Every year, on the 25 July, we come into our Day out of Time on the Galactic Calendar. A space between worlds, a rainbow bridge that connects the past with the potential future in the present moment.
The 13 Moon Galactic Calendar (unlike today’s Gregorian Calendar) calibrates our energy field with the rhythmic cycles of Nature. It is based on the Dreamspell, cosmic code underlying the calendar system of the ancient Maya.
The Calendar is based on 13 Moons (months) each of 28 days, which create a full year cycle of 364 days. Such that the 25 July, is the 365th Day or a ‘day out of time’, and 26th July becomes the 1st day of a New Galactic Year.
Day out of Time falls on the 25 July each year, as it historically relates to Sirius (the ‘Dog Star’) rising with the Sun. Day out of Time is a day for stillness, connection with Eternal Time, honouring ‘Time as Art’. A letting go of a linear passage of HIStory… and be nourished by HERstory, presence, and the eternal NOW.
It’s a day for letting the hardness of life fall away. Sit with her softness. Surrender to her magickal beauty. For me its a day of watching the Sunrise, dirt under the nails, swimming in the ocean, spending time in kitchen alchemy… a few of my favourite things that to me ignite my inner-joy and cherish my ‘time’ her(e) on Earth.
With the Sun now in Leo (beginning its month long transit), Day out of Time is a day to express your radiance – to not be dimmed by the opinions or limitations of others. Its a day of ritual, of reflecting upon the past, bringing the year to a close, and with wisdom & reverence for all you have learnt, stepping into a tomorrow of fresh new beginnings.
Day out of Time is THE most wondrous day to make SHIFTS in your life. Shifts in mindset. Shifts in beliefs. Shifts in who & what you may have thought yourself to be.
If experiencing Life as a Miracle or the Inherent Intelligence of your Body has been hard for you to really grasp in the past, then maybe invite the energy of Day out of Time into your life to help reset & regroup your life. Be the PRAYER in this present moment for who you wish to be in the world.
Then on New Years Day – 26 July – emerge with an awakened sense of clarity, sacred presence & a renewed inner-purpose.
Cosmic Flow
Inviting you to join me for my ONLINE Lightrition your Life Course and learn about Cosmic Flow and cyclical evolutionary patterns of Herstory.
Discover how to merge your mind, your body, your heart, your Soul with Cosmic Time. Awaken to a higher calling and create your life On Purpose.