Crystal Healing: Ajoite


Crystal Healing: Ajoite

Crystal Spirit Energy – Ajoite

Phonetically Ajoite is pronounced ‘Ah-Hoe-Ite’. It is named after the locality in which it was originally found; ‘Ajo’ in Pima County, Arizona in 1941. However, it wasn’t until 1958 that it was officially declared a new mineral find.

Ajoite is blue-green in colour and is a hydrated sodium potassium copper aluminium silicate hydroxide mineral with the chemical formula K2.25NA1.75 Cu20Al3Si29O76(OH)16·8(H2O) (wow that is a mouthful) !  In addition, minor traces of  Iron, Calcium & Manganese may also be included. The hardness of the structure of these crystals vary, with Ajoite having a hardness of 3.5 on the Mohs scale (Diamond is 10).

Ajoite may form in veins, vugs or as fracture coatings and is often found along side other rare and vibrantly coloured minerals such as Shattuckite, Papagoite and Plancheite. Primary deposits of Ajoite are found in Arizona within the United States and the Messina District in Zimbabwe and South Africa (though the later deposits are now depleted).

Personally, I feel the most beautiful specimens of Ajoite are its formations within Quartz. This combination gives a vibrant hue and ethereal feel to Ajoite as it appears to glow from within the quartz, as you may see from the picture above.

ajoite-energyMetaphysically, Ajoite emits a divine crystalline vibration that makes it a high frequency stone for awakening and transformation.  It is soft, gentle, nurturing and so very tender.  I adore this crystal and the uplifting joyous potential it offers clients through Crystal Light Healing® sessions.

Ajoite exudes the vibration of the Goddess, the sacred feminine qualities of nurturing, creativity and compassion.  When you hold Ajoite, it is like the Earth Mother opens her arms to you and holds you close to her Earth-Mumma Bosom… such that no matter what hardship or challenges you may be going through, Ajoite reminds you that everything will be ok… just breathe and this too shall pass.

When Ajoite is in your presence,  your heart-n-mind open to the imaginal realm, the mystical and magickal field of creative intelligence.  Ajoite reminds you that ANYTHING is possible when you align your thoughts, words, feelings & emotions with the Earth-Heart and step into the realm of infinite possibility.

One of my favourite uses for Ajoite is its profound support it offers for clients experiencing grief, PTSD, emotional body trauma.  Ajoite has this innate ability to cleanse the Auric field of pain/suffering in a gentle, loving and compassionate way.  Clients emerge from the process invigorated and feeling ‘alive’ as if a weight has been lifted from them.  Often a renewed sense of peace, understanding and purpose is found within clients and the world takes on a different hue, as if colours are now ‘seen’ in an ever more beautiful way.

A loving union of your Heart & Throat chakras is amplified through Ajoite. When the Heart & Throat chakra’s are aligned, the power of Divine Word emanates from your Heart and your words are expressed from a place of authentic and loving truth.  In addition, Ajoite releases the tendency to accept the words of others as truths, or the egoic need to listen to or participate in gossip.   Thus Ajoite guides your thoughts and all your communications from a place of kindness, compassion & love… in the knowing that harsh-cruel-hurtful words toward another, are really harsh-cruel-hurtful words toward yourself.

When wearing Ajoite, you will attract people of like mind or spirit into your life – people that illuminate your innate beauty, warm your heart and support your unique ways of being in this world. Life takes on enhanced meaning and becomes more spiritually fulfilling through Ajoite Spirit Energy Medicine.

Ajoite is your wakeup call to simply live, breathe & LOVE via the Angelic presence from within ♡

gold-6 AJOITE – Number 6:
In Numerology the number ‘6’ is the HEART number. The number of nurturing for self, family, home and all relationships. It represents harmony, healing, beauty and service. Through the number 6 we have the power to make the world a more kind, gentle and loving place.  Compassion, empathy & grace weave the energy of the number 6.Interestingly, when you have Ajoite present in Quartz, the numerology is 55 which reduces to 10.  The numerology of 2017 is also a 10 in numerology… so maybe this crystal will be a source of solace for us all during the year ahead.
cancer AJOITE – Cancer:
In Astrology,  Ajoite resonates with the Astrological sign of Cancer.  If you have Cancer strongly aspected in your Natal Chart… then you will resonate so very deeply with the energy of Ajoite.Grid a piece of Ajoite in the Heart Centre of your Home to facilitate a harmonious home/family life, calm sensitive children, develop psyhic/intuitive skills as a natural part of beingness.   I will be taking me personal piece of Ajoite to the beach with me on this Cancer Full Moon.
higher-heart-sky-star AJOITE – Heart & Throat Chakra’s:
The Heart Chakra is your connection to the Universal Cosmic Heart (Cosmic Gateway), the ONE HEART of Creation.  The Throat Chakra facilitates your creative expression of all  your artistic endeavors – including teaching, writing, speaking and channeling.The Higher Heart sits between the Heart & the Throat Chakras and is the 4D bridge to the Divine.  Our Higher Heart energy center relates to compassion for oneself, the Earth and all densities within/on the Earth. It opens us up to the deeper states of love and gives us a sense of connectedness to everything, an inner knowing that we are all One.In Crystal Light Healing® we work with Heart & Throat Chakra Crystal Grids through the Emotional Template to weave a double infinity number in order to ‘awaken’ the Higher Heart energy centre.   Ultimately this facilitates the merging of the three Hearts into the One Heart (Cosmic Heart, Earth Heart, with our Heart).  Ajoite gridded on the Higher Heart would support this sacred template of Higher Heart Awakening.
EoA Module All sq lr AJOITE – Archangel Chamuel:
In Essence of Angels®, Archangel Chamuel is the quintessential ‘One Heart’ energy, the energy that embodies Mother, Father & Spirit.Archangel Chamuel opens our heart to Divine love to assist us in having a rich and loving experience here on Earth – fulfilling careers, committed relationships and hence lead meaningful and rewarding lives. A blissful life in service to ourselves and hence humanity.Place a piece of Ajoite under your pillow at night (or on your beside table) and place a couple of drops of Archangel Chamuel Essence over your Heart.  During your Imaginal Dreaming ‘sleep hours’ this combination of Ajoite + Essence will release deep-seated grief and help you to embrace Quantum Forgiveness of yourself/others in all directions of time and space.
Crystal Light Healing eCourse AJOITE – DNA Light Codes 6 & 7:
In Crystal Light Healing® Ajoite supports the awakening & attunement of DNA Lights Codes 6 & 7.  DNA Lights Codes 6 & 7 + Ajoite Spirit Medicine supports our blessed ‘receiving’ of the LOVE to creation from within.  We open ourselves to experience loving relationships, fulfilling careers and hence lead meaningful and rewarding lives in service.
Aetheric Healing Master Practitioner Sq Shop AJOITE – Galactic Evolutionary Triangle
During an Aetheric Healing™ Session Galactic Evolutionary Triangle (GET) connection, place a piece of Ajoite over the clients heart, to anchor the ‘top point’ of the GET.  You could also do the same when working with a clients Soul Evolutionary Triangle (SET) – placing Ajoite over the clients individual ‘top point’.
clh-saw-sq-logo AJOITE – The Law of Love
Through the 13 Sacred Keys of Creation, Ajoite resonates to the 13th Sacred Key – The Law of LOVE.

  • LOVE is your ‘I AM’
  • ‘I am’ = awareness, consciousness
  • Your beliefs, self-identities, labels come and go
  • However, Awareness is eternal & without boundary
  • When all limiting beliefs & self-imposed boundaries of your Story fall away… the only thing left is your I AM LOVE


xx Simone

that crystal siteBig Aetheric Hugs to who provide us with the most stunning array of Crystal Images for our Articles & our UniversalLifeTools School’s Course Manuals, Powerpoints & Resource Materials ♡















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