Thank you for blessing us with this experience.

Thank you for blessing us with this experience.

Whilst the darkness of this moment can at times feel all consuming, there is a LIGHT that is emerging through the cracks.   

With each passing week, the ‘darkness’ reveals itself more and more.  In fact it is becoming so illuminated, at times I feel it will self-combust under its own murky gravity.   Just this week the Premier of the State of Victoria’s power-grab is so incredulous, that it may just be the sword he falls upon.   And then the approval of the jab in 5-11 year olds in the United States, even though the risk of adverse events from the jab is GREATER than the risk of COVID.

The evil is making itself known. 
The villains are loving their time in the limelight.  
And on a deep deep level, I am grateful.  

As a Naturopath, one of the premises of healing is that it takes place from the inside-out and that is exactly what is happening in our world.  The cancerous growths that have been sucking the life from society for decades have come out of the closest, and THIS is where the real healing starts.   The evil is no longer hidden within the recesses of the inside, they are out in the open for the world to see.  And WE have the power to create the healing.

Sharing these ‘Thank you’ words that I came across this week.  Hope they stir within you a wave of Gratefulness, a LIGHT that heals.

Thank you 

by ~ Daniel Alexander

Thank you for bringing to light the darker aspects of humanity.

Thank you for the trauma we have endured over the past 2 years.

Thank you for forcing us out of our mundane, corporatized lives and into real, authentic, humanness.

Thank you for highlighting the importance of true mind-body-spirit wellness.

Thank you for highlighting the need for deep spiritual connection.

Thank you for giving so many of us the courage to speak and no longer stay silent.

Thank you for breeding connections with our soul-family across the world and for establishing lifelong friendships.

Thank you for forcing us out of our blind trust in authority, forcing us out of reliance on the system, and forcing us back to local communities and trusting ourselves and living as the authorities of our own lives.

Thank you for providing us the an opportunity to transmute the trauma, the darkness, the pain into a historic opportunity to lay the foundation for the beautiful, heart centred, unity-and-nature-based society our hearts know we need.

Thank you for blessing us with this experience.

Thank you for showing us the depths of darkness and separation so we can authentically choose the path of unity and love.

We needed it.

Thank you.

The Illusion of Knowledge

Dr. David E. Martin exposes how the Globalists, the central bankers, the corporatists, the pedophiles, the Communists, the British Crown, the Tavistock Institute, the CCP, the Illuminati, the Jesuits, Bill Gates, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Sabbateans, the Bilderbergers, Klaus Schwab, the Satanists, the Freemasons have been able to pull off this genocidal global COVID Hoax.

This is the EVIL that is NOW being seen.  It’s time to eradicate the cancers and heal.


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