Biophilia. My Passionate Love Affair.


Biophilia. My Passionate Love Affair.

The rich & luscious smell of a forest floor. Breathing in the sweetness of waterfalls. Swimming in babbling streams. Rolling around in grassy meadows. Being mesmerised by the miracle of new life cuddling a puppy to my heart.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE it all— my wild passionate love affair with life, nature, all living things.

This wondrous, mystical, and joyous condition is called Biophilia… the delight & life-nourishing experience that nature brings to the body, mind & soul.

It’s in our Nature

Humans are a part of nature, so it makes sense that our inherent LOVE of nature resides deep within our DNA.   

As I shared in my Unlocking the Light of Humanity journal post, our Human Mitochondria are in fact evolutionary Bacterium.  YES…. we have evolved through the the mircrobes of Earth— Anima Realm. 

Is it really any wonder then when we spend time in nature breathing in the Biome that we feel at home hanging with our ancestry?

Nature is poetically in our nature.  In our DNA.  In our Mitochondria.  In the DNA that reside within our Mitochondria.  And in the trillions of microcobes that inhabit our body, out numbering our human cells 10:1.  

To me this really challenges the notion of what it means to be human, when there is more of the outside world inside of us than our own genetics

Forest Bathing

Have you heard of Shinrin-yoku (森林浴)— the Japanese practice of “forest bathing”, an ecotherapy & mindful practice for wellbeing?

The artform is very simple, Shinrin-yoku is the practice of spending time in a forested sanctuary and engaging all your senses as you immerse your self through smell, taste, touch, sounds & the visual oasis of a forest that is alive.

Forest bathing calms the nervous system, reduces blood pressure, and balances adrenaline/cortisol levels.  A sense of peace, tranquility, and harmony floods through the body.   

The awe & wonderment of the natural world catapults you into a different sphere of consciousness, a feeling of deep integration with something much greater than yourself.  An immersive experience of joy & euphoric bliss floods the body in the feel good drug of life!

Baci Biophilia

The picture at the top of this page— is of myself and our beautiful dog Baci at 6 weeks old.  Our darling Nova Scotia Duck-Tolling Retriever (a mouthful of name I know) is nearly 18 months old now, though she still very much feels like a puppy to us. 

Baci means ‘kiss’ in Italian, we named her for the white diamond that sits on her crown chakra, which in the first few months of her live was in the shape of a love heart— and we were drawn to contstantly kiss it. 

Biophilia at its finest!

Interested in being Biophilic too?

Join me for upcoming 5 FLOWS of Life Online Course... where we dive deep into the Feminine, and dance in unison with the mystery of the intelligence of the natural world— Biophilia in all its glory!

5 Flows is all about the Feminine Flow of Sacred Geometry, transforming our views/beliefs on the form & structure of this world, and entering the realm of the mysterious, intuition, creative force, nature wisdom, and inviting flow to move our bodies in potent & liberating ways.   Flow empowers us, where as structure without flow can disempower.  And flow guides us to take our own destiny into our hands.

If 5 Flows is calling to your heart, please take a moment to find out more about my 5 Flow Course on my info page.  Our 5 Flows course starts on October 7, but join today for earlybird and receive BONUS Gifts, watch our Introduction Video & bonus Videos too in preparation for launch day.

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