The Bridge between Worlds

The Bridge between Worlds

Over 10 years ago I fell in LOVE with this orchid (pictured above), and was guided to attach the plant to the fork of my Poinciana Tree.    During the last week of August each and every year my delightful orchid comes into bloom.  What a wonderful view from my kitchen window, in particular the petalled ‘heart’ that emanates from the centre of each bloom.

Some years the flowers are more abundant.  Other years the blooms are more vibrant in colour.  And some years the flowers last right through into Summer.  Whilst the blooms change from year to the year, the cyclical certainty of blooming never does.  It feels like these flowers have a ‘knowing’, an essence of intelligence that expands with each growing year.

These blossoming orchids have taught me much over the years, and during these times of uncertainty and upheaval.  Their constancy is welcome food for the Soul.   Oh how I love this entrée into Spring.


Blossoming Possibility

Joyous Spring.  The season of blooming, renewal, the sweet fragrance of creativity, and the promise of blossoming possibility. 

Spring reminds us that out of the darkness of the winter months, new life flourishes with purposeful divinity.  There is no pushing in nature to make this NEW transition happen, it just flows, unravels and comes into form through grace-filled ease.

Have you ever pondered with curiosity and wonderment the magickal Wisdom of Spring?   How the warming Sun’s intelligence coaxes nature to awaken, to come alive, to dance to the rhythm of a whole new Earthly cycle?  How life is filled with fresh new ideas?  And how there is an air of excitement in the plant & animal kingdom that oozes a child-like innocence, all drenched in ancient sagacity?

With each change of seasons we are reminded that nothing in life is stationary, everything is in a constant flow of undulating-cyclical change.  And whilst cycles are eternally repeating, with each new cycle there are fresh opportunities to reflect on ‘mistakes of past’, and transform these into potent stepping stones of grander potentiality.


A space beyond ‘Us & Them’

Whilst the world appears to have divided into a story of ‘Us & Them’, Spring reminds us that in the fabric of life, space creates a fertile ground for new stories to be seeded, fertilised, to sprout, and to grow. 

It’s the space that lies BETWEEN the ‘Us & Them’ that weaves the magick of what connects us, what we yearn for, and what we are capable of becoming.  It’s a space filled with Love. 

Within the fertile Spring meadow that lies between the ‘Us & Them’, we have the capacity to leave behind the judgement, shaming, coercion, and vicious hatred that is slung back and forth between the opposite sides of division.   We have the capacity to become the bridge that ultimately cultivates kindness, sprouts respect for our differences, blooms a deep willingness to learn from one another, and flourishes nourishing appreciation of our God-given health freedoms.

If you are placed in the Northern Hemisphere and heading into your Fall [Autumn], you too are merging into a Space between.  The space between the out-breath & the in-breath.  A space that takes you inward as the days grow shorter, reflecting on all that has come to pass over Summer, and being present to the glorious potentials of this moment, the between times.  Allowing the ‘food’ of times passed to integrate within your psyche, and discover the warmth of Sun that sits within your Heart, guiding you during these darker times.


What can we Create from within the Space ?

What sort of future do we wish to create for our children within the Space?  For our grandchildren, our great-grandchilden, and for generations emerging?  I envision a future world where evolving through cycles of nature is revered.  Where the wisdom of bees is just as important as any man-made law.  And where we are free to roam, hug, laugh, sing, and dance upon this earth within the commUNITY of our natural immUNITY – if that is what we so choose.

In the coming weeks, as we approach the Vernal Equinox, Mother Nature’s official start to Spring, may we spend more time in our space-filled ‘Meadows’.  Bare feet on the Earth, our heads corona-ed by the Sun, and our hands planting Spring Seeds of potential.  May we water our seeds with light-filled visions of mind, and warm emanations of our Heart, to cultivate open fields of vibrant flowers that the human race may rejoice in once again.

To help guide your Meadow seeding over the coming months, inviting you to join me for my new ONLINE Humanity Rising Video Series PREPPING: The Essentials.   Helping you make the most of this glorious moment on Earth, an opportunity to dream to life our World more Beautiful, together.

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