Full Moon, Saturn, Vesta & Galactic Centre: 27-28 June, 2018


Full Moon, Saturn, Vesta & Galactic Centre: 27-28 June, 2018

Our June 2018 FULL MOON will be quite emotionally intense… but VERY transformational.  Our Full Moon conjuncting retro Saturn may have us in a downwind spin of fear, guilt & shame about our perceived inadequacies… but the influence of Vesta conjuncting the Galactic Centre (in the sign of Sagittarius) is taking our experiences up a higher octave.
Image Credit: Rhand McCoy

Keep reading below for all the radiantly energetic details.  Plus, please also refer to our CELESTIAL Events for 2018 – Lunar, Solar & Astro Table for a summary overview of all transits for the entire year of 2018.

Please also read our Spiritual Significance of Lunar Phases article, to understand more about the Phases of the Moon and how to work with the Lunar Energies throughout the month.


June 2018 FULL MOON – Date/Time

Moon CAPRICORN (6.280)  &  Sun in CANCER (6.280)
Wednesday, 28 June 2018 – 2:53 pm AEST (Australia)
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Moon – past, Intuition, unconscious, emotions, nurturing, feelings
Sun – now, Identity, consciousness, self-esteem, expression
Capricorn (Earth) – Practical, realist, reliable, hard worker, cautious
Cancer (Water) – nurturing, family, sensitive, emotional, moody, psychic


FULL MOON – Energy

During the CAPRICORN Full Moon, the moon is reflecting the light of the SUN in CANCER.

Whilst Capricorn is hardworking and gets things done, it can get us caught up too much in process and bring rigidity to our lives… but with the balance of Cancer the emotional element will highlight intuitive/creative new ways of moving forward.

The energy of our June 2018 Full Moon is taken to another level due to the conjunction of our Moon with retrograding Saturn, as well as Vesta conjuncting our Galactic Centre.   Refer to diagram below (click to enlarge).

FULL MOON conjunct SATURN retrograde +
Asteroid VESTA conjunct our GALACTIC CENTRE

Saturn travels retrograde approximately every year for around 140 days.  Earlier this year, Saturn moved retrograde on the 18 April and will move direct again on the 5 Sept 2018.

Saturn is often referred to as the planet of karma, discipline or the dispenser of justice. It is a factual planet that induces us to face our personal reality, and is thorough & unrelenting as it breaks down our control issues. I like to view Saturn as a wise old sage.

When SATURN is retrograde, you may feel restricted or limited in some way.  It is a time to reflect & learn from your limitations (the first step is actually admitting or recognising your limitations) & do some deep soul searching, assess what needs to change and prepare for this change once Saturn moves direct. It is a time to assess our failures, learn from our mistakes and emerge from the introspection with wisdom and understanding.

When our FULL MOON conjuncts SATURN retrograde… your reflections & soul searching maybe intense… and I mean INTENSELY off the richter scale!!!   Quite possibly everything you perceive as wrong with yourself or that you have failed at will appear worse than it actually is. But wait there is more… Influencing our FULL MOON is the asteroid VESTA conjuncting the Galactic Centre.  

The GALACTIC CENTRE is a giant black & white whole that sits at the centre of our Milky Way Galaxy.  The Galactic Centre is currently positioned at approx 280 Sagittarius (or 40 Sagittarius sidereal).  Metaphysically, the Galactic Centre is the source of our Soul’s highest aspirations & what we have chosen as the greater evolutionary purpose for our Soul in this lifetime (refer Aetheric Healing™).

VESTA is the brightest asteroid (minor planet) visible from Earth.  The energy of Vesta is the High Priestess who fans the eternal flame of our Hearts, our Homes and hence our global home – crystalline Earth.  Vesta the virginal Priestess (virginal not meaning celibate, but rather not married or belonging to anyone) – guides us towards devotion, to commit to our highest aspirations, our greatest desires and helps us to keep the flames of our passions alight.   Vesta represents the Sacred Feminine Flame in all of us… to arise from the ashes of our human limitations as we aspire to continually grow, evolve & recreate our lives a new.  

What does all this mean for our June 2018 Full Moon ?

Whilst the Full Moon conjuncting retro Saturn may have us in a downwind spin of fear, guilt & shame about our perceived inadequacies… the influence of Vesta conjuncting the Galactic Centre (in the sign of Sagittarius) is taking our experiences up a higher octave.

We have the potential to step outside of our ‘woe is me, I am not good enough’ experiences and OWN a higher-truth.  To understand that our deepest sorrows are actually our greatest teachers.   There is no destination, no limitation to our growth… so let yourself simply be present in the NOW and enjoy the journey of continually creating & recreating your reality.

On a side note, Vesta will be very close to Earth this month and won’t come this close again until after the year 2040.

Stay tuned for my post next week, where I will share about the energy of the conjunction of VESTA & GALACTIC CENTRE as our SUN conjuncts SIRIUS on the 5-6 July 2018.

xx Simone M. Matthews


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