Please click on the following Quicklinks to the September 2015 Key Energy Writeups below:
General Overview – Full & New Moons >
September 2015 – The Wave of Love / WAVE X >
September 12/13, 2015 – New Moon > (+ Solar Eclipse FREE Meditation)
September 21 – International Day of Peace >
September 23, 2015 – Autumn/Spring Equinox >
September 27/28, 2015 – Full Moon> (+ Super Moon + Lunar Eclipse)
General Overview – Full & New Moons
The moon and its position within our celestial sky holds a powerful frequency that affects our day to day beingness here on Earth. The moons electro-magnetic frequency as it waxes and wanes each month effects our physiology, our emotional/mental responses and spiritual potential.
The energy from the New Moon up to the Full Moon is gradually building in strength and intensity; thus the New Moon is a great time to set your intentions, write down goals or begin new projects for the forthcoming cycle. Consider sitting in ceremony or personal meditation and affirming to the Universe your intentions & inner-most heartfelt desires for the cycle.
From Full Moon to the New Moon the energy is gradually decreasing in strength and intensity… thus is a time to release and let go of any areas in your life that no longer serve your higher purpose. The Full Moon is a perfect time to connect in ceremony (personal or group), light a candle and release/transmute through sacred ritual that which no longer serves.
For a FULL OVERVIEW of the 2015 key dates/times of the Full & New Moons (including our Super Moons & Micro Moon), Lunar & Solar Eclipses, Mercury Retrogrades, Equinoxes & Solstices, energetics of our Outer Planets and the Numerology for 2015 please refer to my Energy Report for 2015.
To convert the times listed below to your current place of residence in the world please visit:
World Clock Time Converter>>
The Wave of LOVE / WAVE X – September 2015
In recent months you maybe have read about ‘WAVE X’, a wave of galactic energy headed toward Earth in Sept/Oct 2015. WAVE X is predicted to transform humanity in a very short space of time (per Dr Simon Atkins).
My understanding (through my channels), is that WAVE X is a field of electromagnetic frequency from the Galactic Centre (ie Waves of LOVE), immersed with the energy of the astrological movement of Saturn into Sagittarius.
Please view read article for more information about WAVE X / Waves of LOVE, the impact this has on our DNA and how we can consciously embrace the energy of these Galactic emissions in the days, weeks, months and years to come ♡
September 12/13, 2015 – New Moon
+ Partial Solar Eclipse
Please keep reading below for my free mp3 Gift –
Solar Eclipse Meditation ♡
Saturday, 12 Sept 2015 – 11:42 pm PDT (USA)
Sunday, 13 Sept 2015- 2:42 am EDT (USA)
Sunday, 13 Sept 2015 – 6:42 am UTC
Sunday, 13 Sept 2015- 4:42 pm AEST (Australia)
Moon & Sun in VIRGO
Moon – past, Intuition, unconscious, emotions, nurturing, feelings
Sun – now, Identity, consciousness, self-esteem, expression
Virgo (Earth) – Organised, practical, diligent, cautious, sensible, exacting
The Virgo new moon is a great time to get out and roll up the sleeves and get down to business.
Plant the seeds on this new moon… it is time to move forward with your dreams, and the Virgo energy will give you the practical means to do this.
Partial Solar Eclipse
On this new moon, we will also experience a Partial Solar Eclipse. A Solar Eclipse is whereby the moon moves between the Earth and Sun, obscuring Earth’s view of the Sun.
Solar Eclipse’s create the potential for huge personal and hence planetary transformations. The energy of a Solar Eclipse ‘obscures’ the now or potential future, and allows one to reflect on the past. Not to drag up old energy, or relive painful events or experiences, but rather to positively reassess where you have been and use this knowledge to re-adjust your path moving forward. (read more about Solar Eclipses>).
“The Moon blots out the solar, left brain energy so the lunar right brain can take over. This makes the unconscious, conscious, like suddenly being aware that you are dreaming. The effect is like a lucid dream. During an eclipse we might get that feeling of sudden, shocking awareness, so we could do anything!! Sometimes this is so awesome that we don’t even know what to do, others even become fearful of their own power. Most of us in lucid dreams however, decide to fly. With this eclipse the flight could be liberating a mind that has been thinking too small. This is a fantastic Eclipse for sharp minds, researchers, perfectionists and organisers. With Jupiter now in Virgo it could be that great mountains are created from tiny molehills.”
Whilst this eclipse is extraordinarily powerful, it doesn’t have to be a horrendous experience of loss, despair, struggle and inner-turmoil. You have a choice to experience this eclipse with a heightened or awakened vision of divine potential. Let Virgo support you with the practical steps to transcend any obstacles in your path… and jump off that darn cycle that is limiting you from expressing your full potential.
Remember, don’t dwell on those things in your life that you cannot change, but choose to focus on what YOU can do to make a difference in your own life and that of others. This is a time to really ‘BE THE CHANGE’ you wish to see in the world.
Solar Eclipse Meditation Audio Gift ♡
To help you work with the energy of our Partial Solar Eclipse, I have created a short audio meditation to help you embrace the full potential of this powerful portal.
The energy of the Solar Eclipse will be felt over the coming 2 weeks (in the lead up to the Lunar Eclipse on the 27/28 Sept, keep reading below)…. so as many times as you can over the coming 2 weeks I recommend connecting with my Solar Eclipse Meditation.
I highly recommend you take some time out for yourself at this eclipse to go within, feel and be the deep wisdom of Creation that exists within you and transcend any thoughts, emotions or actions not in alignment with your most cherished and ancient way of beingness.
Listen to my Solar Eclipse Meditation >
Download my Solar Eclipse Meditation > (15.6 mb)
The background music that supports my Solar Eclipse Meditation is from my Angelic Meditations CD.
Eclipse – GLOBAL Meditation Event
If you would like to work more deeply with this energy of this months Eclipses, then I invite you to join me on my GLOBAL DNA Activation & Attunement Meditation Event.
Join with thousands of people around the World that are passionate about evolving into an awakened level consciousness to experience the most sacred and lovingly expression of the Soul.
This GLOBAL Meditation Event will help you to re-remember on a deep and profound ancient level WHO you truly are, WHY you came to Earth & HOW you can be an active part in personal & global evolution.
Partial Solar Eclipse – Visibility/Times around the World
The partial solar eclipse will only be visible from South Africa, Antarctica and locations in Indian and Atlantic Oceans.
To find out the times of the Solar Eclipse in your city of the world Click Here >
Partial Solar Eclipse | UTC Time |
Eclipse Begins | 13 Sept 2015 at 4:40 AM |
Maximum Eclipse | 13 Sept 2015 at 6:52 AM |
Eclipse Ends | 13 Sept 2015 at 9:05 AM |
Please also visit where you can watch a LIVE broadcast of the Solar Eclipse from anywhere in the world !
International Day of Peace
Monday, 21 September 2014
Each year the International Day of Peace is observed around the world on 21 September. The United Nations has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples.
The theme of this year’s commemoration is “Partnerships for Peace – Dignity for All” which aims to highlight the importance of all segments of society to work together to strive for peace. The work of the United Nations would not be possible without the initial partnerships that were active in its creation and the thousands of partnerships each year between governments, civil society, the private sector, faith-based groups and other non-governmental organizations that are needed to support the Organization in achieving its future goals.
Spring/Autumn Equinox
Wednesday, 23 September 2014, 8:22 am
Sun enters LIBRA
Find the time/date in your city >
The Spring Equinox (Southern Hemisphere) and Autumn Equinox (Northern Hemisphere) falls on the 23 Sept. Sun enters Libra on the 23rd for Spring/Autumn Equinox.
The Equinox is where day and night are of equal length – the energies coming together as one – Heaven & Earth, Spirit & Matter. Whilst the southern hemisphere is preparing for their re-birth as they awaken from the sleep of winter, the northern hemisphere is bringing her energy inward, in preparation for the rest ahead.
It is our polarities that make up the whole. The Equinox is a powerful portal gateway to ascension into higher levels of consciousness.
At this time of unity, the feminine & masculine merge as one, opening opportunities to unify duality within our selves, and expand our awareness to greater dimensional/light octave levels.
Please read my article on the Equinox & Solstice for more details >
Please also read my article on the Cosmic Breath for a greater understanding of the Seasons / Equinox / Solstice.
September 27/28, 2015 – Full Moon
+ Total Lunar Eclipse
Sunday, 27 Sept 2015 – 7:51 pm PDT (USA)
Sunday, 27 Sept 2015 – 10:51 pm EDT (USA)
Monday, 28 Sept 2015 – 2:51 am UTC
Monday, 28 Sept 2015 – 12:51 pm AEST (Australia)
No matter where you live in the world, join us on the Web and receive a DNA Healing Session from Simone (via Video).
This GLOBAL DNA Activation & Attunement Healing Session Event is being filmed on this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse.
Inviting you to join a movement of passionate people envisioning & co-creating a new world… being the change !!!
Read More or Register Today >
Moon in ARIES Sun in LIBRA
Moon – past, Intuition, unconscious, emotions, nurturing, feelings
Sun – now, Identity, consciousness, self-esteem, expression
Aries (Fire) – Leader, impatient, risk taker, action-oriented, outgoing
Libra (Air) – Romantic, indecisive, harmony, social, helpful
This Full Moon in the fire sign of Aries (impulsive, direct) is reflecting the light of the Sun in the air sign of Libra (relationships, harmony).
This full moon is a powerful time for creating new beginnings in your life.. in the knowledge that as you work towards your souls highest potential.. you are working toward the higher good of all.
Aries will present the ‘feeling’ of anything is possible.. and the Libran energy will foster a sense of peace and unity here on Earth.
Super Full Moon:
This full moon is also the third ‘SuperMoon’ for the year. Please see my article on SuperMoons – what they are and their energetic effects.
According to, this full moon on 28 September 2015 presents the closest supermoon of the year (356,877 kilometers or 221,753 miles).
Total Lunar Eclipse
During our September full moon, we will also experience a Total Lunar Eclipse.
A Lunar Eclipse is where the Earth blocks the suns rays from partially/fully reaching the moon. Thus during a TOTAL Lunar Eclipse the Moon is fully sitting within the umbral shadow of the Earth, the Earth blocks the suns rays from fully reaching the moon… hence the energy potential of the eclipse is at its peak.
As the moon sits in the darkness during the eclipse, the ‘past’ can be dissolved and transcended. Then as the moon once again moves out of the shaddow of Earth and once again fully reflects the light of the sun, it is the opportunity to move forward in the NOW, in the present moment from a place of conscious choice and sacred wisdom from within.
The lunar eclipse energy provides a potential for working on your inner self, and illuminating yourself from within. (read more about Lunar Eclipses>)
We will be inspired this full moon/eclipse to open our gifts to higher degrees of frequency and anchor these on the Earthly plane. It is time to take ownership and acknowledge your divine magnificence… and shine brightly from within…it is time to eclipse anything that maybe holding you back.
This Lunar Eclipse is a powerful time of transformation and awakened conscious action… the old structures of this world can no longer hold you back as each of us has the power and divine potential to create change from a higher and more awakened placed of consciousness.
This eclipse is the fourth and last in a tetrad, a series of four consecutive total lunar eclipses in 2014 – 2015.
Lunar Eclipse – GLOBAL Meditation Event
If you would like to work more deeply with this energy of this months Eclipses, then I invite you to join me on my GLOBAL DNA Activation & Attunement Meditation Event.
Join with thousands of people around the World that are passionate about evolving into an awakened level consciousness to experience the most sacred and lovingly expression of the Soul.
This GLOBAL Meditation Event, recorded on the afternoon of the Lunar Eclipse, will help you to re-remember on a deep and profound ancient level WHO you truly are, WHY you came to Earth & HOW you can be an active part in personal & global evolution.
Partial Solar Eclipse – Visibility/Times around the World
The following regions will see some part of the Lunar Eclipse: Europe, South/East Asia, Africa, Much of North America, Much of South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic, Antarctica.
To find out the times of the Total Lunar Eclipse in your city of the world Click Here >
Total Lunar Eclipse | UTC Time |
Prenumbral Eclipse Begins | 28 Sep 2015 at 12:11 AM |
Partial Eclipse Begins | 28 Sep 2015 at 1:07 AM |
Full Eclipse Begins | 28 Sep 2015 at 2:11 AM |
Maximum Eclipse | 28 Sep 2015 at 2:47 AM |
Full Eclipse Ends | 28 Sep 2015 at 3:23 AM |
Partial Eclipse Ends | 28 Sep 2015 at 4:27 AM |
Prenumbral Eclipse ends | 28 Sep 2015 at 5:22 AM |
Please also visit where you can watch a LIVE broadcast of the Total Lunar Eclipse from anywhere in the world !
xx Simone