For the past couple of weeks I have been immersed in nature, spending time with loved ones and reflecting on the year that was 2016.
I have to admit, part of my mini-sabbatical was due to exhaustion, a feeling of ‘thank goodness 2016 is over’ and a need to get back to basics as we head into 2017 Universal ‘1’ Year in Numerology.
With the beloved planet of communication Mercury moving retrograde, I chose to really dive deep into my Heart of Hearts and reflect on what 2017 means for me, means for YOU and hence means for US as we make the leap into a new nine year cycle (2017 to 2025).
Sharing with you my understanding of the theme for 2017 and how we can weave a NEW STORY into the fabric of our Earthly experience.
But first if I may, let me reflect on what we have learned from 2016.
2016: A year in Reflection
2016 was a Universal ‘9’ year in numerology, the end of a 9 year cycle (2008 to 2016). Thus 2016 heralded a year of completion and deepest reflections on the wisdoms gained/lessons learned over the previous nine years.
I feel sadness and deepest sorrow rising up within me as I reflect on just a few of our global happenings during 2016:
- A polarised, spiteful and deeply dividing US Presidential Election / Brexit
- More devastation in Syria
- Bombings in Paris, Brussels, US, Iraq… and everywhere inbetween
- Mass Shootings eg Orlando
- Uprising of Racism / Hate crimes
- Marriage Inequality (c’mon Australia, get your act together)
- Inhumane treatment of Refugees
- Global Warming, deforestation, dying of our Reefs etc..
- Homelessness, Malnutrition, Starvation
- There is so much more…. but need I go on at this point
As I reflect on the above list, my heart feels heavy with grief.
2016 was a year in which we came face to face each and every day with the narrative of the OLD STORY, the old paradigm, the fear based way of living and being. We were confronted with rage, hate, anger, retribtution and deepest woundings of the people. We were at war with ourselves, at war with each other, at war with life itself.
We felt Individuals pain, we felt the pain of the Earth, we felt the pain of the Collective.
It hurt. It hurt deeply. It is still hurting.
We are better than this…ALL of us are born of LOVE.
So WHY then is the current narrative of our world fueled by fear & separation ?
Is today’s callous disregard of human life and rampant disconnection to Earth and all of her life-forms the new norm ?
Is the fever-pitched despair, frustration and overwhelm of humanity a theme that will carry us into 2017 and beyond ?
I would like to share with you a NEW STORY, a new vision, a new insight into our world. A re-remembering of the threads of ancient wisdom and how we can reweave these strands into a new tapestry, a NEW GLOBAL STORY for Earth.
2017: A year of CHERISHING
Weaving a NEW STORY starts with us, it starts with YOU.
As we step into 2017, I believe we can serve the emergence of this NEW STORY by looking deep within our hearts and holding a greater vision for ourselves, each other and our planet. From this place, the choices we make and the little things we do on a day-to-day basis ALL serve a much greater purpose.
We don’t all need to be front line activists or spiritual teachers to be an effective and joyous part of this NEW STORY. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE of us holds a vital thread, a fundamental fibre of this NEW STORY. All we need do is weave our strands together in united vision and behold our small strands weave into a magnificent tapestry of divine proportion.
How do we do this you may ask ? By becoming conscious of the the choices we make, the small things that we do each and every day. By making choices not from a place of fear (ie ‘I must do this in order to be a good person’ or ‘I have to do this in order to be the change’), but rather making our choices and taking conscious action from a place of LOVE. What does your Heart guide you to do ? What are you called to serve that is greater than you ? What brings you the most joy and how can you share this joy with the world… this is the ‘work’ that weaves the NEW STORY.
Making choices from a place of LOVE means letting go of the dichotomy of the ‘us & them’ mentality, the ‘goodies & the badies’, the ‘I am right & they are wrong’ self-righteous way of viewing the world. All of these states hold us in separation, in fear, in hurt, in pain… they serve only to widen the great divide.
However, making choices from a place of LOVE serves to include, to join, to foster union, to honour the diversity within our unity. We let go of the war against each other, the need to be the better person and prove that we are right and instead we envision something greater than our individual egocentric ideologies. By standing in the shoes of others and emanating compassion through our Hearts, we are seduced to co-create a NEW WORLD that is inclusive, kind, generous and tender of heart.
The NEW STORY of Earth…
So as we enter 2017, a new cycle of 9 years, how best can we begin serving the emerging NEW STORY of Earth ?
I believe we can begin to dream a NEW STORY of Earth into existence by choosing to embody the sacred art of CHERISHING.
The word ‘CHERISH’ means: To hold dear; to feel or show love for; to take good care of; protect; to cling to the idea or feeling of; Webster’s New World Dictionary. To treat with affection and tenderness; The American Heritage Dictionary.
When we CHERISH ourselves, CHERISH each other and CHERISH our Earth we begin to change the narrative of the story and the NEW STORY is dreamed into existence through the power of sacred LOVE.
When we truly CHERISH ourselves, we take good care of ourselves. We nurture and nourish ourselves from the inside out. We choose food that awakens our vitality, work that expresses our unique creativity and kindness, compassion & tenderness form the basis of all of our relationships.
When we CHERISH ourselves, we expand our capacity to be able to bring this gift into the lives of others… and we experience the greatest level of joy and fulfillment through this act of giving. Giving & receiving with others becomes a sacred and most natural dance of life. The OLD STORY of separation, lack, competition and consumerism begins to fall away… and instead we invite an awakened way of living and being through a reunion with each other.
And finally, as we CHERISH ourselves & CHERISH each other… CHERISHING the Earth becomes its own self-fulling prophecy.
We will feel compelled to eat food sourced from sustainable sources, as close to nature as possible and cultivated using practices (eg biodynamic) that gives back to our Earth Mother. We will build our homes from natural materials and furnish our lives with only what we need and ultimately what can easily be returned/recycled to Earth. As our Anger & hatred toward ourselves/each other subsides, so will the ‘heat’ of our planet… and no longer will our beloved Earth be in a state of feverish global warming illness.
In order to step out of the OLD STORY of this world, 2017 is seducing us to fall head over heals in LOVE once again and renew our vows ‘to LOVE, Honour & Cherish’ ourselves, each other and our beloved Earth.
2017 will be a year of making love to life, of slowing down the pace and allowing ourselves to get lost in the intoxicating blissful pleasure of caress, tenderness and sacred union. From this ecstatic union we experience the mystical and collectively we dream a NEW WORLD into existence.
Allow yourself during 2017 to fall back in LOVE again with LIFE, with the simple yet profound beauty of Nature and the living Heart of all things. Simplicity, Kindness & Softness will be what drive us and Grace will lovingly hold us in her arms and breathe us into the sacred tender action.
It 2017, as we enter a Universal 1 year vibration, we are being called to sing the SONG of the NEW EARTH into action. This dream, this vision, the LOVE affair is alive in all of us… it is time to be unleashed, set free and
2017: Your BEST year ever !
I have never been a huge fan of making New Year Resolutions.
When you think about it, you are starting a New Year in state of war against yourself, a battle of good against evil. You are viewing yourself as bad, wrong, deficient… and in need of exerting brute force, pressure, willpower, punishment against yourself (ego) in order to be ‘good’ and achieve a desired goal/outcome that will prove your worthiness.
Defeating the ‘baddie’ in you and finally being a dedicated ‘goodie’ is perceived as the only way to loose that weight, fix that relationship, get that job you want, find that soul mate, live a happy life and be a spiritual elitist.
Is it any wonder then that 95% of all New Year Resolutions fail before the first month of the year is over ! The war against ourselves, against others is part of the OLD STORY… and guess what, the old story is loosing its controlling grip over us… it is no longer the dangling carrot that drives us to sacred action.
As I discussed in my We Stand United Article, the power of the people, the power of the heart and the power of aligned peaceful vision is truly what creates enduring and sacred change. The dance, the song, the joy, the LOVE of the people serves to flourish the greater vision of the NEW EARTH.
So rather than starting the New Year 2017 from a place of separation / limitation… may I suggest you change the narrative of your life for 2017 and simply hold the intention through the HEART of CHERISHING & LOVING YOU !
Start the year by LOVING the present moment. Having gratitude for EVERYTHING in your life. Hugging a friend, drinking in Nature, slowing down and breathing deeply, choosing kindness and practicing the art of compassionate gifting.
From this place of CHERISHMENT (I think I made that word up !), you open to see where your heart is now guiding you. You never know, loving yourself may just shift those pounds of pain. Falling in love with yourself may gift you that ‘effervescent glow’ that attracts a partner of like heart-n-soul. And following your Cherished Heart may open doors of opportunity in your work, more beautiful, more luminescent, more grand than you ever thought was possible.
I see CHERISHING as a reverse way of making our New Year Resolutions or placing our intentions for 2017. Ultimately we make New Year Resolutions in order to find happiness, fulfillment and joy in our lives in the year ahead…. but what about simply starting the year simply CHERISHING all of life and allowing your HEART to lead you into an enlightened 2017 ?
Here are a few of my musings to guide you in falling in LOVE all over again and CHERISHING life itself during 2017… and setting the foundation to make the next 9 years the beginning of a NEW STORY of Earth & YOU:
- FOOD: Savor every mouthful. Eat slowly, delight in the texture, flavour and feel of food in your mouth. Mindfully give gratitude to Earth for all she provides you. Eat with friends. When you eat by yourself light a candle. Treasure the abundance, vitality and lifeforce of food. Let go of regrets or feeling bad for eating that slice of chocolate cake (or two)…. change the narrative and the new narrative will change you. When you CHERISH yourself enough to realise that NO FOOD is EVER off limits… interesting your choices change and you delight and fall in love with the sensuality of food all over again. Food that that nourishes you from the inside out.
- TIME: All of us have the same 24 hours days, yet none of us seem to ever have enough of this commodity called time. For me this is one of my biggest challenges… I have a list a mile long of everything that I want to achieve/do and there simply is not enough time EVER to do it all. Let it go. Let it go. I am singing along as I write this… just been listening to Pentatonix Christmas version of this ‘Frozen’ song (though I know, this is a little out of context here). But seriously, ‘Let it Go’ are very wise words indeed. The OLD STORY has us caught up in ‘have toos’, ‘must have this done by yesterday’, ‘I have to get somewhere, be something, achieve a title in order to prove my self worth and be loved/lovable’. Just LET IT GO. Time is ETERNAL. Choose to use your time in a space of HEART… be it your work, in nature, with family, making love. Only your HEART can really tell the time, make the time and weave the time eternally.
- MONEY: Hands up if you have ever been a slave to this Earthly commodity we call MONEY ? Money in itself is not bad and it does grow on trees after all as it is paper (well we have plastic money here in Australia now, but please humour me on this one). It is our attachment to money and the emotional value/relationship we have to money that creates the problem. If money is a source of stress in your life, then join me for Aetheric Healing eCourse and I guarantee it will change the way you view your life, the world & money.
- NATURE: I haven’t written and of this these bullet point musings in any order, but if I had to, I would have put NATURE at the top of this list. 2017 is the year to RE-WILD yourself. Each and EVERY day listen to the whisperings of the wind, the song of the Earth, the dream of the Oceans and the passionate harmonics of the Sun. Walk barefoot on the Earth, hug a tree and CHERISH the orgasmic caress of goddess nature. The plants, the rocks, the crystals, the animals….everything holds an innate intelligence and talks to you. Let it guide you and bring voice/vision to each and every day. Let the wisdom of the Earth, Nature & Stars guide us in dreaming in NEW STORY.
- RELATIONSHIPS: 2017 is the year to fall back in LOVE. Rather than judge, hold that grudge, feel hurt for being rejected, pine for that unrequited love or feel miserably sad in never finding that elusive soul mate… make 2017 the year that changes the very nature, Heart & story behind ALL of your Relationships including the relationship with YOU. Start by standing in the shoes of another (this could include yourself) and ‘seeing’ their version of the story from THEIR circumstances, beliefs, hurts, experiences and human foibles. From this place compassionate kindness… forgiveness can easily flow. From this place you rewrite the narrative of your life and serve the NEW STORY, a story based on connection.
- DO NOTHING: Yes you read that right, spend time each week (preferrably even each and every day) doing absolutely NOTHING ! No housework, washing to do, emails to send, work to do… all that stuff will still be there tomorrow, it always is ! Schedule NOTHINGNESS. Use this space, CHERISH this sacred time, as an opportunity to simply be and follow whatever your curiosity or CHERISHED Heart bestows. Spend an hour gazing at a flower if you wish, watching the sunset, being dazzled by a bee. Just simply BE. You will surprised how this space awakens something deep within you and gives life & energy to the DREAM within your Heart.
If you feel guided, I ask that you share this ‘2017 Cherished’ article with others… to awaken, inspire, be part of co-creating the NEW STORY of Earth 2017 and beyond (please see the social media sharing tools at the bottom of this page).
I so very much look forward to supporting YOU, our beautiful UniversalLifeTools Community and serving the greater DREAM of a NEW STORY through my Heart during 2017 and beyond.
If you would like guidance in 2017 in the art of CHERISHING… and changing the narrative in one or more areas of your life… then I invite you to join me for my The SOUL of WEALTH Program… and step into the most beautiful vision/version of YOU for this next 9 year cycle.
Inviting you also to a BLESS the WATER on the 1 January 2017 – at 1pm in your own local time. Quietly stand by the Sea, the lake, the river, spring… whereever you have water in your neighborhood and give a blessing the WATER. The water has memory and your respect is a start to help it to regain its vitality ???? Read More >
xx Simone