Since her childhood, Simone has been a emissary of Lemurian Wisdoms. Both from her personal experiences within Ancient Lemuria & through her beloved channelling of Crystalline Wisdoms & Pleiadian transmissions. As Venus (planet of Lemurian Activations) transits the Pleiades (Birthing Womb of Humanity), and during this time of the Great Awakening 2020, it is time to share these cherished Lemurian Wisdoms that will help guide us home.
During this transformational time on Earth, our New Earth Era-Lemurian Wisdom Course will help you make sense of this moment in Herstory. The bigger picture of Humanity Awakening. And will help you open your Sacred Heart & truly thrive!
Through the guidance of the Pleiadian Mothers & Lemurian KeyHolders, Simone will directly address the deeper experience of this moment, what it means for each of us individually and the greater spiritual experience of this evolutionary moment. How we can use the gift of this moment to transform ourselves both personally, planetarily & cosmically as we awaken to our inherent 5D divinity.
ENROL in our New Earth Era & receive the following BONUS’s
- Bonus Sharing #13 – The Great Awakening (LIVE Event 18 Dec 2020)
- Receive a Coupon Code for Discounts on our Online Courses
New Earth Era – Lemurian Wisdom Guiding us Home
- ONLINE Course – 12 LIVE Sharings/Channeled Transmissions
- BONUS 13 LIVE Sharing
- All Sharings are facilitated LIVE via ZOOM, with Simone Matthews
- Attend LIVE or watch the Replays (lifetime access)
- Includes downloadable Audio Meditations & LightCode Templates
- Access to a PRIVATE Facebook Group to continue each Sharing discussion
- Special Offers to support your integration of each transmission
In response to the call of the Pleiadian Mothers, the guidance of the Lemurian Inner-Earth Beings & the emissions of the Crystalline Lemurian LightCodes held within the Earth – Simone Matthews is facilitating this New Earth Era – Lemurian Wisdom Guiding us Home ONLINE Course.
This Course is a series of 12 LIVE Sharings (channelled transmissions) that take place every 2 weeks, throughout 2020, with a BONUS 13th Transmission. You can ENROL in this Course at anytime and watch the Video Replays of past Sharings, as well as join us LIVE via Zoom for future Sharings.
Sharing Release Dates during 2020:
- Sharing 1 – Replay is now Available
- Sharing 2 – Replay is now Available
- Sharing 3 – Replay is now Available
- Sharing 4 – Replay is now Available
- Sharing 5 – Replay is now Available
- Sharing 6 – Replay is now Available
- Sharing 7 – Replay is now Available
- Sharing 8 – Replay is now Available
- Sharing 9 – Replay is now Available
- Sharing 10 – Replay is now Available
- Sharing 11 – Replay is now Available
- Sharing 12 – Replay is now Available
- BONUS Sharing 13 –Replay is now Available
*Sharing 13
Simone has been guided to facilitate a 13th Transmission on the 18 December 2020. This transmission will be a special event that will directly work with the following astrological transits. In particular, The Great Conjunction on December 22 is the Lemurian Star (of Bethlehem) – the same conjunction that marked the Birth of Jesus Christ in 14 AD. Closer to the time Simone will be writing articles on each of the Events below that will provide more background for her 13th Sharing.
- December 19 – Galactic Plane Alignment
- December 21 – 8:03pm AEST – Summer/Winter Solstice
- December 21 – 9:00pm AEST – Elders Uluru Magick Box (Box opened & switched on)
- December 22 – 1:19 am AEST – The Great Conjunction – Jupiter, Saturn, Pallas in Aquarius – Lemurian Star
New Earth Era
Earth is currently sitting at the dawn of a New Earth Era, on the brink of a epic shift toward a Universal Humanity. Many paths of possible futures are both converging & being birthed. The choices we make now, what we bring to the world in this moment becomes the creative force that materialises our NEW collective story for Humanity.
As our collective dreams in the present are forming any one of possible futures…
What would you like to contribute to it’s co-creation ?
What reality would you like to see being birthed ?
How can you contribute to a world more beautiful ?
This shift of the Ages through Aquarius is calling us to live not on the Earth, but of the Earth. As humus, human-itarian sentient beings, weaving the inherent intelligence of nature through our Minds, our Bodies, our Hearts & Souls. Living of the Earth in humble reciprocity for the gift of life itself.
Are you ready to heed the call? Step-up. Creatively play your part in this evolutionary process. You were born for these times, are you willing to step-in to your Soul’s Blueprint Mission of midwifing a New Earth Story ?
Lemurian Wisdom
The Lemurian Go(o)d(n)ess Light of the Divine Feminine is awakening within humanities Heart at this time. Guiding us to let go of the old narrative, the harsh egocentric-patriarchal ways. Supporting us in rising up once more to our divine natures that imbue compassion, community & heartful kindness toward Earth & all sentient life-forms. A reweaving of polarities, a sacred & yin-yang balance of unity consciousness. An uprising of LOVE through the ONE HEART of the Divine.
As the Great Shift unfolds, ancestral Lemurian Wisdoms embedded within the Earth are materialising in our consciousness. We feel these Wisdoms in our Heart. We know these Wisdoms in our Souls. We yearn to live in harmonic resonance with these Cosmic Wisdoms as they are not outside of us, but rather inherently present within the photonic energy of our DNA.
It is time to rekindle the flame of Ancient Wisdom & Lemurian sharings that affirm life & the loving Grace of the greater ALL through The Lemurian Star
The Lemurian Star
The Light that shines from within the centre of the OmAhOm Symbol is the Lemurian Star – an 8 pointed Star of Cosmic White Light akin to the ‘Star of Bethlehem’.
This LIGHT SYMBOL connects you with The Four Emissaries of LOVE: Emissary of Light, Emissary of Kindness, Emissary of Remission & Emissary of Courage. These four eternal truths guide & help navigate the Human experience of Soul. To ease suffering, serve resilience, and to enable the graceful unfoldment of Soul Purpose.
The Four Emissaries of LOVE of the Lemurian Star will be guiding LIGHT of these New Earth Sharings. Upon enrolment, download the Lemurian Star from your Course Dashboard to begin working with this Symbol of reverent LIGHT.
New Earth Era – Lemurian Wisdom Guiding us Home
New Earth Era – Lemurian Wisdom Guiding us Home ONLINE Course is a series of 12 LIVE Sharings (channelled transmissions) facilitated by Simone Matthews.
During each LIVE Zoom Sharing, Simone will facilitate a transmission (channel) direct from the 13 Pleiadian Mothers & Lemurian Keyholders. These channeled transmissions will provide wisdom, insight & guidance on how to navigate these evolutionary times.
Each Sharing contains the following Course Materials:
- LIVE Zoom attendance of each Sharing (approx 1.5hrs)
- You may attend the LIVE ZOOM or watch the Replay (lifetime access)
- Attending LIVE enables attendees to type in Questions & interact during the LIVE
- Downloadable Audio Meditation & LightCode Template for each Sharing
- Access to a PRIVATE Facebook Group, where the conversation & sharings can be continued between each Sharing.
- Special Offers to support your integration of each transmission
Upon Enrolment, you receive access to your Course Dashboard, when you can watch the Video Replays of ALL Previous Sharings, as well as attend LIVE future Sharings.
During the LIVE Zoom Sharings, Simone will draw upon & incorporate the teachings of her Lemurian Healing Modalities – Crystal Light Healing®, Essence of Angels®, Aetheric Healing™ & her new Lightrition your Life teachings.
From Sharing #2 onwards, Simone incorporates the Essence of Angels® Vibrational Essences – to amplify the frequencies of her Transmissions. Starting with Ancient Healers Essence & gradually working her way through all 14 Essences.
Simone will also be working with her FREE Wave of Love Sacred Geometry Templates,which maybe used as a substitute for, or in combination with, the Essence of Angels®.
If you are guided to invest in a Boxed Set of Essence of Angels®, then enrolled participants are gifted a discount Coupon Code as part of their enrolment.
How do I Enrol ?
When enrolling in New Earth Era-Lemurian Wisdom Guiding us Home, you have the choice of enrolling in our FULL COURSE (All 12 Sharings + Bonus 13th), or you may choose to enrol in INDIVIDUAL SHARINGS as they become available during 2020.
To ENROL in our FULL COURSE, from the drop-down menu at the top of this page, you chose from one of two Enrolment Options:
- ENROL at DISCOUNT price – $122
- ENROL at FULL PRICE – $256
Our DISCOUNT price is 52% off the Full Price. We offer this discount to help with your budget during these changing times (particularly if you are unemployed, or experiencing financial hardship at this time).
If you can afford to pay FULL PRICE for our Course, then your generosity enables us to provide this course for free/discounted to those who are in need of support.
Once you have CHOSEN your Enrolment Price, click ‘add to cart’ at the top of this page and continue through to checkout. Upon receipt of payment, you receive an automated confirmation of purchase email which includes a link to our NEW EARTH ERA – Online Course Dashboard.
From you Course Dashboard, you can watch the Video Replay’s of ALL our previous LIVE Zoom Sharings, as well join our future LIVE Zoom sharings.
I look forward to inspiring you to arise from the ashes to recreate your LIFE & a NEW EARTH STORY through the Dreamtime. As we awaken to the Pleiadian Womb, the mystical & magickal primal force of the Goddess archetype will lead us into service with fearless Grace. Lemurian Wisdoms & Sacred Rituals will awaken our vision of possibility, insights of a world more beautiful. We will hear & respond to the call. Breathe in her wisdoms. Dance her song. She is beckoning you to rise up to your Higher Self… and believe that ANYTHING is possible… all you need do is believe in YOU, believe in LOVE, believe in the Collective Dream through your HEART.
Simone M. Matthews