Lainie Liberti: Designing a Family Culture of Consent

On Tuesday January 26, 2021, Lainie Liberti spoke at the inaugural The Greater Reset Activation!   Lainie’s talk was about how we can create a new family culture that respects the children and does not teach them to mindlessly comply with authority. I really enjoyed this talk, as it was solution oriented, empowering & food […]

The ‘Greater Reset’. Our World. Our Way.

The Greater Reset is the world’s collective response to the World Economic Forum’s Initiative: The Great Reset. We offer an alternative to the WEF’s top-down, centralized, authoritarian vision. Our desire is to help all people find community and liberty by providing practical steps and knowledge for co-creating a world that respects individual liberty, bodily autonomy, […]

China Deploys Anal Swab Tests To Detect High-Risk Covid-19 Cases

Beijing has introduced anal swabs as a new type of coronavirus test that could detect the virus more accurately. The test involves inserting a cotton-tipped swab about 1-2 inches into the rectum, which will then be tested for the virus. Anal swab tests could be more accurate than nose or throat tests, said Li Tongzeng, […]

Orland Bishop – LOVE made visible

I very much LOVED Conversation 1 with Orland Bishop & Charles Eisenstein, and I am excited about Conversation 2 coming out very soon (in fact I just enrolled now!). Here are a couple of short video snippets from these Soulful Conversations, that I believe speak to the Heart of how we can move our lives, our […]

Wisdom of HoneyBees – Their Song & Prayer

With integrity & sacred reverence toward a world more beautiful, where we place our attention of body, mind & soul has the power to unleash a healing force within the world that impregnates a kind, generous & unified future for generations to come. It has been interesting to observe our world over the last 12 […]

Feeling the world into BEing…

I think we are all feeling it. It’s a melting pot of a myriad of emotions that at times may feel all consuming. From deepest Grief. Anger. Sadness. Disbelief. Rage. Heartbreak. Sorrow. All sprinkled in amongst the most glorious of Loves, Visions & Possibilities for Humanity as together we create our New Earth. Particularly as […]

The Innate Immune System – Intelligence of Human Body

In my Lightrition your Life Course, we talk in depth about how our Immunity is a product of a vast network of intelligence – intelligence of the Biome, Virome & Cosmic Intelligence. How the LIGHT from the food we eat, the intelligences that exists with the Stars, and the Mineral Alchemy of wisdom within the […]

The real cure for COVID is renewing our fractured relationship with the planet

If humanity is to endure, the coming months must hold healing, not just of populations across the globe from the coronavirus, but of the Earth herself. As is true of many zoonoses (diseases that jumped from animals), this virus emerged from pressure humans put on a global ecosystem. A lack of healthy, natural habitat weakens […]

RFK, Jr. and Dr. Zach Bush: Shifting Away From Big Pharma Health Paradigm

In the latest episode of our second season of “TRUTH” with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Kennedy interviewed Dr. Zach Bush who specializes in internal medicine, endocrinology and hospice care with a focus on the microbiome as it relates to health, disease and food systems. Together they cover: the crucial role of inflammation in disease how […]

Message of Hope

Robert F. Kennedy Jr shares his video message of hope, as so many people around the world have lost their freedoms.  With more questions being raised than being answered, Robert urges us to stick together.       Here’s the transcript from Kennedy’s International Message of Hope for Humanity: Hey everybody it’s Robert F Kennedy, […]

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