Taurus Full Moon + Partial Lunar Eclipse – October 2023


Taurus Full Moon + Partial Lunar Eclipse – October 2023

Following our Annular Solar Eclipse on the 15 Octoberwe have been travelling through an Eclipse Portal which comes to a close with our Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on the Full Moon of 29 October 2023.

Energetically, a Lunar Eclipse guides us to transcend negative patterns/old beliefs within the shadow self – a time to ECLIPSE anything that maybe holding you back. 


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Full Moon in TAURUS

Moon in TAURUS (5.090)  &  Sun in SCORPIO (5.090)
Sunday, 29 October, 2023
6:24 am AEST (Australia)
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6:14 am AEST – Maximum Eclipse
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Visible on the EastCoast Australia from 4am until 5.30am
Visible globally in Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, North America, Much of South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic, Antarctica.
WATCH LIVE Stream on YouTube
Energy of Lunar Eclipses

Moon – Past, Unconscious, Intuition, Feeling
Sun – Now, Conscious, Identity, Expression
Taurus (Earth) – Patient, pleasure-loving, material, determined, conservative
Scorpio ( Water) – 
Passionate, emotional, willpower, psychic, determined

TAURUS Full Moon

When the Sun & Moon oppose each other on a Full Moon, the tug-of-war creates both an uncomfortable friction but also a greater amplification of vision & potential possibility.  A time to let go of what may not be serving the grander vision of your Soul, and gifting yourself permission to nourish & cherish your life in tender ways.

Taurus is an Earth sign and is ruled by the sensual Goddess of love & beauty Venus, such that the Taurus vibe gets all oozy in the pleasures in life— good food, sensual touch, comforts… as well as a deep love of material treasures.

The Taurus Full Moon takes you deep into questioning— when was the last time you had your bare feet upon the Earth and the Sun beaming on every square inch of your body?  Raindrops falling on your forehead?  Experienced the flutter of a butterfly in the breeze?  Became mesmerised by the Song of Bees.

All of these things are FREE.  They are gifts from the Earth and she longs to share them with you.  So this Full Moon, ask yourself the question ‘Are you letting yourself receive her sensual pleasures & infinite abundance’?    Could your luck of abundance in your physical world (be it money as a physical unit of measurement), be correlated to your inability to receive that which is gifted to you through Earth LOVE for free ?

There are many astral aspects colouring our Full Moon— namely we have a Partial Lunar Eclipse, Pluto in the last degrees of Cap before the big move into Aquarius in 2024, Saturn in the last week of moving Retrograde, and Jupiter in Retrograde adding to the menagerie mix.   I discuss this in detail in this months Intuitive Astrology Video.   


TOTAL Lunar Eclipse 

Lunar Eclipses & Solar Eclipses come in pairs—a couple of weeks ago we had a Annular Solar Eclipse whereby the Moon moved between the Earth and Sun, partly obscuring Earth’s view of the Sun.   

Now on our October 29 FULL Moon, we have our PARTIAL Lunar Eclipse– whereby the Earth passes between the Sun & the Moon, blocking the Suns rays from FULLY reaching the Moon… thus the Moon will be fully cast within Earth’s shadow.   

Here is a map of who will be able to see the eclipse (we can see it here in Australia, yeh!!!) plus North/East Europe, Asia, North America, Much of South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic, Antarctica.

Energetically during our Partial Lunar Eclipse, as the Moon is fully sitting in Earth’s shadow (ie unable to reflect the I AM Light of the Sun), a window opens and we are drawn into ourselves, the part that we don’t show to the world, the emotional and deepest part of our psyche.   The word ECLIPSE comes from the Greek word “ekleipsis” meaning “to abandon, to leave, to vanish” – and that’s exactly what we may experience during a Lunar Eclipse – the desire to surrender and let go of parts of our self that limit our greater potential.

A Lunar Eclipse provides a powerful opportunity to release deep-seated wounds, move beyond old fears and to transcend negative patterns or traits within the shadow self. It is time to ECLIPSE anything that maybe holding you back.

We are also shifting our Eclipse pairings from Taurus-Scorpio pairings over 2022-23, into the beginnings of Aries-Libra eclipse pairings over the coming years. Hence this Eclipse brings to a close our Taurus-Scorpio pairings.  I talk about this and so much more within this months Intuitive Astrology Video.    


Upcoming Aries-Libra Eclipse pairings—

April 20, 2023
October 15, 2023
March 25, 2024
April 9, 2024
October 3, 2024
March 29, 2025

Join Flourish with Simone

For a FULL Discussion & Insights of the Energy of our TAURUS Full Moon Eclipse—
inviting you to watch Simone’s Intuitive Astrology Video, streamed within Flourish with Simone.

Become a Community Member of Flourish with Simone today &  watch Simone’s fortnightly Intuitive Astrology Videos   + download Simone’s free monthly Flourish Celestial Calendar.
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