Breaking the Spell

Breaking the Spell

Some people See It
The complete destruction of human rights, despotic medical apartheid, and a world where humans are simply hackable capital at the mercy of those ushering in The Great Reset (or the 5 min version).   The people who truly see it are NOT trapped in the Spell, they are are doing everything in their power to break-the-Spell in service to humanity, and the future of life itself.   Every fibre of their beingness yearns to create a World More Beautiful.  Impossible does not register in their vocabulary, only I’mPossible.

Some can’t See It.
No matter how many facts & figures prove or give credence to what is happening, there are those that just cannot fathom that Global Leaders, Health Care systems & BigPharma (to name a few) would narcissistically not have their best interests at heart.  These are the people caught in a Psychological Spell of epic proportions.   The Spell penetrates so deeply, that watching Jab Adverse Event testimony such as this Expert Panel or even videos here or even here does not register in their psyche.  It seems reasonable to Jab Children, even though the risks of adverse events for the jab far outweigh the risks from catching COVID.  Or even jabbing pregnant women, even though the data now shows massive inherent risks.   And Politicians trying to pass totalitarian legislation seems perfectly normal all in the name of keeping us safe.   And I believe it won’t take much for the Spell-trancers to believe that DigitalID/SocialCredits would be good for democracy.

And Finally there are those that See It, but don’t have the fortitude to do anything about it.
For instance, speaking to a family member recently, he said he could see the evil that was happening, but believed there was no point fighting it because the outcome is ‘inevitable’.   So he will simply get the jab against his better judgement in order to put food on the table, feed his family and pay the mortgage.   There are so many in this boat.  Good people who simply believe they aren’t powerful, or perceive themselves to be small insignificant clogs in a giant machine, and therefore they make the choice to live a life on their knees rather that stand in their full Grace of Human Spirit.   These people are in a different Spell altogether, they have lost the spark of life that gives birth to infinite solutions to any problem.   This is the Spell of Unworthiness, Self-Doubt & Limitation.


My vision is two-fold

So what is the solution?   My vision for this page is two-fold.

For those that See It, sharing with you videos & resources that give both insight into the Spell as well as tools/solutions of how to break the charm that has captivated so many.  May this page help you build a bridge with all Humans, no matter where their consciousness is placed at this time.  We live in a holographic world, and life is one giant weaving with each of us an integral thread.    If one fibre is trapped in a Spell, then the entire fabric of life is affected.  If one thread is hurting, then the entire weaving is infiltrated.   

For those that See It, but have lost their spark – then in some small way I hope the information on this page helps to ignite your embers once more.  I know these are just words, but if you are reading this right now please please know that YOU, yes YOU are powerful beyond all measure of the mind.  You are born of Nature, breathed into life through Creation, and Divinity flows through you from the ONE HEART.   Maybe this global moment provides an opportunity for you to truly find yourself, reclaim the parts of your Heart & Soul you have lost, and stand in the luminescent radiance of your LIGHT.   You may believe you don’t have a choice, however EVERYONE has a choice.   You don’t have to sell your Soul in exchange for coin, that story is from the ego, not of Spirit & Soul.

And as the heading said, my vision for this page is two-fold (not three-fold), because in all reality those that can’t See It won’t be reading the page!   These people are so deeply entranced in the Psychological Fear-based Incantation, that it is up to us to BREAK the Spell, and return to LOVE.

The Spell has been cast wide

To begin to grasp how far, wide & deep this insidious Spell has been cast, sharing the September 2021 update from Dr Reiner Fuellmich (you can watch his 2020 Declaration here).   Whilst the first part of the video you maybe familiar with, please do listen to the FULL 40 minutes.   As you can see this SPELL has infected the minds of many, and it comes from a dark psychopathic place.



And this Spell, this widespread corruption runs through Governments, the Judiciary, Corporate, the Media, Religious Institutions, throughout Academia and within our Schools.   May individuals sitting in positions of highest moral authority around the world.

Video uploading, coming soon….

The Psychological Spell

I have mentioned this video twice before, however I have received so many emails from people of how helpful they found it – it is worth a mention again in case you have not seen it.  I feel this video dives deep into helping us understand WHY people have forgotten what they are capable of becoming, and how they can heal, transform and evolve with nature.  It is a deep dive into the psychology of the Mind, how people have fallen under a Spell of the Human Machine, and offers solutions to be a voice of Soul.


The unSpellbound making a Stand

I could post a zillion videos here from all over the globe.   Doctors & Medical Professionals speaking the truth.  Politicians taking a stand against Tyranny.  People from all walks of life taking to the streets and being a voice of reason.   Sharing just a few highlights from this week.

Members of the EU Government called a public press conference imploring citizens –  Do NOT accept Vax Passports – Do NOT accept the Tyrannical mandates that are being pushed by Global Governments.




South Australian Nurse speaks out against the atrocities that the Media & Government are hiding.  Everything from the massive number of Vaccine Adverse Events, how the majority of patients in ICU are vaccinated, and Myocarditis in our youth.



And Kim Iversen highlights many of the Protests taking place globally.  The tyranny that is taking place here in Australia.  And asks the question ‘How comfortable are we with Authoritarianism?’.

We do we BREAK the Spell ?

This is where my Heart lies. 
Being a voice, conduit and emissary of LOVE. 

To break the Spell, we need to stand outside of the Spell.  We need to see it without fear, see it without emotion (that last one is hard!), and choose not to let the Spell of others limit the fullest expression of who we know ourselves to be, who we are.

In not being bound by the Spell, suddenly a whole new world of possibilities opens to you.  Rather than feeling downtrodden for losing your job due to jab mandates,  you become inSPIRITed to create something completely new, something that moves society towards a warm, compassionate & human future.   

There is love, a force of nature, a vast intelligence that permeates every cell of your body.  What would your life look like if you chose to live as the greatest expression of this Divinity.   What would you do?   What could you create?  Who would you become when not bound by the expectations of others or the psychopathic whims of a few?

When we invite in and surrender to theses powerful waves of the unseen world, this is what seeds the magic.  Rather than try and fix what is broken, the un-Spell-bound unite together and create an entirely new model.   We dance.  We sing.  We Love.  We live in harmony with natures cycles.  We thrive.  And we Love & Laugh even more.  Our lives aren’t spent pursuing Happiness, because we live our lives as an expression of what Happiness feels like in the moment.

People naturally gravitate towards loving, kind, happy, healthy & thriving people.  The beaming smiles of the un-Spell-bound attract people for miles around.  The huge loving hearts of the un-Spell-bound simply feel like home.   And the freedom to simple be yourself becomes the most potent & infectious agent of life.    As the world begins to crumble, it will be the un-Spell-bound that will become the guiding lights.

So how does the Spell break ?

Let me let you in on a little secret.  There is no real Spell at all, as no power of mind has the capacity to quell the eternal power of Light, Love, Spirit & Soul.  The Spell may appear real within the matrix, but it is a person’s choices that keep them locked in a cage without a key.   Yet all anyone need do is use their heart, their consciousness, their light to simply BE the Key.   When people realise that THEY were their own keys all along, the ‘Spell’ is broken with the realisation that it never really existed in the first place!

Becoming your own KEY

I have spent the best part of my life helping people discover how powerful they really are.  Helping people from all walks of life realise the greatest potential of their inherent Key.   To have the freedom to walk to the beat of their own drum, and live deeply loving, meaningful & soulful lives. 

Inviting you to join my Soul nourishing Crystal Light Healing® ONLINE Course.  Take back your POWER, embrace the calling of your SOUL, and be guided by the WISDOM of the Earth – her Crystalline Intelligence.

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