The Heart Knows – Important Questions to Ask


The Heart Knows – Important Questions to Ask

I am a lover of science!   As a Number 7 in numerology (by birth name, married name & even my date of birth!), I am drawn to look deeply into the meaning of life, understanding how all the pieces of the puzzle fit together— kinda like building a bridge between the physical & spiritual worlds. 

I adore how science, quantum mechanics, and non-materialism opens up extraordinary portals of insight into the mysteries of life.  Curiosity, wonderment, asking questions, collaborative debate of theories & points of view— all of these juicy morsels not only expand our understanding of the world, but also support the transformation of our knowledge into wisdom, universal truths.

Whilst I love the rabbit hole of science, I never lose sight of my intuition and that deep knowingness of the Heart.   

Science after-all is an evolving state of affairs.  Scientists put forward an hypothesis, create a theory based upon testing of their hypothesis, and this theory only remains true until/if it is proven otherwise.   Hence rigorous debate, sharing of ideas/diverse point of views forms an integral part of the scientific process.  

However the Heart connects to an eternal wisdom, a divinity, an all-knowing truth.  Such that when in doubt about the science, and particularly when-ever debate of alternate viewpoints is being silenced— I turn to the truth of my heart.  She KNOWS.

Question Everything!

As Dr Byram Bridle recently wrote within his Substack Post…

‘My greatest frustration over the past three years has been the promotion of profound censorship of experts who hold a science-based opinion that differs from messaging parroted by the power brokers that be. This has contradicted the long-held tenet of having open discussions about the full spectrum of ever-emerging science.’

I couldn’t agree more with Dr Bridles view.  As he further goes onto state… ‘It is in the best interest of the public to promote public, respectful discussions between experts.’  Questioning everything ensures to science evolves, moves in the direction of truth, and serves the betterment of the world and generations emerging.

As Steve Kirsch talks about in his latest Substack Post…

  • Why can’t we talk about it?

  • Why doesn’t anyone on <their> side want to talk about it?

  • Why is it forbidden to talk about it?

  • Why are physicians threatened with loss of their jobs if they talk about it?

  • Why is it taboo to talk about it?

  • Why can’t we have a civil discussion to resolve our differences about it?

  • Why are <they> so afraid to talk about it? where <they> is replaced by local, state, federal lawmakers, government organizations (CDC, NIH, FDA, …), local, state, federal health officials, professional organizations (AMA, CMA, IDSA, etc), infectious disease experts, medical schools, etc.Steve Kirsch has put together a list of 73 Questions that need to be asked (& debated/answered) regarding the worldwide response to COVID.   These are the questions that are being blocked from debate, censored, or even erased within a one-side media-government narrative.

Questions to Ask

Steve Kirsch has put together a list of 73 Questions that need to be asked (& debated/answered) regarding the worldwide response to COVID.   These are the questions that are being blocked from debate, censored, or even erased within a one-side media-government narrative.

Whilst all the answers may not yet be apparent— remember your Heart Wisdom.   How does each question & potential answer feel to you?   Truth enlivens you, your body feels strong, alive, deep clarity of soul.   Lies & falsehoods weaken your vibration, you may feel sick in the pit of the stomach, or a feeling of wanting to retract from the murky waters of ugliness.

Remember you are a RADIANT Human here to usher in a new story of the world, a story built upon foundations of reverence, kindness and a deep longing to evolve the human race through nature— rather than the current model of fighting against it.

The answers YOU discover within your Heart to the list of 73 Questions  guide the choices you make within your life toward architecting our new story.   They enable you to choose wisely.   Choose with LOVE.   Choose with ALL Heart.

And whilst you deliberate on these Questions, you may also wish to ask these 13 Questions to your family physician all referenced back to source data. 

Whilst Doctors here in Australia lose their license if they do not parrot Government Health Policy re COVID jabs are ‘safe & effective’, they also have a duty of care to provide fully informed consent.   It has now also been confirmed that the Australian Government Lied: Doctors are NOT covered by Government’s indemnity for Covid Injections. 

Considering that many private/public business are still MANDATING jabs here in Australia— it appears that the Lawyers will be making tidying profits for decades to come.

Science for Hire

Whilst you travel down the road of Asking Questions, invariably even more questions come to light!   

The following Doco ‘Science for Hire’ sheds light on the hidden secrets of the scientific, pharmaceutical, and military industrial complexes.  In particularly how governments operate in lockstep with the pharmaceutical ambitions to erect an unregulated global regime, a “Great Reset,” that will dictate what we can eat, what medical interventions are permitted and banned, and the rewards and punishments that legislate our choices.

But there is good news… Science for Hire also offers hard hitting solutions to spark clarion calls to take heed of the realities facing humanity today.  Watch Science for Hire on Rumble.


Here’s an example of a Question to ask…

I wrote this in 2020 –   ‘Never have I found myself so engulfed in living a ‘Single Story’.  The ONE story that explains this COVID moment.  Deviate from the Single Story narrative and you will rapidly find yourself shamed, ridiculed, publicly humiliated and ultimately censored at best.  At worst arrested and jailed for the audacity to step out of line.   Legality is becoming a matter of power, not justice.’.

My post then went on to discuss the varying viewpoints of Germ Theory & Terrain Theory, and how open & collaborative discussion emerges the best science and ultimately awakened health & vitality for all.

A friend shared a video this week that dissected HOW viruses are isolated (among various other topics).  I have imbedded the video below in case you too would like to check-it-out as part of your own Questioning around Germ/Terrain Theory.   Hope you find the discussion insightful.  Remember… feel into your own Heart & let this be your sacred guide to truth!

Reflections from the last week…

Here are some reasons (just from the last week or so-ish) as to WHY asking questions and following your Heartful Intuition is THE most loving gift you can give to yourself, loved ones & for the future of generations emerging.  After-all making conscious choices from the heart after a full assessments of the facts enables you to thrive during uncertain times. 


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