to the Chinese Goddess Kwan Yin.

In the year of the Horse energy moves fast, is shaken up and things can change dramatically overnight… there is no time for procrastination in a Horse year… you must feel what is right within your gut and run with the Horse.  Horse energy is wild, willful and strongly independant… it is about trotting (or maybe galloping) at your own pace, to your own beat and creating a path for yourself that is unique unto you. Be prepared for change this year, and embrace it with the tenacity and carefree nature that embues the HORSE.

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January 2014 – Energy Report

Sun_Spot_2014Solar Flares:  1st & 5th January

Over 2013 and now as we head into 2014, solar activity has been on the increase as our Sun reaches solar maximum (occurs every 11 years).  As the Sun reverses it poles, large releases of energy ‘flares’ burst out, and the electro-magnetic frequencies and radiation emitted is experienced here on Earth.

These energetic emissions are having a profound effect on the mental, creative and spiritual abilities of humanity…. awakening dormant potential and quantum leaping our consciousness into a new era of evolution.

To find out more about Solar Flare’s and the effect on our DNA, I highly recommend the book and movie: ‘Solar Revolution‘.

Sunspot AR1944, which appeared on January 1st, is one of the largest sunspots of the current solar cycle. It’s so big, people are noticing it as a naked-eye blemish on the solar disk, see photo above right. (the photo was taken by Daisuke Tomiyasu on January 4, 2014 @ Higashinada-ku, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan).  On the 5th January this sunspot increased in activity with possible solar flares headed toward Earth in the coming days.

New Update 7/8 January 2014 – Solar Flares & Earth

Rocky-Raybell-IMG_5285a_1389067908_lg Sunspot AR1944 is crossing the center of the solar disk.  This giant sunspot erupted on Jan 7th at approximately 18:32 UT (Jan 7th, 7.30pm AEST), producing a powerful X1-class solar flare. The coronal mass ejection (CME) emerging from the blast site is almost certainly heading for Earth. Stay tuned for updates as more data arrive from the NASA-ESA Heliophysics Fleet.

Rocky Raybell photographed the active region named “AR1944” yesterday from his backyard in Keller, Washington (see picture left) WOW amazing pic capturing this Sunspot.

Update on Sun’s Polar Shift:   ??? January

As reported by NASA in August 2013, the sun’s vast magnetic field is about to flip.  “It looks like we’re no more than 3 to 4 months away from a complete field reversal,” says solar physicist Todd Hoeksema of Stanford University. “This change will have ripple effects throughout the solar system.”

The sun’s magnetic field changes polarity approximately every 11 years.  It happens at the peak of each solar cycle as the sun’s inner magnetic dynamo re-organizes itself. The sun’s polar magnetic fields weaken, go to zero, and then emerge again with the opposite polarity. This is a regular part of the solar cycle.” The pole reversal is still yet to happen… though with the current level of solar flare activity heating up (no pun intended) it appears that the pole reversal maybe happening anytime soon !

Super Moon – 1st & 31st January

In January 2014, not only do we have 2 New Moons within the month (on the 1st & 31st), but both of these moons are also Super Moons.  Super Moons are where the Moon makes its closest approach to Earth. Energy runs high during a Super Moon… you may feel more emotional, electric, experience sleep disturbances or have expressive dreams.

The best way to balance with the energy is to Earth yourself by walking bare foot on the ground, swimming in a lake or the ocean or connecting your body somehow with nature.  Read my article to find out more about Super Moons >

Earth reaches Perihelion – 4/5 January

Our planet Earth reaches perihelion – its closest point to the sun for the year – on January 4, 2014. The word “perihelion” is from the Greek words peri meaning near, and helios meaning sun.

Per the diagram on the right, point 1. is planet Earth at aphelion (furthest from the Sun at point 3.) and point 2. is planet Earth at perihelion (closest to the Sun). Earth is closest to the sun every year in early January, when it’s winter for the Northern Hemisphere. So you can see that Earth’s distance from the sun isn’t what causes the seasons. On Earth, it’s mostly the tilt of our world’s axis that creates winter and summer and the day of maximum tilt toward or away from the sun is the December or June solstice.

When Earth is closest to our Sun energies are amplified, your I AM is brought into higher consciousness and deeper states of spiritual attunement and awareness are possible.  It is a time to ‘see’ beyond your beliefs and the illusionary world in which we live hear on Earth.

Quadrantid Meteor Shower – Begins 3/4 January

meteor-quadrantid-aurora-1-3-2014-Tommony-Eliassen-PhotographyThe Quadrantid meteor shower is always the first meteor shower of every new year (visible in the Northern Hemisphere).  While most meteor showers peak over a few days, the Quadrantids have a narrow peak of only a few hours. Despite its short peak, however, the meteor shower is often marked by large “fireball” meteors that look more colorful, appear brighter and last longer than a typical meteor.

At peak times, providing the moon and other lights don’t wash it out, viewers will see about 120 meteors an hour, NASA said. [Related: Quadrantid Meteor Shower Wows Stargazers] So you have to be on the right part of Earth, the part that’s in nighttime – preferably with the radiant high in your sky – during those few hours of the shower’s peak, in order to see the most Quadrantid meteors.

The photo to the right is of the Quadrantid meteor shower taken by Tommy Eliassen Photography on January 3, 2014 with the Auroras in the background. Thank you, Tommy! Visit Tommy Eliassen Website for more great sky photos.

Most meteor showers take place when our planet Earth crosses the orbital path of a comet (referred to as the parent object). The comet debris plunges into Earth’s upper atmosphere, and the vaporizing particles fill the night with meteors.  However, the Quadrantid meteors have a mysterious parent object.

In 2003, astronomer Peter Jenniskens tentatively identified the parent body of the Quadrantids as the Asteroid 2003 EH1. Asteroid 2003 EH1 is likely an extinct comet and may even be related to the Comet C/1490 Y1.  Asteroid 2003 EH1 next comes to perihelion (closest to the Sun) this year on the 12/13 March 2014.

It is said that the Comets we see from Earth most probably took millions of years to come from the Oort Cloud, a spherical cloud of matter/energy that surrounds the outer edge of our Solar System formed during our Solar Systems evolution. The Oort cloud is a mass of potentiality, possibilities that exist within the electro-magnetic torroidal field of our Solar System. Emissions from the Oort Cloud (such as comets) seek to work with particular ‘aspects/rays’ of our planetary evolution, supporting our spiritual renaissance. These comets are helping humanity to awaken their DNA and consciously evolve into our next stage of Evolution here on Earth.

Jupiter at Opposition of  Sun – 5/6 January

On the 5/6 Jan, Earth passes more or less between the sun and Jupiter, placing Jupiter opposite the sun in our sky. Astronomers call this event an opposition of Jupiter.

The 2014 opposition is Jupiter’s closest until 2020. Jupiter rises at sunset, is highest in the sky at midnight and sets at dawn. It shines more brightly than any star in the evening sky. It blazes away in front of the constellation Gemini, near the bright Gemini stars, Castor and Pollux. Earth orbits the sun nearly 12 times for every single orbit of Jupiter.  When Earth passes between the sun and Jupiter, we see Jupiter opposite the sun in our sky.  We call that an opposition of Jupiter.Earth orbits the sun nearly 12 times for every single orbit of Jupiter.

When Earth passes between the sun and Jupiter, we see Jupiter opposite the sun in our sky. We call that an opposition of Jupiter. The animation at right shows Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars and Jupiter revolving around the sun. Beyond the orbit of Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus appear in their own respective orbits, too. Earth orbits about 12 times for every single orbit of Jupiter. It’s when Earth passes between the sun and Jupiter that we see Jupiter opposite the sun in our sky.

Jupiter comes to opposition about every 13 months. In other words, that’s how long Earth takes to travel once around the sun relative to Jupiter. Jupiter’s closest approach to Earth for the year always falls on or near this planet’s opposition date – the 5/6 January in 2014.  Read More >

Energetically, when Jupiter is in opposition to our Sun… energy is amplified !!!  Jupiter represents EXPANSION & ABUNDANCE and the SUN represents I AM… thus this opposition is often a kickstart to get projects moving… you just have to watch out on not biting off more that you can chew !   With Jupiter however Retrograde (until early March 2014)… expectations may be more within reasonable limits during this opposition… just don’t get frustrated if things move more slowly than anticipated !

Jupiter & Moon ‘dance together’ – 15 January

Moon_Jupiter_January_2014On the eve of the full moon last night (15 January), Jupiter came to within a few degrees of our Moon in the sign of Cancer.  Energetically… emotions were high… but provides a powerful opportunity to really let go of our fears around control, government, power, authority and realise that your fear is what creates/ maintains your reality.

Sharing with you my photo that I took of the Moon & Jupiter on my phone last night 🙂

Thought you may like this video too of the PELE Report for January… this kinda summed everything up beautifully for me 🙂


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