In filming this weeks Humanity Rising Prepping Videos, I was joined by gardening extraordinaire Leonie Shanahan.
Leonie has an extensive background/qualifications in creating home gardens that yield nutrient dense food, are easy to manage, and that feed your body, mind & soul. Our conversation together was so joyful and informative, I felt guided share our chat with you all. In this video, Leonie goes through the essential components of creating your backyard / patio / vegepot garden, and essentially cultivating our New Earth Gardens of the future…. NOW !!!
Hope this video inspires you to create & cultivate your own New Earth Garden. Next week in our Humanity Rising Series, I will post a video demonstrating HOW to put Leonie’s inspirational insights into action. Please sign up to my Humanity Rising Prepping Course to continue your New Earth journey!
New Earth Garden Resources
Join my Humanity Rising Prepping Course
Join my Lightrition Course
Leonie Shanahan Resources
Sign up to Leonie’s Website
Purchase Leonie’s Books & DVDs
Read More about Leonie Shanahan
Read More about Edible School Gardens
Additional Resources
Homepage – Seneff ( scientist reviewed the damage glysophate/round up does to the soil, the water, the air and all living beings
Home – Institute for Responsible Technology Jeffrey Smith protecting the world from GMOs and glysophate Elaine Ingham – her world is all about soil microbesempower
Dr Vandana Shiva – Seeds are the first link in the food chain and the repository of life’s future evolution. We are witnessing a SEED EMERGENCY at a global level