New Earth Era:
Lemurian Wisdom
Guiding us Home


Inviting you to Enrol in our  New Earth Era – Lemurian Wisdom Guiding us Home ONLINE Course – SHARING #7.

In response to the call of the Pleiadian Mothers, the guidance of the Lemurian Inner-Earth Beings & the emissaries of  Crystalline Lemurian LightCodes held within the Earth – Simone Matthews is facilitating this SHARING #7 (as part of 12 SHARINGS) to support Earth’s epic shift toward a Universal Humanity.

Please Choose your Enrolment Price from the following options via the drop-down menu below:
OPTION 1 – $0
OPTION 2 – $11
OPTION 3 – $22

Enrol today & receive access to your Sharing 7 Course Dashboard to watch the Replay of the LIVE Transmission, and access the additional study resources.

Sharing 7 is part of a series of 12 Sharings (channelled transmissions) that take place every 2 weeks throughout 2020.  Please see our {ALL SHARINGS} page for the list of Release Dates during 2020, including more detailed information about this Series of 12 Sharings.

ENROL in our New Earth Era & receive a Coupon Code
for Discounts on our Online Courses


Resources – Sharing #7

For this Sharing, Simone worked with The Lemurian Star, the Wave of Love Tetrahedron Template ‘I am Divine LOVE’, and Archangel Chamuel Essence from the Essence of Angels® Range.

Upon enrolment, you will be gifted The Lemurian Star & Wave of Love Templates to download & use during the Transmission.  There is no need to purchase Archangel Chamuel Essence, as Simone will bless all attendees energetically with its vibration.  In saying that, if you do have the Essence of Angels®, please have them with you during the Transmission.

Please also note, you are welcome to enrol in this Sharing, without having attending any previous Sharings.


Resources – All 12 Sharings

During this LIVE Sharing, Simone will draw upon & incorporate the teachings of her Lemurian Healing Modalities – Crystal Light Healing®, Essence of Angels®, Aetheric Healing™ & her new Lightrition your Life teachings.   

Simone will incorporate the Essence of Angels® Vibrational Essences – to amplify the frequencies of her Transmissions.   And also work with her FREE  Wave of Love Sacred Geometry Templates, which maybe used as a substitute for, or in combination with, the Essence of Angels®.

If you are guided to invest in a Boxed Set of Essence of Angels®, then enrolled participants are gifted a discount Coupon Code as part of their enrolment.  


How do I Enrol ?

To ENROL in this SHARING, from the drop-down menu at the top of this page you have the CHOICE of three payment Options:

  • OPTION 1 – $0
  • OPTION 2 – $11
  • OPTION 3 – $22

OPTION 1:  If you are in need of support & inspiration during these changing times, however do not have the financial means to pay for a Sharing, then from our Hearts you can enrol in a SHARING for FREE. Please only choose this option if you legitimately cannot afford the SHARING, otherwise you maybe taking the space of someone else in need. Thank you.

OPTION 2:  If you are unable to pay FULL PRICE for this Sharing, then you can enrol in this sharing at 50% off.

OPTION 3:  Pay FULL PRICE for this Option.  Choosing this option helps us provide discounts/free enrolment to other course enrollees. Thank you for helping us uplift & inspire people during this momentus time in Earth’s herstory. 

Once you have CHOSEN your Enrolment Price, click ‘add to cart’ at the top of this page and continue through to checkout.   Upon receipt of payment, you receive an automated confirmation of purchase email containing a link to our NEW EARTH ERA –  Online Course Dashboard.  



Choose your Price

Option 1, Option 2, Option 3, Gift this Lesson

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