Wesak Full Moon – May 10/11, 2017


Wesak Full Moon – May 10/11, 2017


The theme for our May 2017 Wesak Full Moon is Compassion & Kindness – awakening to something greater than you through your Heart.  It is also the Full Moon of Good Fortune and a new cycle of expansive creativity and juicy self-expression.  It is a time to play more, let your inner-child run wild and with a carefree air of Grace follow the passions of the Heart.

Please keep reading down the page where I share with you the following:

  • General Meaning of the Energy of Full Moons
  • Energy of our May 10/11, Full Moon
  • Discussion & links about our Wesak May 10/11, Full Moon
  • Celestial Aspects influencing our May Full Moon Energy

Once again we have a very powerful month ahead…. sharing with you how to make the most of these truly transformational celestial events ☆


Moon_FullThe mid-point of our 29 day lunar cycle is marked by the Full Moon.  During a Full Moon, the Moon is sitting opposite the Sun and is fully illuminated as it reflects the light of the Sun.

The Moon & the Sun emanate frequencies and these energy waves influence the tides, and all life forms on Earth, including human behaviour & consciousness.  In addition, during a Full Moon, both the Moon & Sun are opposing each other on opposite sides of the zodiac… which can make for a challenging or intense aspect of energy but also a very potent potential as the Lunar & Solar (yin & yang) are in natural harmonic balance.

The SUN represents our ‘outer-world’, our identify, our personality, our ego.  It represents how we ‘shine our light’ out into the world, the present moment, our yang or masculine archetype expression.  The Sun offers us strength, courage and illuminated insight of the Soul.

The MOON represents our ‘inner world’, our hidden emotions, desires, our shadow-self, fears/worries and our dreams.  It represents our feelings, our unconscious beliefs, the past and our yin or feminine goddess archetype.  The Moon offers us the ability to feel, learn from the past and creatively unlock and express our essence.

ENERGY: Full Moon – May 10/11

Full Moon in SCORPIO & Sun in TAURUS
(20.240 Scorpio – 20.240 Taurus)

Moon – past, Intuition, unconscious, emotions, nurturing, feelings
Sun – now, Identity, consciousness, self-esteem, expression
Scorpio (Water) – Passionate, emotional, willpower, psychic, determined
Taurus (Earth) – Patient, pleasure-loving, material, determined, conservative

Wednesday, 10 May 2017 – 2:42 pm PDT (USA/Canada)
Wednesday, 10 May 2017– 5:42 pm EDT (USA/Canada)
Wednesday, 10 May 2017– 10:42 pm BST
Wednesday, 10 May 2017– 11:42 pm UTC
Thursday, 11 May 2017 – 7:42 am AEST (Australia)
Thursday, 11 May 2017 – 9:42 am NZST (New Zealand)
View times in your City/Country>

During the SCORPIO Full Moon, the moon is reflecting the light of the SUN in TAURUS.

Thus our May 2017 Full Moon potentiates the energy of taking responsibility for what is happening around you and on the Earth today…. the questions that may come up for you are:

Why do I allow myself to be a victim ?
Why do I blame others for my own condition ?
Why do I allow myself to feel powerless ?

With the Sun in Taurus we are wanting to anchor the divine energies available to us at this time and make a commitment to ourselves for self-responsibility and growth.  Conversely, the moon in Scorpio intensifies the energies, getting us in contact with our feelings and emotions… intuitively you know why the last few months have been difficult/challenging for you !

This is intense energy that shows us the hard facts of exactly WHY each of us are in the position we are in… and that we have the choice to make the change.

With these intense energies, the next two weeks maybe turbulent for some as we reassess what it is we feel in our heart, what is important to us and any issues in our lives which are not congruent with our heartfelt feelings.

My advice is to just love all aspects of self, acknowledge your divine magnificence and hand over any pain to spirit.  It is time to be truly authentic, and in your authentic love, compassion & kindness of self you expand the consciousness so others may too embrace authentic love of self.

Our Full Moon is also being influenced by a number of other Celestial Aspects PLUS it is our Wesak Full Moon – please keep reading down the page for details.


The Wesak Full Moon is the first Full Moon in Taurus (whereby the Moon reflects the light of the Sun in Taurus) – thus our May 10/11 Full Moon, is the Wesak Full Moon – being the SECOND of three powerful full moons as follows:

1. Christ Full Moon – April 10/11, 2017   (Sun in Aries)
Honour of the Christ within all of us / within all of Creation

2. Wesak Full Moon (see below) – May 10/11, 2017  (Sun in Taurus)
Buddha’s birthday, honouring the God within all of us / within all of Creation.

3. Goodwill / World Invocation Day Full Moon – June 9, 2017 (Sun in Gemini)
Honouring of spiritual unity in humanity.

During the Wesak Taurus Full Moon (the Moon reflecting the Light of the Sun in Taurus), Divine Rays of LOVE bathe the Earth flooding our Hearts with Compassion & Kindness.

Taurus is ruled by Venus, the spiritual ruler of Earth. Venus represents the Divine Feminine – the Mother Mary (May is the Month of Mary).   During the Wesak Full Moon it is said that a divine Pentagram of Venusian Light opens a portal to Shambhala (the number 11 in numerology) through our Hearts.

We are called on the Wesak Full Moon to SURRENDER (number 5 in numerology – the Pentagram) and simply receive the LIGHT (11 in numerology), the ENERGY (11 in numerology) & HEALING (11 in numerology).

We then emerge from the Wesak Full Moon in an awakened state of WISDOM (11 in numerology) & ENLIGHTENMENT (11 in numerology) = 11:11

Please read my Article on Wesak May 2017 >

Other CELESTIAL ASPECTS: May 2017 Full Moon

Our May 2017 Full Moon is being influenced by a number of celestial aspects as follows:

  • Sun (20.240 Taurus) is TRINE Pluto (19.180 Capricorn)
  • Moon (20.240 Scorpio) is SEXTILE Pluto (19.180 Capricorn)
  • Moon (20.240 Scorpio) is CONJUNCT Fixed Star Zuben Eschemali (19.370 Scorpio)
  • Sun (20.240 Taurus) is weakly CONJUNCT the dwarf planet Sedna (25.500 Taurus)
  • Sun (20.240 Taurus) is weakly CONJUNCT the ghost planet Vulcan (25.520 Taurus)
  • RETROGRADE Planets – Jupiter, Saturn & Pluto
  • Galactic Centre (27.050 Sagittarius) CONJUNCT retrograde Saturn (26.510 Sagittarius)
  • Galactic Centre (27.050 Sagittarius) CONJUNCT retrograde Centaur Pholus (29.510 Sagittarius)
  • North Node (Leo) & South Node (Aquarius)

I am really loving the energy of our May 2017 Full Moon.   Not only are we anchoring in the energy of WESAK and awakening to profound states of Compassion, Kindness & Understanding… we are also experiencing a big shift in energy – both personally & collectively.

Whilst there is an intensity to this Full Moon, there is also a deeply transformative and deliciously profound energy to our May 2017 Full Moon.

Pluto is calling us to look deep into our selves and to clear away the ‘dead wood’ – particularly as it relates to our relationships.  It is time to shift gears, to either leave a relationship behind (what’s that saying ‘if you love something set it free…’), or time to truly value what you have and take it to the next level.

The Fixed Star Zuben Eschemali is the Star of good fortune and energetically is similar to Jupiter & Mercury.  This is a great Full Moon to attract/be abundance in your life and SHARE your bounty with others. 

Sedna & Vulcan – whilst these planets are in a very weak conjunction with the Sun, they are still exerting a little influence.   Taurus is ruled by Vulcan and seeks to break our need for consumerism and materialist ownership of ‘stuff’ that define our life’s experience.  A great Full Moon to declutter your life and return to simplicity &  natural law. Regarding, Sedna I think the following words by Lynn Koiner so eloquently express the energy of Sedna during our May 2017 Full Moon… and oh so relevant with the Moon in Scorpio & Sun in Taurus:

Sedna swims into your life to tell you to stop being a victim. The way to wholeness is to recognize how you’ve been caught up in and are living the victim archetype, then to change the pattern by empowering yourself. Are you fond of saying, “Why is this happening to me?” Don’t get stuck in the “why”. Look realistically at what you are creating, then work to change it. Do you feel your needs are too insignificant to negotiate? Does everyone in your life seen to take advantage of you? Your way to wholeness lies in recognizing when you are playing the victim and stopping it. Sedna says we have all been victimized by something, by patriarchal institutions, discrimination based on race, gender, sexual preference, religion, or color. She encourages you to claim your power (see Lilith) The Goddess says you are too precious and necessary in this dance of life to waste valuable energy and time being a victim. Rather than dissipating you energy, create what you want.

And with Saturn & Pholus coming into play as they both conjunct the Galactic Centre – this Full Moon feels like a pebble sending our infinite waves out into the pond of Earthly energy – change is happening on a grand scale !  We are bringing an end to the old stories of our lives, our world, our human experience and simply setting ourselves FREE.  We close the chapter on our lives of having to follow rules that constrain our wildly passionate Hearts and step into an awakened story of divine beauty and Sacred Wealth of Soul.

Finally, our Moons North Node moves into Leo on the 9/10 May (hence South Node moves into Aquarius) – the day prior to the Full Moon on the 10/11 May.   Since November 2015, the North Node has been in Virgo, coercing us to implement practical strategies/plans/routines/boundaries that enable us to be present and not escape our responsibilities.  And now with our North Node moving into Leo (until November 2018), we are moving into a fresh new era of expansive creativity and juicy self-expression.  We are letting go of the oppressive energy of conformity and are being driven to LOVE our unique selves.   Emotionally we will have a desire to play more, let your inner-child run wild and with a carefree air of Grace follow the passions of the Heart.



xx Simone











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