Energy of Full Moons & New Moons
Some people See It. The complete destruction of human rights, despotic medical apartheid, and a world where humans are simply hackable capital at the mercy of those ushering in The Great Reset (or the 5 min version). The people who truly see it are NOT trapped in the Spell, they are are doing everything in […]
This is one of my most IMPORTANT Blog posts this year. Whether you live here in Australia, or internationally, this topic is affecting us ALL. In a way it seems quite surreal. Digital Identity is being sold to us as a great advancement in modern day living ‘life will become so much easier’ Governments & […]
2030 Unmasked is a comprehensive documentary covering everything from COVID, Variants, Masks, Vaccines – all seen within the bigger picture of changes within the banking system and the Great reset. I have shared 2030 Unmasked Documentary below, not just because it is a great overview, but because from 1:49:38 minutes onwards it moves into […]
I have been talking about this in depth within my Humanity Rising Series – PREPPING: The Essentials course. The importance for taking responsibility for our energy needs, and what you can do to ensure that you, our family, your community have the capacity for resiliency. I highly recommend that you join our Prepping Course, […]
Giving a voice to the voiceless, the silenced, and the story of the Covidian Cult. United we stand, divided we fall! In Peace and Solidarity, Australians Say No! Dr Matthew Shelton – The cult of SCIENTISM & COVID19 Dr Matthew Shelton is part of the NZ group NZ Doctor’s Speaking out with Science. On […]
Freedom to me represents the experience of expressing divinity without hindrance. Whether that be hindrance made manifest from my own anxieties or fears, or hindrances imposed by forces/injustices outside of myself. But when you look deeper into that meaning of freedom, you come to realise that we are ALWAYS free. We are always living in […]
In amongst the darkness of the past 18months, there is so much that I have been grateful for. I have met some of the most amazing people within my community, created deep soul-friendships, discovered so many wise souls online and my level of awareness/knowledge/consciousness/wisdom has moved off the richter scale! One such person to cross […]
Amid the darkness of this moment, these candle flickers of light are igniting bonfires of possibility! Children’s Health Defense (CHD) won its historic case today against the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), a case challenging the agency’s decision not to review its 1996 health and safety guidelines regarding wireless-based technologies including 5G. The U.S. Court of […]
We have now moved past the 1.5 year marker since this COVID experience began. With much water now under the bridge, we have the opportunity to reflect on the last 18 months, and ask the hard questions. WHY? What could be the bigger picture in all of this ? There are many many questions to […]
In my Lightrition your Life Course, I explained in detailed the dangers of 5G and what you can do to minimise your exposure to 5G. I also spoke about how 5G is the stepping stone in the creation of the Internet of Things (IoT), and ultimately Transhumanism & 7G, and The Great Reset. Whilst 5G […]
Last week I posted an article on Spike Proteins, the toxic impacts of Spike Proteins from the COVID Jab as outlined by Dr Byram Bridle, a viral immunologist at University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada. Dr Bridle is not alone in his concerns about the damaging effects of Spike Proteins, more & more Doctors are speaking […]
I have written many posts on Vaccines Passports to date, but this is of such major concern, I feel there is so much more to say! With the Green Pass in Israel creating a two-tiered society, and Vaccine Passports being rolled out in many Countries/States around the world, the deep concern & threat for our […]
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