The Wolf you feed, is the Wolf that ‘wins’

The Wolf you feed, is the Wolf that ‘wins’

I have leaned into the invitation to experience a deeper love within during this Pisces Full Moon, and bring this presence to the world from the inside-out.  Whilst the external world players are priming society to embrace hatred, anger and disdain toward ‘dissidents’,  it must never be forgotten that we all have a choice.  
Each of us has the choice of what we listen to, how we think/feel, and what we choose to bring to this world during these extraordinary times of change.   I choose to keep my Heart open, my mind open to to all the stories, and my Soul primed to take my presence on this Earth to great heights of possibility.
Over the last few days I have watched the LIVE Stream videos from Melbourne, Australia, whereby Construction Workers/Tradies have yearned to have their voices & messages heard.  I have listened to the stories direct from people on the ground, their pain, their frustrations, their anger. REAL people who are deeply distraught by the fact that no one is listening and their concerns are being callously mocked & trivialised.
I have also spent the last few days watching MSM (main-stream-media). The twisting of the narrative is quite mind-boggling. The dehumanisation of people, smearing their message into a category of far-right radicalised neo-nazis. I have watched interview after interview with Politicians, Union heads, and ‘experts’… yet NOT ONE Media outlet bothered to interview the people on the ground and hear their side of the story. Let alone compassionately seek to understand the complexity of this moment.
If we are to truly create strong, resilient, and unified communities moving forward, then the art of listening and the willingness to change (regardless of what ‘side’ we sit upon) must become the cornerstone of a free, democratic and progressive society.
It saddened me this morning, listening to the ABC, and commercial stations simply regurgitating the same thing over and over… like they were all reading from the one script. It does make you wonder who the screenwriter is?
I am NOT an advocate of violence. But I also note that violence/abuse takes on many forms. When people have been severely abused for extended periods of time – emotional abuse, financial abuse, psychological abuse, even spiritual abuse… then is it any wonder when the rubber-band breaks that physical expression becomes the output when people feel they have nothing else left to lose?
In the midst of the uprising by Construction Workers/Tradies (it looked like a war-zone in Melbourne today), Melbourne experienced an Earthquake, as if the tragic depth of Emotion of the People were shaking the Earth.  Or was the Earth shaking the people ?

Temple of this Earth

Whilst the contrast of the moment took me even deeper into my heart, a little medicine came into my life this week via Charles Eisensteins post Temple of this Earth‘.
As Charles shares…
“I would like to ask the partisans on all sides of the issues of our time to switch their allegiance. Not to the other side, but from victory to love. You may believe that your cause, for example the pro-vaccine cause or the anti-vaccine cause, is precisely love in action. And maybe it is. However, if ever you notice your side putting hate in service of the cause, you know that the primary allegiance is to winning.
One side may indeed win the battle by arousing disgust at the villains on the other side and casting them as demons, but they will have upped the level of disgust in the world, and society will be all the more vulnerable to manipulation and violence….
…. There is another instrument we can wield that is greater than dehumanization.  We might call it love.  It can express anger without hate, responsibility without blame, and truth without self-righteousness. It opens others up to listen: sensing they are not under attack, they feel less need to defend. By putting connecting ahead of convincing, it has the uncanny power to change minds far more effectively than any frontal assault of evidence and logic.”
During these times where the ‘powers that be’ are hell-bent on widening the divide, and pitting humans against one-another to fertilise their own agenda’s, what if we take our spirits outside of the story, and instead focus our energies on holding each other Sacred and together lets make a Temple of this Earth.

The Legend of two Wolves

Whilst this story talks about ‘winning’, which doesn’t truly resonate with how I feel about life, or all that I have shared above,  I do still believe the story has many merits if we just tinkle with the words a little.   
Don’t let this moment cage you into being the lesser part of what you are capable of becoming.   Let what you feel in your Heart take you to an enLIGHTened expression of your Wild-Wolf-Self that reverently contributes to the Sacred Temple of life.
As the Melbourne Earthquakes are showing us, everything in life is shifting, changing, all that is ‘broken’ is swiftly falling away.   This is a time for each of us to do the work on ourselves, let go of old concepts of self, stories that have been enforced upon us, and step into a much more nourishing Divinity of Soul.   This is WHAT you are here for, this is WHY we are here together.  We are mid-wives of a new story of Earth Temple, it is up to us what we co-create together from the inside-out.

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