ENERGETIC WINDOW – 18 to 21 December 2016

ENERGETIC WINDOW – 18 to 21 December 2016

Yesterday we moved into a 4 day ENERGETIC WINDOW between our GALACTIC ALIGNMENT (18 December 2016) and our SOLSTICE (21 December 2016).  Plus… on the 19 December,  MERCURY moves RETROGRADE during this ENERGETIC WINDOW, amplifying its potential.

Please keep reading below to find out more and HOW to make the most of this transformative ENERGETIC WINDOW… especially as we countdown to the end of 2016.

Galactic Alignment – 18 December 2016

grand-alignment-december-2016-lrIn this generation on Earth, during the period of the December Winter/Summer Solstice each year (see below discussion on the Solstice energy), we experience a GALACTIC ALIGNMENT of the Earth, Sun & Galactic Centre in the Astrological Sign of Sagittarius.

This EXACT alignment this year takes place on the 18 December 2016 (see image right, please click on the image to enlarge)… after our SUPERMOON on the 13/14 December.  Though the energy of the GALACTIC ALIGNMENT will be felt for 4 days – right up to the Solstice on the 21 December 2016 (please keep reading down the page for all the details>).

During this time, as discussed in my Aetheric Healing™ eCourse, HUMANITY is positioned in the centre of the GALACTIC EVOLUTIONARY TRIANGLE – a tetrahedron of energy formed by the Earth, Sirius, Alcyone & the Galactic Centre (see diagram below).

This TETRAHEDRON of energy surrounding each and everyone of us seeks to ‘STRUCTURE the WATER’ within our bodies (see diagram below) such that we litterally become walking LIQUID CRYSTALS.

Every cell within our body is thus bathed in this GALACTIC LIQUID CRYSTAL resonance, which in turn ACTIVATES our DNA and ATTUNES (increase in resonance) our genetic potential.

At this time each year, this GALACTIC ALIGNMENT COSMIC BLUEPRINT – formed by Earth, Sirius, Alcyone & the Galactic Centre supports us in stepping into (both individually & collectively) our greater Evolutionary Purpose and helps us to step into the grandest version of the greatest vision that we have ever held for ourselves.

The energy of the GALACTIC ALIGNMENT is also amplified through our Solar Systems transition through the Photon Band/Belt of Alcyone – essentially weaving/birthing ‘The Divine Feminine’ within our hearts, minds and souls.   Read More >

Sunday, 18 December 2016 – 5:47 am PST (USA/Canada)
Sunday, 18 December 2016 – 8:47 am EST (USA/Canada)
Sunday, 18 December 2016– 1:47 pm UTC
Sunday, 18 December 2016 – 11:47 pm AEST (Australia)
Monday, 19 December 2016 – 12:47 am AEDT (Australia)
Monday, 19 December 2016 – 2:47 am NZDT (New Zealand)

Sharing with you a Video demonstrating the Energy of Earth’s Lithosphere (the Earths Crust + Upper part of its Mantle) at around 3 hours after the EXACT Galactic Alignment (approx 5pm UTC).   Looking at the Lithosphere charts from around the world, the Earth was VIBRATING with INTENSE electrical waves as a result of the GALACTIC ALIGNMENT ????


Mercury Retrograde – 19 December 2016

mercury-retrograde-lr-smMercury only takes 88 days to transit around the Sun, whereas Earth takes approximately 365 days… hence at times during Mercury’s transit, from the position of Earth, Mercury appears to be moving backwards (Retrograde) in our skies.  Please read my article on Retrograde Planets to understand more about this phenomenon.

Mercury rules all communications such as computers, phones, travel, electronics and all business/personal communications & documentations.  When mercury moves retrograde and into the darker recesses of our psyche, this may herald a time of misunderstandings, mis-communications, computers & electronics crashing and plans going haywire !  But rather than perceive Mercury Retrograde as a negative time, I prefer to work with the energy as a wonderful ‘inward’ time to attend to all the ‘RE’s’ – ie re-evaluation, re-check, re-pair, re-store and re-calibrate my visions in order to confidently move forward in conscious action when Mercury moves direct.

On the 19 December 2016, MERCURY moves RETROGRADE in the Earth Sign of CAPRICORN, moving direct again on the 8 January 2017 in the fire sign of SAGITTARIUS.

PLUS…. when MERCURY moves Retrograde on the 19 December, it is conjunct PLUTO (dancing together in just over 1 degree in Sag) – making this a very POWERFUL explorative time for YOU.

As we move inward into ourselves during the GALACTIC WINDOW (Galatic Alignment through to the Solstice – 18 to 21 December), the Mercury Retrograde/Pluto conjunt energy, is adding an extra ZING… a supersize INTENSITY to the GALACTIC WINDOW.   The Mercury Retrograde/Pluto conjunt combo is pushing us to look deeply into the darkest recesses of self – our deep inner secrets, our fears, our hurts, our judgements, our pain and do a sort of self-audit, a psychoanalysis.  We are called to take a deep hard look at ALL of the dynamics at play in your life and discover ways of forgiveness, healing and vulnerablity that supports transcendence into our Divine & Sacred Awakened potential.

During this intense Mercury Retrograde/Pluto conjunt in combination with the GALACTIC WINDOW alignment, you may find ALL of your senses are heightened, the veil is thinned, your psychic awareness is enhanced and your dream state to be very intense.

katydid-animal-spirit-meaningThe Ancestors of the Earth, and the collective consciousness fields of the Sirian Beings (7D) and Pleidians (6D) are guiding you during this time… it is a time to listen… use your communicative active LISTENING skills to truly ‘hear’ their whisperings and then be ready and willing to take conscious action as Mercury moves direct on 8 January 2017.

UPDATE… I just had this most AMAZING EXPERIENCE coming into today’s Mercury Retrograde… sharing with you my latest newsletter with all the details.   Read More >

Summer/Winter Solstice – 21 December 2016

solstice-december-21-22Our 4 day ENERGETIC WINDOW  ends on the 21 December Solstice –  Winter Solstice (Northern Hemisphere) and the Summer Solstice (Southern Hemisphere)

The Northern Hemisphere WINTER SOLSTICE marks the LONGEST day of the year, whilst the Southern Hemisphere SUMMER SOLSTICE marks the SHORTEST Day of the year.

Due to the tilt of the Earth (see the diagram right), at our 21 December Solstice, the Arctic Circle (Northern Hemisphere) will experience 24 hours of darkness whereby the Sun does not rise and Antarctica (Southern Hemisphere) will experience 24 hours of light whereby the Sun does not set.

In the SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE, the December SOLSTICE it is a time of celebration, a joyous time to open you HEART and shine your LIGHT and share your LOVE through the Great Exhalation of the Cosmic Breath.  It is a time of JOY, CELEBRATION and DANCE with life as we reach the threshold of peak growth for the year.

In the NORTHERN HEMISPHERE, the December SOLSTICE it is a time of inward reflection, a time to move into our HEARTs and connect with our LIGHT within and breath in the LOVE through the Great Inhalation of the Cosmic Breath.  It is a time of inner NURTURING & REGENERATION in preparation for our emergence into the world as the days gradually grow longer.

On the evening of our 21 December Solstice, consider lighting a candle and honouring the LIGHT of joy, blissful abundance, compassion, peace & kindness.   Take a moment to BREATHE and unify the Solstice Polarity within your HEART.  As we then move into the threshold of a new cycle, it is a time to come together with all humanity through the LIGHT of our LOVE and send a wave of unifying peace through the Crystalline Wisdom Field of our Earth as we step into a NEW YEAR ‘Universal 1’ Cycle in 2017.

Energetic Window – How to Work with the Energy

During our 4 day ENERGETIC WINDOW (18 December to 21 December), I recommend taking time each day to to go with in and connect with the GALACTIC EVOLUTIONARY TRIANGLE – to support you in stepping into your greater Evolutionary Purpose.

We study the GALACTIC EVOLUTIONARY TRIANGLE in depth within our Aetheric Healing™ eCourse, but here are a few principles from our eCourse to help you make the most of the energy over the next few days:

  • aetheric-healing-infinite-intelligenceIn meditation, place your hands in ‘Prayer Position’ over your HEART (see diagram right) and focus on the rhythm of your breath.  Through your breath your Nervous System acts like a tuning fork or antennae picking up the signals of creation; signals that lie not only deep within your DNA but also the frequencies of nature, the Earth, the stars, the planets, through to Galaxies and Universes.
  • Once your nervous system is in deep resonance with the field, you then connect with your Higher-Self to become the observer of your human experience within the boundless expression of the Aetheric Field.
  • Allow the ‘answers’ to flood into your awareness.  Don’t push for the answers, simply surrender and ‘allow’ them to become conscious in their own good time.  It maybe a thought, a vision, an image, a sound, a colour, a symbol… and the ‘insight’ may even come to you in the hours/days after this meditation.
  • Once you have ‘received’ this sacred insight/knowledge, once again in Meditation (with your hands in Prayer Position over your Heart), you then re-pattern your Nervous System to entrain with this NEW state of beingness.   Holding the vision of wholeness, abundance, compassion and kindness from a place self-love…. you retrain your Nervous System to entrain with this LOVE based frequencies in order to transcend the pain, struggle, hurts or hardships within your life.
  • Your neural pathways now radiate this new energy field, which in-turn activates your DNA, changes your cellular functioning, brings your emotional/mental mind into alignment with your I AM Presence and you flow with infinite Soul Potential within the Aetheric Field… as together we transverse through this GALACTIC WINDOW.


xx Simone

















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