Galactic Evolutionary Alignment – December 2023


Galactic Evolutionary Alignment – December 2023

One of my most favourite times of year is our annual Galactic Evolutionary Alignment that falls a few days prior to our DecemberSummer/Winter Solstice.   

This year our alignment takes place on December 19, with our  Earth at 27.110 Gemini in alignment along the Galactic Plane with our Sun Conjunct the Galactic Centre at 27.110 Sagittarius. 

The Grand Alignment enables us to take the knowledge we have embodied throughout the year and transform it into wisdom.   To love ourselves implicitly.  To recognise that we are an ESSENTIAL thread within the tapestry of life, and when we weave our thread to it’s highest frequency not only do we change, but we enrich and evolve the entire tapestry of life itself.

The Galactic Alignment

Each year just prior to our December Winter/Summer Solstice, we are bathed in Galactic Frequencies via the GALACTIC ALIGNMENT of the Earth, Sun & Galactic Centre  along the Galactic Plane of our Milky Way Galaxy.

Join Flourish today and watch my in-depth Galactic Alignment Video, taking you deep into the meaning of this alignment, the gifts it brings, and how to work with the energy to make the most of these evolutionary frequencies.

Galactic Centre

The Galactic Centre (GC) is a giant black & white whole that sits at the centre of our Milky Way Galaxy— referred to as Sagittarius A or Sgr A.  The Galactic Centre is currently positioned at the time of writing at 27Sagittarius (tropical) or 4Sagittarius (sidereal).

Metaphysically, the Galactic Centre is the source of our Soul’s highest aspirations & what we have chosen as the greater evolutionary purpose for our Soul in this lifetime.  To understand the influence the Galactic Centre has upon you personally I recommend looking at your own personal Natal Chart (your astrology chart), and the position/house of the Galactic Centre at your time of Birth – as this will give you a greater understand of your Soul Purpose in this lifetime. Refer to Aetheric Healing™ for further details.

The Galactic Centre is a powerful transmitter of energy waves known as ‘Waves of Love’.  Since 1987, the vibrational frequency of these Waves have been increasing in intensity and will continue to do so as we move toward 2040, the Golden Age (refer to my book Shealla-Dreaming) as we quantum leap into our new 225 Million year Galactic Cycle.

These electro-magnetic cosmic emissions (Waves of Love) are pulsating the torroidal field of energy that surrounds our heart, helping us to beat our Hearts Torroidal Field in unison with the Earth’s Torroidal Feild, in unison with our Milky Way Galaxy’s Torroidal Field.  

As the 3 Hearts of Creation (Earth, Human Heart, Galactic Heart) beat as ONE, we move beyond the limitation of our perceived separateness, and we embrace the Love, the Joy, the Beauty of a ONE humanity evolving into an enlightened New Earth.  Our OmAhOm.  

To understand the full frequency of our Galactic Centre during the Galactic Alignment, let me first discuss the energy of the Soul Evolutionary Triangle & the Galactic Evolutionary Triangle— of which the Galactic Center is a KEY component.


Galactic & Soul Evolutionary Triangle

During our Galactic Alignment, our cosmic Galactic Evolutionary Trianglea tetrahedron of energy formed by the Earth, Sirius, Alcyone & the Galactic Centre, is amplified to its greatest potential for the year.

By way of background, if you were to chart the position of the Galactic Evolutionary Triangle on your personal natal chart, you would see that these placements create a triangle/tetrahedron formation on your chart.    The Galactic Evolutionary Triangle Placement on your personal Natal Chart if called your— Soul Evolutionary Triangle.



The Natal Placement of the Galactic Centre (Unity of the Trinity) gifts insight into your Soul’s Greater Evolutionary Purpose via it’s house placement.   This is what you have chosen to spend your life ‘working towards’  and the grander unfolding of your Soulful Purpose.

And the Natal Placement of the Fixed Stars – Sirius (Divine Masculine) & Alcyone (Divine Feminine) – gifts insight into your Soul’s strengths, gifts & talents as well as potential challenges or greater opportunities in life as you work towards your Galactic Centre placement/potential.

Your Soul Evolutionary Triangle (SET) helps you understand your Divine Soul Blueprint and becomes a powerful ally in KNOWING yourself, and flourishing into all that you feel yourself to be within your Heart & Soul.

Refer to Aetheric Healing™ for further details.


Galactic Alignment & Tetrahedron

When we align on the Galactic Plane every December, the direct alignment of the Galactic Centre, Sirius, Alcyone, Sun & Earth has a POWERFUL Amplification effect on our personal Soul Evolutionary Triangle ie the placement of the Galactic Evolutionary Triangle on our Natal Chart.

This amplified TETRAHEDRON of energy that surrounds us, seeks to STRUCTURE the WATER within our bodies into LIQUID CRYSTALS – bathing all 100 Trillion cells within our body in GALACTIC LIQUID CRYSTAL Template frequencies.  


When we structure the water within our bodies, we become walking Liquid Crystals.   Liquid Crystals have the capacity to absorb, store, emit, amplify & transduce energy (convert from one form to another).   Meaning, we have the capacity to absorb the cosmic evolutionary triangle frequencies and align with their Divinity – awakening to our personal grander evolutionary purpose with grace & ease.

Every thought, feeling, word, action is amplified during this time, enhancing our capacity to transmute old cellular memories, shift the expression of our DNA and support the body to naturally heal, awaken & evolve.

Our Soul’s are being uplifted to higher levels of resonance during the Grand Alignment, guiding us to align with our truest natures, the truth of who we are at a Soul level.  Each of us are unique pixels within the tapestry of life, and have a sacred purpose that we yearn to express.  The Galactic Alignment helps us to gain clarity of our path— areas of life that may have gone awry— but also visions & insights of HOW we can get back on track.  

In essence you can say the Grand Alignment enables us to take the knowledge we have embodied throughout the year and transform it into wisdom.   To love ourselves implicitly.  To recognise that we are an ESSENTIAL thread within the tapestry of life, and when we weave our thread to it’s highest frequency not only do we change, but we enrich and evolve the entire tapestry of life itself.

GALACTIC ALIGNMENT – 19 December 2023

This years Galactic Alignment falls on the 19 December 2023, leading us into the Summer/Winter Solstice on the 22 December 2023.   It feels like these astrological transits are contributing something wildly transformational for humanity— creating a momentum greater than the sum of the individual parts.

Galactic Centre Alignments also have the capacity to ACTION higher truths in our consciousness… so watch out for some ‘major reveals’ in late 2023 or early 2024.   Many TRUTHS will be coming to LIGHT.


How to work with the Energy ?

The week either side of our Grand Alignment (as well as during the Alignment itself), provide powerful opportunities to work with the energy of the Galactic Centre & your personal Soul Evolutionary Triangle.  One of the most reverent & sacred practices to embody during this time is a deeply enriching connection with nature.

Rather than get trapped in the ‘mind game’ of needing to know all the answers now, instead surrender yourself to the inherent intelligence of nature and the wisdom of your Heart.   Collectively we have the power move beyond this old system that is fast crumbling around us, and dream into being a future that reveres nature & the miracle of the human body to heal.   And from that grander dream, be guided to walk the steps of grace filled action that rebuilds a New Earth from the ground up— simply by stepping into the grandest vision of our individual Soul Pupose through our Soul Evolutionary Triangel.

Here are 5 suggestions to help you navigate this time with fierce Grace, and embody waves of blessed ease.

  1. Wake up each day in GRATITUDE for the gift of this life.  YOU are a miracle.  YOU a Soul that chose to be here during this time to be part of this reLOVEutionary ascension of humanity.
  2. As you feel into this feeling of Gratitude, then Breathe in the Song of this brand new day and ask the world ‘How may I serve you today?’.   Let go of the mind (and its story of fear, terror & darkness), and embrace the joy of what nature requires of you today.
  3. EVERY day bathe/drink structured Water. When we structure the water within our bodies, we become walking Liquid Crystals – with the potential to the amplify the energy of our environment – our thoughts, sound, colour, feelings etc.    As the energy of the watery environment bathing all 100 trillion cells within our body changes, we have the capacity to transmute old cellular memories, shift the expression of our DNA and support the body to naturally heal.
  4. EVERY day spend some time with your bare feet on the Earth.  Or is that is not possible then hug a tree, or at the very least lovingly stroke a pot plant or pot of herbs.   This will help keep you centered in the Divinity of the natural world and the grander story that is unfolding… rather than getting swept away in the mental fear & anguish that is being spun by those seeking to control.
  5. Let yourself feel.  FEEL everything.  And let the feelings move through you.  This is not a time to hide from your feelings, but also not a time to be controlled by your feelings.   If you are feeling overwhelmed, angry, scared, uncertain, anxious etc… then do something LOVING to help let the molecules of these emotions move through you, rather than attach to you.    Sit in a quiet space with your favourite cup of tea.  Have a salt bath with your favourite essential oils & let the water wash away your tears.  Spend time in nourishing conversation with a loved one… hugs heal!   Feelings speak the language of the field, so give yourself permission to feel, and also permission to transmute lower vibratory e-motions with LOVE.
  6. Dream.  Align your mind, thoughts, words, actions, prayers, meditations… basically every moment of your day… in the direction of what is it you wish to birth with this world.  Feeling these dreams in the affirmative (ie don’t focus on what you don’t want), and attune your body, mind & soul with the source of all that you know is possible to truly be.
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