Article 3: Pineal Gland-Primordial Cells Communication Pathway


Article 3: Pineal Gland-Primordial Cells Communication Pathway

Over a 4 Part Series of Articles, I share with you the ancient wisdom of DNA Activation & Attunement including the awakening of your Pineal Gland-Primordial Cells communication patheway.

Article 1Awakening your Pineal Gland >
Article 2Primordial Cells – Powerhouse of Qi >
Article 3 – Pineal Gland-Primordial Cells Pathway (below)
Article 4Quantum DNA Activation & Attunement >


Article 3 – Pineal Gland-Primordial Cells – Communication Pathway

As discussed in Article 2, the Primordial cells are a persons original 8 cells of life, the first 8 cells that are formed after fusion of the Egg & Sperm and subsequent cellular replication. These 8 original cells are maintained throughout your life-time via the holographic field of your Crystalline Matrix (auric field).

And as discussed in Article 1, our Pineal Gland is a store house of ‘Mental Qi’, and enables us to harness the intelligence of our higher-self, our Soul Star and hence harness the infinite intelligence of the field.

Collectively both our Pineal Gland & Primordial cells form a communication pathway which provides a potential to awaken our DNA and consciously embrace the field of creation through us.


What is the Pineal Gland-Primordial Cell Communication Pathway ?

The Pineal Gland-Primordial Cells is a natural communication pathway that every person on Earth has the capacity to consciously work with in this lifetime.

When the Pineal Gland is active and the Primordial Cells are in full resonance during state of Theta/Gamma predominant brain resonance, a natural electro-magnetic current or pulse of energy emanates from the Pineal Gland, down the Hara Line, through the Heart/Higher Heart and into Primordial cells.

We can consciously work with this Pineal Gland-Primordial Cells Communication Pathway to awaken our DNA into higher and higher states of potential (refer to as Activation & Attunement, refer to Article 4).

Primordial Cells Communication Pathway


Theta-Gamma Brain Resonance

To consciously work with our Pineal Gland-Primordial Cells Communication Pathway, we must first enter both a Theta & Gamma predominant brainwave state of resonance.

Brainwaves are flows of electrical activity within the brain that are measured in hertz (hz), the frequency of energy waves per second of time. Science categorises brainwaves into the following five states: Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta and Gamma.

All five brain wave states exist in varying amounts in different parts of your brain at any one time. However based on your mental activity and wake/sleep cycle your brain may display one or more prominent brain wave states.


You can consciously create a predominant brainwave state through ‘Brainwave Entrainment’. Brainwave Entrainment occurs when your brain waves synchronise with the rhythm of your environment. Your brainwaves start to emulate the rhythmic pattern of the external stimulus around you, until they harmonically pulse in entrained alignment.

Almost any rhythmic or frequency based stimuli can be used to entrain your brainwaves whether it be sound, light, touch, colour, crystals, conscious intent etc. Anything the electro-magnetic field of the brain can perceive through its senses.

Theta brainwaves support our connection with our higher self, our 5D Soul Star presence. Gamma brainwaves support the circumvention of our perception of the 3D rules of space and time.

A very simple way to create a Theta & Gamma predominant brainwave state of resonance is heart-breathing.

Start by focussing on your breath and begin to breathe in an out of your Heart until you are Heart-Breathing.

Then take your Heart-Breath into the Heart of the Earth (Earth Gateway) to entrain your Heart-Breath with the Earth’s Heart breath/pulse, such that your breath and the Earth’s Heart-Breath are beating/breathing together as one.

Then take your breath into the Heart of the Galaxy (Cosmic Gateway) to entrain your Heart-Breath with the Galaxy’s Heart breath/pulse, such that your breath and the Galaxy’s Heart-Breath are beating/breathing together as one.

Finally, with conscious intention, entrain your breath with the 3 Hearts of Creation (your Heart, Earth’s Heart & Galactic Heart) until there is only the ONE BREATH of Creation through you, the COSMIC BREATH.  Since all of creation flows in the rhythm of Cosmic Breath, then if we too flow WITH the breath by releasing our need for control, we are brought in natural alignment with creation and live in harmonic resonance with all of LIFE.

This natural rhythm and flow through COSMIC BREATH creates a natural Theta-Gamma predominant brainwave state of resonance and helps you transcend the limitations of time-space as experienced by the brain/ego.

To support your connection or understanding of Cosmic Breath, please read my COSMIC BREATH Article and then watch my short video on Galactic Heart Breathing.


Pineal Gland Activation

Once your predominant brainwave state of resonance is in Theta-Gamma, it is then time to activate your Pineal Gland through resonance of the Golden Crown Diamond.

As discussed in Article 1, upon activation of the Pineal Gland through the Golden Crown Diamond we become direct conduits of our Soul Star 5th Dimensional Light presence through us and awaken our awareness into a higher state of consciousness.

We move beyond the limitation of our physical senses and move into a heightened state of awareness.  And we are no longer bound by physical ‘newtonian laws’ of time-space but rather consciously work with the field of quantum potential.   This is the perfect foundation for the Pineal Glands communication with your Primordial cells.



Primordial Cell Resonance

Once your predominant brainwave state of resonance is in Theta-Gamma, and your Pineal Gland is in full resonance through the activation of the Golden Crown Diamond then the third step in full resonance of your Primordial Cells.

As discussed in Article 2, our Primordial Cells have a resonant sound frequency of G# expressed at 210 hz. Vibrating your primordial cells at 210 hz (thought intent, toning, crystal bowls, light language, sacred sound codes etc) activates this energy centre and fosters alignment of the Primordial Cells along the Hara Line with the Pineal Gland & the Higher Heart.

Conversely as I also noted in Article 2, Heart-Breathing into the Heart of the Galaxy (Cosmic Gateway at C & C#) triggers a harmonic flow of energy, that naturally resonates the Primordial cells at G# (the perfect fifth).

Thus we can use our breath into the Heart of the Galaxy or simply resonate the primordial cells at 210 hz (through  intent, toning, crystal bowls, light language, sacred sound codes etc) to activate this energy centre.

However, there is another way that our Primordial Cells are being stimulated, it is when the Schumann Resonance of Earth holds a consistent resonance frequency of 13:13 hz.


Schumann Resonance & our Primordial Cells

The Schumann Resonance is the electromagnetic fundamental Heart resonance of the Earth, as measured in the electrical stimulation of Earth’s cavity – between Earth and the upper level of Earth’s atmosphere (the ionosphere).

The Schumann Resonance has been relatively constant at 7.83 hz, but following the Harmonic Convergence of the late eighties and Earth’s subsequent movement into the Photon Belt of Alcyone during the late nineties, the Schumann Resonance has been increasing.

Once the Schumann Resonance maintains a constant hz frequency of 13:13 hz (it oscillates frequency from 7 up to 60 hz), the flow or movement of energy in octaves naturally awakens our Primordial Cells creating a mass ‘wake up’ potential of DNA for all humanity here on Earth.    The flow of energy in octaves from 13.13 to 26:26, to 52:52, to 105 and finally then resonating our Primordial Cells at 210 hz provides an amazing quantum potential for humanity.

How do we make the most of this Quantum Potential ?  Simply Heart-Breathe with the Heart-Breath of planet Earth (Earth Gateway) and consciously work with DNA Activations & Attunements be a pioneer of conscious evolution for all humanity.

In future articles I will discuss more about the Schumann Resonance of the Earth and how when her resonant frequency sustains a 13:13 hz vibration, this sets the foundation for a full polar shift of our magnetic North & South poles.


Activating your Pineal Gland-Primordial Cells – Communication Pathway

With your predominant brainwave state of resonance in Theta-Gamma, your Pineal Gland in full resonance through the activation of the Golden Crown Diamond and your Primordial Cells resonating at full potential through sound (210hz) or flow of wave frequencies in harmonic octaves from the core of the Galaxy… something amazing takes place automatically.

When the Pineal Gland-Primordial cell communication pathway ignites, an electromagnectic flow of energy from the Pineal Gland through to the Primordial Cells continually transverses the Hara Line in waves.

With this communication pathway ignited, we have the potential to activate our DNA to higher potentials of use/vibration and embrace a higher level of consciousness.

My Article 4 will discuss how we work with the Pineal Gland-Primordial cell communication pathway to activate our DNA and subsequently attune our DNA’s vibrations in to higher levels of consciousness.

xx Simone





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