Allegory of Sleeping Beauty & COVID19

Allegory of Sleeping Beauty & COVID19

An allegory is a symbolic or spiritual narrative that brings to life a deeper meaning of real life issues.

For example, in The Wizard of Oz, the Wicked Witch represents our deepest fears, and Dorothy’s purity of heart means she is immune to the Wicked Witches evil.   There is even an interpretation of The Wizard of Oz being an allegory for the radical state of affairs that existed in 1930s following the stock market crash & US Govt bankruptcy.

Or in the Tortoise & the Hair, we discover through persistence and determination, we can do things we never knew that we were capable of.   And that we should never underestimate the underdog or the opponent, and finally not to get too overconfident with our skills —or take those skills for granted. 

Sleeping Beauty

I came across this most insightful allegorical interpretation of Sleeping Beauty, as a mirror for what is happening in the world at this time.   Even though Sleeping Beauty was written hundreds of years ago, the prophetic wisdom is eternal.   The story reflects the gore, abuse, and essentially the worst capabilities of humankind.  But it also helps us discover our courage to stand up to the perpetrators of evil, and let a higher LOVE find a way.

Here is a short simplified snippet as interpreted by Dr Tom Cowan:

In the story of Sleeping Beauty “The Witch” of materialism casts a spell on the young princess, saying that if she gets an injection (described as a prick in those days), the entire kingdom would go into lockdown under the influence of this powerful spell. 

[The spinning wheel from which Sleeping Beauty was pricked, could also relate to The World Economic Forums Wheel of their Agenda – The Great Reset.  There are certainly a lot of ‘pricks’ on that wheel the deeper you dive into its contents].

Try as they did to protect the princess, she did, in fact, prick her finger, and the entire world became “locked down” and engulfed in toxic thorns. None could save the princess or the kingdom.   [Through Materialistic Agenda Evil, Humanity’s capacity to express their inherent Divinity was suppressed].

But one day a young prince heard about this situation and said, “I will save the kingdom.” Everyone told him to stop, that he would also be torn to shreds by the toxic thorns. The prince simply replied, “I am not afraid.” As a result, the spell had no power over him, the toxic thorns parted, and the wonder, health and beauty of the world was restored.

My interpretation of this, is not that some ‘handsome young prince’ will sweep us off our feet and save us, but rather this masculine-archetypal-courageous energy exists within ALL of us. When our convictions of LOVE & belief in ourselves become greater than our FEARS, then the spell of evil has no power over us.   When we own our LIGHT & connect with Divine Intelligence, LOVE takes us to a higher place.

These words from Martin Luther King Jr speaks volumes to this moment:

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.




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